A change in 'bracketmaster' and the long term future of the 39 bracket.

Bracket masters and bracket managers only difference is that one has a title and one doesn't.

So much initiative in this bracket.
Bracket masters and bracket managers only difference is that one has a title and one doesn't.

So much initiative in this bracket.

you have 2 many titles trying to coverup the fact ur conq
I like the thought. I tried to FC one game with stam bm monk (13k hp). The %20 increased damage just made it really rough to FC as. But it was just one game with 9 dps /shrug. Going to try ele FC next if horde lacks an fc.

I'll be FCing for horde this Saturday so I doubt there'll be need
Also I'd like to see some FCs on alliance. Roula is the only FC i see play, however he quits FCing after losing a few times in a row. It sucks to play FC vs a team with no FC.
is it possible enhance is viewed as so op simply because it was up for so long? Sure, it is quite strong, but on the same tier as bm w/guard and feral? Call me skeptical. Guard seems to be the single most broken thing in the bracket right now.

Another thing to consider that you just reminded me of [mention=17118]backpeddle[/mention] : Constant negativity, complaining, and overall whining tends to beget more of the same. In the case of mop prots i swear one of the main reasons that problem exploded was because of how much people bitched. It pushed people into a corner, they got defensive, and dug in to their prot trench. We all reaped the rewards with a rather prolonged absence of games.

It would be nice to not see that happen again.

ub for president!!!
Is it possible enhance is viewed as so OP simply because it was UP for so long? Sure, it is quite strong, but on the same tier as BM w/guard and feral? Call me skeptical. Guard seems to be the single most broken thing in the bracket right now.

Another thing to consider that you just reminded me of [MENTION=17118]BACKPEDDLE[/MENTION] : Constant negativity, complaining, and overall whining tends to beget more of the same. In the case of MoP Prots I swear one of the main reasons that problem exploded was because of how much people bitched. It pushed people into a corner, they got defensive, and dug in to their Prot trench. We all reaped the rewards with a rather prolonged absence of games.

It would be nice to not see that happen again.

Fair enough.
you have 2 many titles trying to coverup the fact ur conq

Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen

Trueborn Queen of the Andals and the First Men

Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea

Breaker of Chains

The Unburnt

Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdom

Protector of the Realm

Queen of Meereen


The Queen Across the Sea

The Silver Queen

Khaleesi of the Dothraki

Lady of the Seven Kingdoms


First of Her Name

Mother of Dragons
Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen

Trueborn Queen of the Andals and the First Men

Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea

Breaker of Chains

The Unburnt

Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdom

Protector of the Realm

Queen of Meereen


The Queen Across the Sea

The Silver Queen

Khaleesi of the Dothraki

Lady of the Seven Kingdoms


First of Her Name

Mother of Dragons

yeah but end of a day shes just a blonde who smokes pole
Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen

Trueborn Queen of the Andals and the First Men

Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea

Breaker of Chains

The Unburnt

Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdom

Protector of the Realm

Queen of Meereen


The Queen Across the Sea

The Silver Queen

Khaleesi of the Dothraki

Lady of the Seven Kingdoms


First of Her Name

Mother of Dragons

Damn man, that's probably the nicest compliment I've ever received <3

my account, my characters, my time. I'll play whatever class I want.

You see, playing BM so much has already turned you into a fgt who doesnt care about killing 19 other players fun.
I really feel like you're turning people off to the 39s bracket if you start banning Ferals and Guard right away. Once these 2 are gone Enhance will be OP. I for one would like to see some really competent Real IDs/Guild BGs before we start banning anything..Honestly it seems like the solution to everything is "ban that" rather then "lets see how it works when the great players with great communication deal with it on an even playing field".

What the fuck do you care about "turning people off the 39s bracket"?!? You're literally playing the biggest turn-off spec in the bracket, and in your own words "its my time I dont care". I'd rather see 2 or 3 fgts who want to DPS in PROT specs be driven from the bracket, than have 30 or 40 people turned off the bracket by those 2 or 3 fgts playing broken BM.
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You see, playing BM so much has already turned you into a fgt who doesnt care about killing 19 other players fun.

I didn't commit to BM, I have 5 lvl 39s. I just want to make sure every avenue is exhausted before banning specs/classes/CDs. Brewmaster was fun last night., But I think removing Guard will kill the spec. We shall see. I'm sure everyone (not playing BM) will think otherwise.
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What the fuck do you care about "turning people off the 39s bracket"?!? You're literally playing the biggest turn-off spec in the bracket, and in your own words "its my time I dont care". I'd rather see 2 or 3 fgts who want to DPS in PROT specs be driven from the bracket, than have 30 or 40 people turned off the bracket by those 2 or 3 fgts playing broken BM.

Watch the hate words guy!
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I disagree with treating players on your team poorly and trying to insta-kick them because of their class, I mean after all it's random bg's and people want to have fun on their twinks. The only remedy I see for the amount of OP FotM classes on either side regardless of faction is with war-games, implement some rules restricting use of certain specs rather than trying to grief people in pug's. Example: each team can have ONE brewmaster, one disc, one flag carrier, etc.
I disagree with treating players on your team poorly and trying to insta-kick them because of their class, I mean after all it's random bg's and people want to have fun on their twinks. The only remedy I see for the amount of OP FotM classes on either side regardless of faction is with war-games, implement some rules restricting use of certain specs rather than trying to grief people in pug's. Example: each team can have ONE brewmaster, one disc, one flag carrier, etc.

Better to "grief" one player than 1 player griefing 19 others. If it comes to wargames those players will be excluded all together, resulting in 0 games for them. The bracket isn't immortal. If these classes keep it up the bracket will die. 39s are known for their more classy playerbase. Lets grow up here.
Better to not grief at all, shunning specific classes and doing whatever you can to keep players who roll them from having fun in bg's isn't a good way to make new players want to get into 39's.

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