Im honestly bored at 120 and sick and tired of getting ROFLstomped as Alliance in 95% of BGs. Been thinking about making a Twink but no idea which bracket to stick with. I guess most people have multiple twinks in case queue times get bad. Regardless of bracket or class I choose I will be rerolling Horde. So just have a couple of questions.
1) How are the queue times and which bracket seems to pop the fastest?
2) What are some good classes in each bracket? I used to mess around with a few 19s back when Rogue Ambush could 1 shot and Holy Paladins could practically take on entire teams and live. Also 19 Boomkins were lolz cause all you needed were your DoTs to kill everything that moved. I also think my pre Cata patch SPriest that stacked Mastery wrecked as well. Is there anything similar to that these days? Im kinda leaning towards a new SPriest or maybe a Fury Warrior. I absolutely refuse to play Hunter, just dont find them fun at all although Survival might be fun if they are good in any brackets. My goal is to get Wrecking Ball and finish with as many Kills as possible.
3) How do people usually gear up? I have a second Legion account I could use to run dungeons or old raids if necessary. However I think my max level on it is only 100. I heard Fury Warrior was pretty solid at 110 but I feel like Im gonna need Mythic Antorus loot for a 110 to be viable. Are there guilds or a community that will use 120s or even 110s to run Mythic Ant for gear?
1) How are the queue times and which bracket seems to pop the fastest?
2) What are some good classes in each bracket? I used to mess around with a few 19s back when Rogue Ambush could 1 shot and Holy Paladins could practically take on entire teams and live. Also 19 Boomkins were lolz cause all you needed were your DoTs to kill everything that moved. I also think my pre Cata patch SPriest that stacked Mastery wrecked as well. Is there anything similar to that these days? Im kinda leaning towards a new SPriest or maybe a Fury Warrior. I absolutely refuse to play Hunter, just dont find them fun at all although Survival might be fun if they are good in any brackets. My goal is to get Wrecking Ball and finish with as many Kills as possible.
3) How do people usually gear up? I have a second Legion account I could use to run dungeons or old raids if necessary. However I think my max level on it is only 100. I heard Fury Warrior was pretty solid at 110 but I feel like Im gonna need Mythic Antorus loot for a 110 to be viable. Are there guilds or a community that will use 120s or even 110s to run Mythic Ant for gear?