5.3 = P2P's became much more powerful relatively to F2P's


In 5.2, a good F2P PUG (a PUG with no bad players, and 3-4 good players) could routinely beat an enemy team with 2-3 bad 24s, and could often beat a team with up to 5-6 bad 24s (provided you had enough healers :) ).

In 5.3 it's no longer the case.

The gap between F2Ps and P2Ps is much wider now. (Contrary to the popular belief, and despite gear scaling and hit fix).

Overall the games are now quicker, more exciting and more vivid. But "pay to win" became much more pronounced. Both things are probably in-line with Blizzard goals.
let's see how many F2P-restricted P2Ps will go back to using p2p enchants.

The gap between F2P and P2P is wider now, and this may be too much of a temptation to many of them.
I don't see anything to prove this statement, just your blind-sighted hatred of 24s.

Give me some kind of prove and I'll shut up.
Just to add to many of those that disagree with the OP:

How has 5.3 made the gap between BiS level 20 P2Ps and BiS F2Ps wider than in previous patches? Sure, level 20s are that much stronger due to gear scalings now, but what gains did level 20 P2Ps get from 5.3 that F2Ps didn't get?
healing was nerfed (both directly by the factor of 1.4, and indirectly by nerfing resil).

as a result:
in 5.2, a good F2P healer or hybrid could confront any p2p

in 5.3, even a badly skilled p2p can kill any F2P 1vs1

a convincing illustration of this for me personally was today, when a 24 rogue (not gonna name him, but he is a famously badly skilled rogue) easily killed me. While in 5.2, I dueled him a zillion times on my hybrids, and killed him every single time without exceptions.

A simple test. How many times your f2p PUG won against a team with 2-3 24s? Myriad of times.

Did you ever win against a team with 6 24s, with zero p2p's in your team?? You most probably did, quite a few times. Let's see whether this happens often in 5.3. I assert that such victories will become much, much rarer.
the above test is a direct proof

an indirect proof is this: I assert, that many f2p-restricted p2p's will go back to unrestricted p2p badness (and will play their f2p's much less frequently, if at all).
soskanky, i agree. That was just just an illustration. The proof is the likelihood of "f2p PUG wins against 6 24s." This was hard, but doable in 5.2.
rsq - if you can give me the statistics for "f2p pug wins against 6 24's" and "f2p pug wins against 3 24's" in 5.2. (All I know is that the latter was very frequent, and the former happened quite a few times, but I obviously don't remember how many times exactly).

Then I will do the job of collecting similar statistics for 5.3.
My experience conflicts with yours. Sure heals got nerfed and damage got a buff but EVERYONE got affected by it, not just 20s. You can't expect a hybrid to be an ubertankhealsdps anymore like in 5.2, they are back in their place with a moderate amount of each (or closer to it rather). Its rather late here for me, so pardon if I didn't understand what your getting at but I feel massively buffed on all my toons.
Swoops, that's interesting.

Let's think how we can scientifically test, whether the gap between f2p and p2p became wider or narrower.

The best statistics would be as I described above. But no one bothered collecting that statistics in 5.2, so it's too late now...

The best I can think of now, is your wins ratio. Provided that you don't afk the lost battles (like many people do). And that you don't change your grouping behaviour. And that you are quite skilled already (so that your skill does not improve much over the course of testing). The same with gear.

If we had 10-15 f2p chars record their statistics NOW. (this will be the final snapshot for 5.2). And then we can see 1 month later, whether it changed or not. Ideally, we would also need the same data from 10-15 p2p's.
Game right now is more geared toward DPS burst. The team that focuses DPS, calls out targets will destroy more and probably be the BG winners. I suppose P2Ps with their enchants have more DMG. P2Ps also premade more hence the coordination etc.

Resilience gone from gear will probably make a come back to help counter the DPS. FCs are going down fast now.

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