49 Rogue gear and build help?

Hey guys, first of all.. i am new as a member here.. but i am following Twinkinfo.com for a long time =) its a great community, keep up the good work! Thumbs up =)

I'm making a 49 rogue twink atm, it was a 39 twink before.. I was checking some items... and was wondering.... What about Expert Goldminer's Helmet, even on 49? I know it lacks the stamina/agi of alternatives on 49.. but it still has a nice amount of expertise on it, which is insanely rare on this level.

I have Helm of Fire and Embrace of the Lycan as well.. but this made me wonder =)
it gives 8 expertise, definitely not worth it considering the stat loss from lycan/fire, neat-o for pve though, if you for some obscure reason want to pve on your 49
expertise for a rogue in pvp = urdoinitwrong. players cant dodge and parry from behind, meaning expertise is a wasted stat as long as you attack from behind....and rogues do it from behind! btw even if you werent from behind its not that great since players dodge/parry chances are much higher than a pve mobs (on average, obviously a mage wont dodge often, nor parry...but a warrior or another rogue will).

so in conclusion, expertise....not worth it in pvp. for pve? maybe if you can get enough....depends what instance your doing and what lvl the mobs are to decide how much you need.

hit? 5% minimum for pvp, lot more depending on what instance you're doing if you like pve.
That made sence guys, thanks for the answers..

I guess that Goldminers Helmet was so good on 39 since there was no good alternatives.. besides Comfortable leather hat..

Should i go with Lycan or Helm of Fire now?
Item Comparison Tool - World of Warcraft comparison of the two.

pretty much personal preference and deciding whether you want to farm lycan (could take awhile to get lucky) or would prefer to make/get fire made. lycan gives more AP, a total of 40 ap when you add str and the raw ap. a bit of cri, and 50 more hp. fire gives 21 agi, which means it gives smore crit, for a loss of hp and ap. also has a nice on use, which only a 5min cd....only thing is you have to be like 8 yards out to cast it, cant use in melee range, just like a hunters dead zone. can always use helm of fire, then after combat switch to lycan for 5mins if you like just the on use. also in cata fire will be better since 1 agi will = 2 ap, thus making it have more ap, crit, nice on use, and just 5 less sta
Falkor said:
not worth it in pvp. for pve? maybe if you can get enough....depends what instance your doing and what lvl the mobs are to decide how much you need.

hit? 5% minimum for pvp, lot more depending on what instance you're doing if you like pve.

anyone doing pve on their 49 rogue will spec combat if it's a 'serious' offspec and gear set, and you get 10 expertise and 5% hit from the tree passively anyway, stacking hit is also fairly easy, you can gear and chant for 109 hit if you're horde, even more if you use felbane dagger/sword with accuracy and so on

Should i go with Lycan or Helm of Fire now?

what falkor said
You should gear to have the offensive stats of a 39 rogue.

Oh and btw, HoF ALWAAAAAYS for arena. That´s part of your #bread and butter# burst.
seffilicious said:
Have fun getting bursted before you can CC, you fucking baddie scrub.

stealth !
i wish...if we did you would have never come back after being banned once

but at least you live with the shame that you got violated by a spoon

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