70 Twink Guilds

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Note, Theres a new 70 guild on Grim Batol named <HOW FAST A MOUNT COSTS> its a 70 PvP guild with both Rank 1 in 2s (2356 Rating) and rank 1 in 3s (2633 Rating) the other one <Ancient Twinks> is dying cuz of inactivity or recruitment from this new guild :)
I'm here sadly to announce that Still Not Prepared is breaking away from 70's and moving onto 80's. Since are Gm drillbur left, the guild has gone down the hill and clans within the guilds are breaking out, it's the bloods versus the crips pretty much. 70's will still be in the guild. but nightly 70 raids have stopped for good ti'll the 70 activity picks up.
Thanks for the information Lokah. I will remove the guild. If activity picks up again, please give me a notice :).
Stuck in BC - Firetree US Alliance

Fairly new twinking guild looking for more active members to join us, we are going to start forming an rbg group and start running more arena teams and organized pvp. We also try to raid weekly to help people gear up, etc.

Here is a link to the guild: Stuck in BC @ Firetree - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Send me ingame mail for invite! :)
*We Shadowmeld Sap*
Bronzebeard EU

Been going on for a while, level 5 guild. Atleast 50 active 70's.

Leader: Thry
General: Bemous
Officer: Myself [Rivalx] Skype: Rivaldesigns

Contact one of above if interested in joining.
1800 - 2.3k Players.
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