Pretty sure it was Skeezin, Roula, Possibly Saxxon aka Donatello, Vangmaw maybe, and i know at least one other was involved or moreWell, yea, I can see why there was only 5 people in TS. Why should anybody have to put up with that?
I sent a message to a moderator asking if some cleaning up could be done on this thread, it's a shame that a handful of people managed to take it so far off course.
Watch every midfight and see who rolls into everything first. it'll be a BM almost every time standing in the middle of 6 dps. Saying "sync burst" is retarded because people did open hard on the bm rolling in who ranged their healer but guard kept them up through 6 openers and then the healing came in and either the BM rolled out or survived long enough for another guard to be up again but by this time it is a team fight so everybody focusing on a BM who basically doesnt die is pointless so people focus on other classes that syncd dmg does work against. When you have to have your entire teams dps focus 1 class that class needs addressing.
You are ignorant if you think otherwise.
If you think 2 DPS can't kill a BM then you sir are ignorant
Of course if you do not care about the bracket by all means do whatever you want. Just do not act surprised or complain when game nights start ending early and eventually end should things spiral out of control.
Gonna have to say that BM is broken in more ways than guard, honestly. However, I MAY have a solution to a few of our problems. DPS BM specifically is the problem. Now if one were to actually gear like a tank, say stacking stam and armor over agi the dynamic of the class changes entirely. Basically they are still hard to kill, it's true. But said BM then hits like a wet noodle, a slippery one, but noodlie none the less. And that makes them serve the role of FC, which they were always intended (instead of tank AND monster dps). I have one I have been playing with and gearing at 29 and I can tell you it completely changes the class. Haze is still broken as hell, but at least they can't one and two shot folks. Also, the guard becomes no more absorption than a disc priest bubble. if the community decides to ban I'm on board with that, but this might be an alternative. Thoughts?
I really feel like you're turning people off to the 39s bracket if you start banning Ferals and Guard right away. Once these 2 are gone Enhance will be OP. I for one would like to see some really competent Real IDs/Guild BGs before we start banning anything..Honestly it seems like the solution to everything is "ban that" rather then "lets see how it works when the great players with great communication deal with it on an even playing field".