so in 5.2 druids get this, as if already they never ran out of mana compared to priest
now can druids just die in a fire
Hai guiz I hear we balance 20's first. No really...
That isn't even legitimate QQ.
so in 5.2 druids get this, as if already they never ran out of mana compared to priest
now can druids just die in a fire
Hai guiz I hear we balance 20's first. No really...
That isn't even legitimate QQ.
Why would they NOT want to balance 20-24.20-24 and 90s should be the only ones balanced.This is blizzards monkeymaker if a new player goes to pvp and gets facerolled, they would get discouraged from buying this shitty game because pvp isnt balanced.In theory every class should be able 1vs1 the other. But its not.
Now at least cata hunter required some gear and basic field of awareness(because you couldnt heal) and could get overpowered
now on a druid I can come ungeared,wrong geared or naked or even wrong spec and LOLREJUV and powashift everything.Dont get me wrong I might have the relfexes of a sloth but it doesnt matter anymore, your mistakes do not have consequences. Cata hpal 2.0
Unless this bracket recieve a mass dispel to purge blanket rejuvs there is no hope.Gl have fun seeing 7+ stealthers on either side every bg.
Why would they NOT want to balance 20-24.20-24 and 90s should be the only ones balanced.This is blizzards monkeymaker if a new player goes to pvp and gets facerolled, they would get discouraged from buying this shitty game because pvp isnt balanced.In theory every class should be able 1vs1 the other. But its not.
they buffed already OP druids ><
warriors and mages got a nice buff tho
What I never understood was why blizzard would spend 2-3 years balancing endgame and then once it got remotely balanced they would completely overhaul the entire thing and usually make it less fun and start half-heartedly attempt to balance endgame, when they could have gotten it right a long time ago.Why would they spend resources on balancing anything at this level first when.. get this... end game is their focus. Which, surprisingly, isn't fully balanced/tweaked/what have you...
What I never understood was why blizzard would spend 2-3 years balancing endgame and then once it got remotely balanced they would completely overhaul the entire thing and usually make it less fun and start half-heartedly attempt to balance endgame, when they could have gotten it right a long time ago.
Lower levels have never been balanced and will never be balanced.
Incoming more warriors/shaman !!!
indeed, 6-7yrs of patching/fine tuning and BOOM cata came out, completely changed the whole mechanics of the game for what reason?
i heard, all/most of the devs quit after wrath, which is a logical reason to why the game went to shit.
All 3 specs got 90 nerfs. My understanding is that they dont oom anyway so this shouldnt really have an effectDruids got buffed
All 3 specs got 90 nerfs. My understanding is that they dont oom anyway so this shouldnt really have an effect