60's Armory List

How up-to-date is this? Resputin would be my best guess for a BiS ench shaman, but does anyone know of a BiS ench shaman with vanilla-gear only?
How up-to-date is this? Resputin would be my best guess for a BiS ench shaman, but does anyone know of a BiS ench shaman with vanilla-gear only?

Khorius probably is but yeah he doesn't play his twink at all, I can ask him to equip his enhancement gear.
Eh nevermind, since he hasn't logged his shaman since like, WotLK he hasn't gotten any of the new enchants, or updated anything. Maybe he still has some unobtainable enchants left though, like the cloak one. I'll ask him either way :p
Alright, thank you :) I'll gather some of the gear Resputin got equipped in the meanwhile. It looks like most of it still is beating any other.

Would you suggest focusing on getting as much agi as possible, or should i stack some crit perhaps?
[MENTION=9769]Vánie[/MENTION] Thanks, So few people with it. I really like it.
You have also got some nice 60s there <3
I'm a french player, my different characters Twinks 60:

Paladin 7/9 T3 :: Sulfuras & Thunderfury :: Xmog Bug Item Naxxramas :
Ðamn @ Drek'Thar - Communauté - World of Warcraft

Warrior 4/9 T3 :: Sulfuras & Thunderfury :
Ðawn @ Drek'Thar - Communauté - World of Warcraft

Rogue 8/9 T3 :
Åros @ Stormscale - Communauté - World of Warcraft

Priest :: Benediction/Anathema :
Ïl @ Drek'Thar - Communauté - World of Warcraft

Paladin :: Xmog R14 possible :: Old ZG Items, Shield heal, T2 enchant Zul'Gurub :
Laecrus @ Eldre'Thalas - Communauté - World of Warcraft

Sorry for my bad english, je parle mieux le Français! :D
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