So i am having an awesome time on my ret, but I am lv55, I dont do anything with any communities, I just enjoy finding fun twinks and hitting lv55 on ret, allowed me to really fill out the talent tree, with FInal Reckoning and DIvine Toll etc. I miss a bit of DoT damage etc compared to lv80s but nothing stays alive that long anyways. So at 55 i basically have my lv80 rotation.
I slap, hard, im using Mythic Nya Gear for the Azerite peices only, my HOA is lv78, il finish it to 80 today, essences are crap, so thats my farm now.
I dont use the ooze thing, is it worth that much? i know it was crazy hard at low level but ive not tried it higher.
i run with Irideus Fragment for the insane Burst with Final Reckoning every 3 mins and hunger of the pack from Halls of Valor, as it gives nice str/crit and a juicy % to movement speed per kill. 114 base speed and 132 after each kill, im tempted with Rivendare Epic sword for more movement speed and 3k Hp/5 baseline.
il be keeping mine 55 mid way, because the scaling on the gear gets insane as u go from 50-60 and being 60 the azerite pieces would be ilvl278 vs normal gear at like 332 compared to normal gear being 294 at lv55.
If you hunt through the dungeon Journal as well you can see that there are deffo BiS slots, that give you more value per item, for example the last item i have to hunt is "Greaves of the Martyr" from Old Hillsbrad Foothills, cuz they give u 3 sockets along with very similar secondary stats in the form of crit/haste as every other leg peice, so its basically just 3 extra sockets for free!
I thought about 60 but from what i can see, the Legendary crafts dont scale up i havent tested but you buy the base pieces at like ilvl 235 or something i cant remember now. but its guna be massively down compared to 332 gear by default.
I havent tested yet if the perks of the Shadowlands trees work outside of shadowlands, i know the Azerite doesnt work in there, so thats a bit annoying.