Exactly what I meant
Edit this before every single Warrior rages on you - rage is already scarce -> Double Time or Juggernaut for win
Not Necessarily. In my opinion anyway.
Double Time= Currently Double Time only grants rage every 12 seconds, So Juggernaut is better. Even if you are able to kind of stay on your target using this talent; It only helps you every 40 seconds. They should have made Double Time yield 2 Charges every 20 seconds granting rage regardless of the time between charges as it's inferior based purely on the mechanics. Even if you do annoy someone enough to fight you, you're going to be rage starved by the time they initiate, if they're smart.
Juggernaut= Bad choice because you risk wasting your charge and getting kited. Especially if you aren't spell hit capped for 20's at least (Not that warriors should engage 24's that aren't healers anyway.).
Warbringer= They have to take your damage. I've de-mounted many a paladins/priests forcing them to heal by opening with warbringer in the current game. I can effectively drop them to 60% health before they have time to do anything and then keep them on the defensive. And their heal doesn't count for much because they're at 40% healing reduction. It's also a great way to initiate team fights because you and 2 other people can shut down the enemy teams healer in less than 5 seconds and then move on to the next healer or clean up. Also works great for Druid FC's, the first thing they'll do when they get out of the stun is throw up HoT's and run, but their HoTs won't do much thanks to Mortal Strike (power shift out of that you little prick).
Not only is Warbringer (used correctly) a HoJ with 20 second Cooldown, 30 Yard Range, and a Gap Closer but it provides you with the resource you need to dole out copious amounts of death sauce, without getting any on yourself.
Anyway, I've de-shelved my warrior over the past few days and I'm excited about these changes. I'm already doling out heavy handed Slams at 400 damage and neutering teams with less than 3 healers. Overall I think Warrior will bring new elements to a broken bracket; and already do now once I've realized my role as utility.
The main problem has been that there are no Locks are Mages, and the Locks and Mages currently playing don't utilize their ability to passively shut down and control healers, where as Warriors can actively shut down healers.
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