EU+US A few links of chain weapon

I didnt think the same account could buy from itself from the ah
Increased ilvl for my Warlock from my wand. However, inside BGs I lost ~400 health.
Have yet to try it on my shaman.

Increased ilvl for my Warlock from my wand. However, inside BGs I lost ~400 health.
Have yet to try it on my shaman.


Good to see its still increasing ilvl. And yeah it definitely is not better than the 6% stats that wands give. It'd have to increase your average equipped ilvl to like 100 or something to do that...

Try it over the lily though on the lock. And then on the shaman instead of the mace (or w/e you currently have).
bought one from Purj. Make sure you turn off your "autosell Junk" option if you have that on any addons. After opening a ticket to try to get the item restored, Per a GM, the item CAN NOT be restored as it is a "grey" junk item. bye bye 45k.

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