95 tastyfish, no hat!

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i had no help and i fished up 95 tastyfish as a level 16...

how many tasty'd does it "usually" take for a hat?
it'll come if you don't want it...kinda wierd
you must be new here
make sure, next time you make a thread for bragging, that it's actually something to brag about

95 fish is nothing special at all
if you catch a Keefer's Angelfish before you have caught 1k tasty fish, consider yourself fortunate. Its random. Could be your first cast in STV ever, could be 1 year of fishing before you finally get one. GL.


If catching 95 is too much for you to handle, might I suggest doing the fishing dailys in either SW or Org and trying for the Weatherbeaten hat instead. Its noob stats wise, but, its probably less time consuming.
I have been fishing for atleast 1 year now on my priest, no hat. Closed that account for this moment and got my skill on my paladin up today on another account to fish and i got my hat... :mad:

Its all about luck. You can catch a keefers within a few minutes from 14:00 or even in your last minute at 15:59. Its totally random these days. I usually fish up around 200 tastyfish and ive opened a shoe store with free fishing line if you buy one :)
also depends on what your fishing is.

all my twinks were lvl 300+ before i even tried to fish.

and ive been 100% successful.

so maybe its your fishing level.
i heard someone say you can't be in a group? so if i get a body guard next week, can we stay in the same group?
ofc you can, but who needs a guard for fishing these days? There are like 3 or 4 mobs wich you can aggro at certain places :) And still you can find a place arround these tasty pools where you wont aggro most of these mobs.
First cast on a lvl 10 non twinked rogue and I get hat, second cast i get boots something like 30 fish later i get the line. Then my account got hacked... I lose.
Fishing level doesn't increase your chance to catch the hat, all it does is reduce the chance of catching grey items. If you have 250 or better fishing you shouldn't catch any greys and any fishing skill over that is not improving your chances. Back on topic, if you're catching under 160 fish a week, you're doing something wrong.
Grody1 said:
Fishing level doesn't increase your chance to catch the hat, all it does is reduce the chance of catching grey items. If you have 250 or better fishing you shouldn't catch any greys and any fishing skill over that is not improving your chances. Back on topic, if you're catching under 160 fish a week, you're doing something wrong.

1, pvp server. before anyone wins the tourney, i cannot do a lot. 85's with epic flying mount=jerks.

2, i had no body guard.

if you don't mind, let me know your "fishing route" for 160 per week.

here is the map

Speckled Tastyfish - Item - World of Warcraft

91 nodes in south STV and 51 nodes in north.
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