7-6 | Alliance vs Horde Sunday Wargames | NEW THREAD because of TI data-loss!


European Alliance vs Horde Wargames​
This Sunday at 19:00 CET / Realm-Time
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Notes and Changes << NEW EVERY WEEK! READ THIS!
The TwinkInfo-servers suffered some technical difficulties last night and the website has now jumped back to what it was last Sunday at noon (12:00 CET). The new thread I made for the 7-6 on Monday has thus disappeared and I'm now trying to remake it to the best of my memory.

As you all know it has always taken a long time to get the wargames started, because realm-phasing is one tricky bitch. This made for a lot of trouble as we were trying to get the leaders of the two teams to meet each other in-game to start the wargames. This week we will be using a new and improved technique though, one that is tested and guaranteed to make the games start A LOT faster than before, because we're completely taken realm-phasing out of the equation. We will basically be ready to go as soon as everyone is grouped up thanks to ArenaLive, so make sure to show up in time!

New players who haven't played in these wargames before are very welcome! Every week new faces show up to play and I don't think anyone has ever regretted participating.

We will still be using Skype this week because I want everyone to see how smoothly things will go from here on, but I'm thinking of having the voice-communication take place on Mumble next week. Still unsure about this though, let's see.​

General Information
The Wargames will start at 19:00 CET if everything goes as planned, but everyone should be logged onto their characters and ready to go at 18:55 CET.
At 19:05 CET we will start filling up the slots of those who aren't online with reserve-players and whoever else is interested in playing.
If you don't show up and haven't posted in this thread by 19:05 CET to let people know you're not coming, then you can't get a secured slot in the next event and will have to sign up as a reserve.

We will be playing Arathi Basin instead of Warsong Gulch if there are twelve or more people signed up on both the Alliance and Horde team (not counting reserves). The FC-slot will be replaced with a DPS-slot, and the amount of healer-slots will be increased to four per team if we're playing Arathi Basin.

Everyone is expected to be using Skype, but you don't need to talk if you don't want to. Just listening to the ones who are talking is OK.
If there are more people interested in playing than there are slots, then the people who aren't joining the Skype-call for the Wargames will be marked as reserves and switched out for people who do join Skype.

If you aren't sure of whether or not you will be available, or for whatever other reason want to sign up as a reserve-player; you can.
Reserve-players will not suffer a penalty for not showing up without posting here, but are still recommended to do so if possible.​

  • Only weapons, armor, and enchants that are or have been obtainable by unlinked Starter-accounts are allowed (meaning no Guild-Heirlooms).
  • No usable items such as toys, potions, elixirs, food that gives buffs, and so on. Bandages are the exception to this rule and can be used if they are of Mageweave or lower quality.
  • Only Guardian Druids signed up as the FC and Restoration Druids can use Ferocious Bite.

Class and Specialization Restrictions
  • No more than two players of the same class on the same team.
  • No Feral Druids.
  • No more than one Arms Warrior, one Balance Druid, and one Monk DPS per team.
  • Any player who is specialized (talented) for healing must be listed as that role (meaning, for example, no Restoration Druid DPS', FCs, etc.).

A player might get dropped for a player of another class or specialization in order to foster diversity. I will for example try not to place two Discipline Priests on the same team (so sign up as Holy if there already is a Discipline Priest in your faction's roster!).

Exceptions can be made if we're low on players. Getting a full 10v10 wargame is the top priority.​

The rules and restrictions are subject to change. Feel free to come with suggestions.

How To Sign Up
To sign up you simply have to reply to this thread with a comment following a format similar to this one:

Character Name - Role (can be more than one) - Specialization (can be more than one) - Realm & Faction
Pleya - DPS - Frost Mage - Magtheridon Alliance
Pleya - DPS - Frost Mage - Aggramar Horde

Please note that you MUST include a link to the armory-page of each character signed up.

You can and are encouraged to specify which class or specialization you would prefer playing.
You can sign up as many characters as you want, just make sure that they are well geared.
You can sign other people up.

AllianceNameSpec & ClassHordeNameSpec & Class
FCGoesidPro-War / Gua-DruFCRasjahGuardian Druid
HealerQuickhealzDiscipline PriestHealerLankypussMistweaver Monk
HealerYeahbeachDiscipline PriestHealerSpirielRestoration Shaman
HealerHealerImßruceDiscipline Priest
DPSBjörkeBalance DruidDPSKondorDestruction Warlock
DPSSharpéMarksmanship HunterDPSMolBalance Druid
DPSBadpakMarksmanship HunterDPSCripzBloodArms/Fury Warrior
DPSReplayhArms WarriorDPSOlltMarksmanship Hunter
DPSLuckieeWindwalker MonkDPSPLEYAFrost Mage
DPSTryptozzarDem/Des WarlockDPSparanoiRetribution Paladin
DPSDPSZek0zSurvival Hunter

AllianceNameSpec & ClassHordeNameSpec & Class
HealerLeverageDiscipline PriestDPSLeverageMultiple Characters
DPSLennywArms WarriorDPSAlbinoCowElemental Shaman
DPSGalcianxRetribution PaladinHealerGuglielmoDiscipline Priest
DPSGalcianxMultiple Characters
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I know I missed at least one person who had already signed up. Can anyone tell me who?
Last time I checked the old thread was yesterday afternoon, could everyone who posted here after that please post again.

Also, could everyone who signed up with more than one character please re-link their characters so that I can find them when I'm trying to balance the rosters, thanks.
[MENTION=16240]Goesid[/MENTION] [MENTION=15433]Björke[/MENTION] [MENTION=22185]Leverage[/MENTION] [MENTION=14809]Lankypuss[/MENTION] [MENTION=18460]Spiriel[/MENTION] [MENTION=17383]Mol[/MENTION] [MENTION=21934]Tryptozzar[/MENTION]
Looks nice so far. Wasnt Lenny available? Set replayh to rshaman then :) i want teh shear battlez^^

I just filled the last Alliance healer spot with someone who I was informed had signed up yesterday, but I will try to fit Lenny somewhere.


Do you have any other characters on EU, Lenny? Or could you maybe play Fury or Protection FC?


There are already two Hunters and three Healers on the Alliance roster.
What else could you play, man? Maybe Elemental Shaman, BM flag carrier, Rogue, Fury, Protection flag carrier, or Horde? ;)


Hm just saying that Horde now has 2 cc-classes and alliance no dispel but double disc who can be cced 24/7. but still lots if time :) no biggie atm i guess

True dat. Thanks for pointing it out, but wait until Saturday/Sunday. I don't put too much thought into comps until then because I have to more or less rethink everything every time a new person is added to the roster. It's easier for me to just figure it out once I have as much information as possible to work with.

True dat. Thanks for pointing it out, but wait until Saturday/Sunday. I don't put too much thought into comps until then because I have to more or less rethink everything every time a new person is added to the roster. It's easier for me to just figure it out once I have as much information as possible to work with.
GJ PLEYA. I am sure youll manage to group these wargames as you did last weeks.
From now on I won't attend any Wargame that has @Badpack on the rooster. What happened again? This kid enters bg's just to learn jumps. He doesn't actually play the game.

PS: If you really care so much about your retarded jumps, get your friends, do/wargame an practice there as long as you want to. Don't join regular BG's to fuck games for ppl that actually want to play and eventually win.
From now on I won't attend any Wargame that has @Badpack on the rooster. What happened again? This kid enters bg's just to learn jumps. He doesn't actually play the game.

PS: If you really care so much about your retarded jumps, get your friends, do/wargame an practice there as long as you want to. Don't join regular BG's to fuck games for ppl that actually want to play and eventually win.

Since the ban he got, I ran into him in many WSG's and he hasn't glitched once so I think it would be your loss if you don't attend :)
Since the ban he got, I ran into him in many WSG's and he hasn't glitched once so I think it would be your loss if you don't attend :)

Maybe a loss considering others. But when i'm thinking of him, I don't see it as a loss tbh. Don't want to team up with such types. Anyway, gl and hf ;)
This discussion ends now.

I don't want people getting called out in the wargame threads, that makes for a really negative atmosphere. People doing serious exploits in pubs will from now on be banned from the wargames, but if they stop then they will get to play again. If you want to report someone then send me a PM.

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