Outdated Armories to consider deleting because of no value helping others gear, never updated or leveled. "Work in progress" for months unless specified in parentheses. Really just ideas to fine tune and update armory
Blood Death Knight
(91) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Ånnathrax
(99) US - Mannoroth - Horde - Dranochugger
Frost Death Knight
(91) US - Uldum - Alliance - Cátálýst
(91) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Parama
(99) US - Doomhammer - Horde - Mërc
(99) US - Illidan - Horde - Protienshake (POSTED TWICE)
Guardian Druid
(99) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Kittycutie (Actually Feral)
Restoration Druid
(90) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Aguthon (Nothing special full s13 gear)
(99) US - Garrosh - Horde - Líq
(90) US - Altar of Storms - Horde - Krackles
Balance Druid
(98) US - Saurfang - Alliance - Raestodrood
Marksman Hunter
(98) US - Darkspear - Alliance - Thizzmatic (POSTED TWICE)
(96) US - Frostmane - Alliance - Asheville
Frost Mage
(91) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Tempestuous
Fire Mage
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Doompigeons
Protection Paladin
(90) US - Tichondrius Horde - Pøpmybubble
(90) US - Hellscream - Alliance - Grimbarbs (NOW HOLY and level 92)
(90) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Yeerell
Retribution Paladin
(99) US - Mal'Ganis - Horde - Holyhaste (NOW PROTECTION)
Sub Rogue
(99) US - Malfurion - Alliance - Alisii
Resto Shaman
(93) US - Kael'thas - Alliance - Beyønce
Enhancement Shaman
(99) EU - Argent Dawn - Alliance - Toklu
Destro Lock
(90) US - Alleria - Alliance - Sofcuked
Affliction Lock
(99) US - Aerie Peak - Alliance - Felbreeze
Prot Warrior
(92) US - Magtheridon - Alliance - Grimrage
Fury Warrior
(94) US - Emerald Dream - Horde - Badaxe
Blood Death Knight
(91) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Ånnathrax
(99) US - Mannoroth - Horde - Dranochugger
Frost Death Knight
(91) US - Uldum - Alliance - Cátálýst
(91) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Parama
(99) US - Doomhammer - Horde - Mërc
(99) US - Illidan - Horde - Protienshake (POSTED TWICE)
Guardian Druid
(99) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Kittycutie (Actually Feral)
Restoration Druid
(90) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Aguthon (Nothing special full s13 gear)
(99) US - Garrosh - Horde - Líq
(90) US - Altar of Storms - Horde - Krackles
Balance Druid
(98) US - Saurfang - Alliance - Raestodrood
Marksman Hunter
(98) US - Darkspear - Alliance - Thizzmatic (POSTED TWICE)
(96) US - Frostmane - Alliance - Asheville
Frost Mage
(91) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Tempestuous
Fire Mage
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Doompigeons
Protection Paladin
(90) US - Tichondrius Horde - Pøpmybubble
(90) US - Hellscream - Alliance - Grimbarbs (NOW HOLY and level 92)
(90) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Yeerell
Retribution Paladin
(99) US - Mal'Ganis - Horde - Holyhaste (NOW PROTECTION)
Sub Rogue
(99) US - Malfurion - Alliance - Alisii
Resto Shaman
(93) US - Kael'thas - Alliance - Beyønce
Enhancement Shaman
(99) EU - Argent Dawn - Alliance - Toklu
Destro Lock
(90) US - Alleria - Alliance - Sofcuked
Affliction Lock
(99) US - Aerie Peak - Alliance - Felbreeze
Prot Warrior
(92) US - Magtheridon - Alliance - Grimrage
Fury Warrior
(94) US - Emerald Dream - Horde - Badaxe