70 Twink Guilds

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Good to see a decent thread up, RNG Gaming is doing very well looking for a few more members for the RBG Roster.

Due to the mass ammount of level 70 twinks out there we have put requirements on joining the guild, this helps pushing out the passers by and the 70s who just boost up to level 70 to get a quick thrill.

Requirements to join.

- 2.2k+ Personal Rating in Any Arena Bracket. (on the twink you are applying with, this is dependant on the class your applying with.)
- Attendance... While we understand not everyone can maintain 100% attendance, we expect all of our members to have atleast an attendance of 70%. We also expect our members to notify us, should something appear which prevents them from attending an event.
- In order to maintain high standards, we require all of our players to understand their class inside out, meaning even the slightest increase in performance must be done (theorycraft etc).
- A good if not BiS gear set.
- Both Professions Maxed out or as close to as possible.
- Speak and Understand good English.
- Working Mic with Skype/Ventrilo. We don’t need players who aren’t capable of using a microphone, communication is crucial for success.

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Heads up, Retro of Thrall is essentially dead in the water.

Stuff relating to kayble/punk/jazz/vocalz, aka Pat, The GM, essentially caused a mass exodus from the guild, followed by a massive cleaning of the guild roster, which consisted of him g-kicking over 300 people. It's rare to see more then 2-3 people on in <Retro> at once nowadays.

Didn't see it mentioned, So figured i'd put this out there.
Yes, I read there was some fuss about the guild here. Do you know if that other guild Caliber is a bit active? Their roster doesn't seem to indicate a lot of guild activity. It's the start of the week though, so maybe I should just wait a couple of days and check if it gets active.

Thanks for mentioning it again. I removed Retro from the list.
Caliber *is* Retro, Just under a new name, As are the GM's characters, This is punk/pat/kayble/kable/vocalz, etc ----> Virason @ Thrall - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

I'm guessing the name(s) have been changed to avoid being appreciated with retro's horrible reputation, Or something. Name-change happened a while after i left, And those i do know in the guild are staying just to finish their reputation. It's a pain in the patookus getting exalted @ 70.

New guy here looking to expand his experience in the lvl 70 pvp bracket. Me and 2 other buddies are looking for transfer servers with our 70s. My 2v2 team is Try It and my guy is Tigglits and my friend is Lêxi -Frost mage/holy pally mix. We have just started getting into arenas and yet to have a tase of those Rated Battleground fights. I see that Nerd Cleave seems very active with many 70s and I am wondering if you guy have been queueing up much in RBG's?

Tigglits: Tigglits @ Shu'halo - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Lêxi: Lêxi @ Shu'halo - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

We may need a few item changes (I know I do) and currently working on professions. Is there possible room for us to join your team? I have tons of healing experience in bg's as I level 10-70 basically all bg's and 99% as holy. Please take a look at our armory and let us know what you guys think.

I'll try contacting them ingame later this week. I just want to experience those darned rated bg's! My server is not pvp orientated at all and can hardly get enough active 70s to team with. Random bg's are starting to irritate me so hopefully I can get a hold of them :)

I am looking for an active level 70 twink guild who does both PvP and PvE, faction does not matter altough I have only leveled alliance characters before. My account is currently not active but it will be when finals are over.
I already have a BiS for PvP Resto shaman, Disc Priest, a Rogue, a Paladin and a Hunter (only the Rshaman is BiS) on alliance side on Shattered Hand-Eu. I do not have raiding experience past AQ40 in vanilla but I like to think I have a brain so I catch on quickly. I also do not have alot of arena experience but I'd like to work on this ( I did not find a suitable partner on my Shaman)

I will not pay for a character transfer but I am willing to level another character to level 70, probably another shaman. Any leveling buddies would be nice ofcourse :)
Please contact me if you are looking for some reinforcements, you can also include which class or role you need and I might consider them.

Kind regards,
He is from Europe (Shattered Hand- EU). Ravencrest/Silvermoon/Outland would be good options for alliance for PvP.
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Double post inc.

Removed some guilds if the guild:

- was inactive (less than 4 active 70s in the guild)
- got disbanded

The following guilds got removed this way:

TEAM Lethal @ Shattered Hand - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/illidan/Rest N Pieces/
Resilience @ Mok'Nathal - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Touch my Portal @ Frostmane - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Exigence @ Anvilmar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

If your guild got removed and activity picks up again, let me know. I'll re-add it to list. If you want your guild to stay on the list even though it is inactive, let me know.
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