99 tanks


Is there any viability for 99 tanks? I saw a prot pally in the bracket a while back but haven't seen him probably a few months. I was thinking of trying out either the prot pally or the guardian druid as I have both classes in that level range. There are several 99 healers in the works in the guild so I'd like something other than my holy priest to play around with.
Topic reminds me 90 tank NES game. Good old days...

2nd for blood dk, mine is crazy and can keep up with 3 or 4 melee on you. Damage output is quite low (compared to my warrior) but the fact you stay up so long means you still get really good overall damage output. Some of the artifact paths look very good too it can only get better.
Warrior has some stupid amounts of durability as well, just don’t bother to put your artifact ability on your bar lol.

I’d wait to see how pallys change in the future before making one. As someone who has always loved prot and holy pallys, I can’t see playing anything other than ret currently. Holy could be okay, but prot just looks like trash.

No idea about druid.
any class,any spec, any race. you’ll have around 12% better stats in bg’s just from the 4 pieces of 800 gear and your artifact weapon.make sure you have engi as one of your professions and enjoy the most “twinky” bracket the of them all at the moment.

for a tank, im making a BM monk for flag carries. double food buff ftw
This was my post, must have not logged in. Got the druid to 99 and took the guardian artifact earlier, will update once I've got it the gear and tried it out. It looks like the damage isn't too bad since you can go cat affinity and damage in cat form with the tank spec and weapons. That also gives you a little more speed (15%) plus I have the worgen and druid sprints. Figuring out which artifact traits to take looks tough for the druid though.
Im pretty sure a twink tank can be really usefull and fun, i would love to heal a solid tank with my healer. The only downside i can see, if you are solo queing like i do most of the time with my healer, you are more dependable of your group actions / decisions.
I ran my first guardian spec game earlier today as soon as I got my fourth 800 piece. My ilvl is ~730, and my AP is only up to 13 I believe. My 1081khp in the world became 397k in the bg. I was sad it was dropped that much, but with three sprints (not including the speed pot) my flag runs are very fast which I think takes a considerable amount of risk in carrying out. My third flag run I got caught by the horde team and beat on a bit by a twink warrior (at least I believe he was, he was keeping pace with some 99 twinks on our side damage wise, and it seemed like everyone was having issues killing him), with healing and the druid's various damage reductions I was fine. Added bonus, during a hold that went all the way to 15 stacks they dropped my healer and I just battle rezzed them back up (a nice advantage over the pally which was the other I was considering).

I'm waiting on it to be transferred to KM to be with my twink guild right now, will throw up some more updates once I see more advantages/disadvantages on it.
Make sure to use draenor stamina flask before entering BG, they are cheap and easy to make, stam food help a bit, specialy the b.net account wide buffet you buy with pvp token (10%). Just with the flask, my disc priest get 349.5k hp, i see arms warrior with 425hk as well. And yes, warrior are a pain in this bracket and they dont need to be fully geared for it. If you play ally and want a pocket healer, let me know.
I ran my first guardian spec game earlier today as soon as I got my fourth 800 piece. My ilvl is ~730, and my AP is only up to 13 I believe. My 1081khp in the world became 397k in the bg. I was sad it was dropped that much, but with three sprints (not including the speed pot) my flag runs are very fast which I think takes a considerable amount of risk in carrying out. My third flag run I got caught by the horde team and beat on a bit by a twink warrior (at least I believe he was, he was keeping pace with some 99 twinks on our side damage wise, and it seemed like everyone was having issues killing him), with healing and the druid's various damage reductions I was fine. Added bonus, during a hold that went all the way to 15 stacks they dropped my healer and I just battle rezzed them back up (a nice advantage over the pally which was the other I was considering).

I'm waiting on it to be transferred to KM to be with my twink guild right now, will throw up some more updates once I see more advantages/disadvantages on it.

What is your real ID? I got a 98 alli arcane mage, would like to try in BGs with you. Don’t know the difference between 98 and 99, though I’m sure 99 is better and I might level my 98 after patch unless for some weird reason 98 becomes only way to farm AP thru nelth because of the way they will nerf stats and only 98s survive. I know it’s a stretch but it’s a real fear of mine
real ID is omega#1452

I'm working on getting the greater draenor stamina flask right now, my 99 priest is an elixir master. Didn't think of getting it ahead of time so I have to wait a few days to get the crafted books to buy the greater version of the recipe.

Im pretty sure a twink tank can be really usefull and fun, i would love to heal a solid tank with my healer. The only downside i can see, if you are solo queing like i do most of the time with my healer, you are more dependable of your group actions / decisions.

This is very true. Solo queing in my healer I usually don't mind it but the druid is...not great without a healer lol. I still prefer my holy priest but we have several 99s leveling in guild or on alts of guildies and there are several healers among them. I wanted to make something else for when we have several 99 healers at once and was just curious to try tank. I think reading the artifact traits the pally would do much better solo que but I think the druid would be better in groups with a healer. That battle rez would make a strong healer and tank a deadly combo because they'll have to break the healer twice.

the druids are also pretty awesome at flag spinning in gilneas/ab and such because of swipe and thrash. Getting feared off the flag seems to be the best method of neutralizing the druid. The sprints (and even skullbash) can help you get back in time though. The damage is not great, even in cat (though to be fair, i'm new to feral) but I can kill drop some of the non twinks pretty easy in cat, shifting into bear for frenzied regen if needed.

Only 397k? thats quite low compared to a friend of mine whos playing 99 resto and has like 500k hp in bearform

This is because of how blizzard designed the ipvp scaling. Its designed to balance stats based on spec and form you should be in for that spec. So the restos hp is balanced for a non shape shifted form while a tank druid is balanced to bear form. This causes resto's to have higher hp than tanks in bear and as far as I know that happens in every bracket. I can personally confirm it happens at 19 and 99. While they have extra hp, they lack the defensive cool downs.
@Veechard Why should only 98s survive and not 99 aswell?

Any number of reasons.

Say they take away ability of getting art weap at 98, and 99+ get scaled down to where even with gear you need a grp to kill shit. And then overlook 98s, because you need to be 99+ to start legion anyway, so they wouldn’t expect someone to be 98 in legion content

Kinda hard to explain but who knows
use crafted stam food(187) instead of the pvp purchased ones. if you dont die, you keep the buff after the bg and into the next.
Any number of reasons.

Say they take away ability of getting art weap at 98, and 99+ get scaled down to where even with gear you need a grp to kill shit. And then overlook 98s, because you need to be 99+ to start legion anyway, so they wouldn’t expect someone to be 98 in legion content

Kinda hard to explain but who knows

Why should they scale down gear on 99 and not in lvl 98 aswell. When itemsquish is coming current 740 gear will be ilvl 150 and 746 will be 152 . I dont get your point why 98 should be still good and 99/101 not. We dont have any experiences til today how are perform in bfa
Blood dks are amazing at 99. I've solo'd 6-8 guys at once. Just when they're about to get you vampiric blood comes off cd :p don't be afraid to use it early. It's a relatively short cd. I went right and down to the bottom golden dragon trait on my artifact. Putting points in the blood plague trait now, though the left side with increased duration to dancing rune weapon and then a second copy of rune weapon seems pretty sexy for bursting down healers. I would need 20 points to get those traits at this point :p Single target damage is weak and will take a while to kill a class with good self heals, but we have great pressure in big fights. Dots on everyone and blood boil. Healers can't keep them all alive. tons of tools to keep a healer on lock down. When your brain freeze is on cd, you still have two grips and a stun to interrupt the healer, then brain freeze is usually off cd again. If you pick up the talent to slow people in your death and decay and reduce timer on grasp, you can really cause some havoc with the other team. Gripping them all into a slowed gauntlet of death :p it's great fun. And they are great counters to those fury twinks in this bracket that are blowing most other classes up.
Why should they scale down gear on 99 and not in lvl 98 aswell. When itemsquish is coming current 740 gear will be ilvl 150 and 746 will be 152 . I dont get your point why 98 should be still good and 99/101 not. We dont have any experiences til today how are perform in bfa

Not arguing that, but maybe with how the health difference between mobs at 98 to mobs at 99 and the fact item level is so close, 98 will be better for AP farming

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