5.2 Thread


Having people post in 6 different threads at the same time gets confusing..


1) Stats
-Buggy stat scaling
-Hit nerf
-Crit nerf
-Hp buff

-BoAs do scale
-BoA pvp trinket
-BoA off hand
-no BoA shields
-no lvl 21+ eq

3) PvP
-Comparison 20-24
-F2P balance
-wargames not affected

4) Abilities
-buffs/nerfs --> Thread
-no lvl 21+ abilities

5)Reputation through instances

6) Dark Moon Faire
-Reputation hat?
-New BoA on DMF?

7) Other
-Screenshot Thread
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I am experiencing that my Hunter have started to miss spells in BGs vs other 20s, eventhough I am hitcapped for 20s. My conclusion is that we will need as much hit as a 24 do..

edit: says I have 0 hit and 0 haste on armory... have haste trinket x2 + "wild"-belt...
1 more thing...

my Firebane cloak still has the 5 to all resistances AND it still has the 1 resist enchant i put on it

so i dunno.Keeshans bandana did get nerfed through
My personal Changes....

DPS Set Before / DPS Set After / Change

1571 HP / 1833 HP / 262
115-154 damage / 120-158 damage / 5-4
49.79 dps / 50.76 dps / .97
343 AP / 362 AP / 19
2.7 Speed / 2.73 Speed / .03
7.37% Haste / 6.18% Haste / 1.19%
4.29 Regen / 4.24 Regen / .05
5.96% Hit / 4.47% Hit / 1.49%
17.3% Crit / 8.79% Crit / 8.51%
23.33% Dodge / 20.68% / 2.65%

PvP Set Before / PvP Set After / Change

1711 HP / 1983 HP / 272
110-147 damage / 119-160 damage / 9-13
44.34 dps / 47.98 dps / 3.64
322 AP / 345 AP / 23
5.96% Hit / 4.47% Hit / 1.49%
21.04% Crit / 11.84% Crit / 9.8%
22.25% Dodge / 19.88% / 2.37%
44.58% Resil / 40.00% Resil / 4.58%

Crit seems to have dropped drastically.

5.1) 1 hit = .54%
5.2) 1 hit = .406%

5.1) 1 exp = .54%
5.2) 1 exp = .406%
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Say your enh. You equip 2x aurastone hammers, then you switch to ele or resto. Would the 2x aurastone hammers still be equiped, making 84 sp?
The offhand would be treated as broken, meaning it wouldn't give any stats.
Say your enh. You equip 2x aurastone hammers, then you switch to ele or resto. Would the 2x aurastone hammers still be equiped, making 84 sp?
enh shammies do not benefit from direct spell power, they get it through attack power or something like that
Dpriests will get a nerf soon (Saw a 2.7k shield on a 2k hp efc)

I really don't care about stats anymore.. I did 4 bgs and found it bearable and I was rofl when a spriest couldn't 1v1 our fc since we had a 20 Dpriest.

RIP reroll Spriests.

Welcome to the bracket reroll Dpriests.

Just what I noticed in a few bgs incase someone hasnt don't bgs yet

Locks: Faced a few 1.8k+ locks.. Didn't really see much of a dmg buff
Druids: I think I've solo'd as many Rdruids in 5.2 that I did in 5.1
Priests: They are the new 5.1 Rdruids. Shields are just unbareable
Shammies: do quite a bit more dmg it seems. Rshammies seem to have gotten balanced out
Pallies: Hpals seemed to get a buff... Prots are same as before.. Havent seen a good once yet
Hunts: havent seen one good enough to tell
Rogues: Same as before. Hard hittin easy kitin
Monk: seemed to get quite a bit of a buff
War: this may finally be the warriors patch.. Got 2 shot by a warrior
Mage: same high critting as before it seems. Bad overall substained dps it seems.

Overall in just a few bgs I would say that it is more balanced but hotfixes will be coming so should just get better.
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Dpriests will get a nerf soon (Saw a 2.7k shield on a 2k hp efc)

I really don't care about stats anymore.. I did 4 bgs and found it bearable and I was rofl when a spriest couldn't 1v1 our fc since we had a 20 Dpriest.

RIP reroll Spriests.

Welcome to the bracket reroll Dpriests

You'll do better against disc priests if you don't hit them with Intim/Wasp stun when you're not even near them :p. Was a nice hello though, glad I didn't tab back in to being dead!
You'll do better against disc priests if you don't hit them with Intim/Wasp stun when you're not even near them :p. Was a nice hello though, glad I didn't tab back in to being dead!

If you mean near horde room I thought you were gonna follow efc so I tried stopping you lol.

If you meant in mid I was just bored messing around waiting for fc to cap. I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I was experiencing my movement keys were messing up and I just stopped running randomly while on auto walk then I couldnt redirect or anything. Not sure if it's keyboard problem or wow problem but it was weird
1 more thing...

my Firebane cloak still has the 5 to all resistances AND it still has the 1 resist enchant i put on it

so i dunno.Keeshans bandana did get nerfed through

they probably have "clean up spell resist crap" waaay down on the bottom of their to-do list...like one guy in a closet does a couple items a patch or something.
Yall forgot about the best change.........

transmogging axes into swords, and vice versa

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