4-Man PuG VS. 5 Man Holy Crit Premade

Lol, are you guys actually putting a guild like <Holy Crit> on a pedestal? Congrats on beating a mediocre partial with a mediocre partial.
You honestly didn't need to post a somewhat boring video to make this point.

I fundamentally disagree, I think that some people who would otherwise participate in getting a premade team going may be discouraged because they believe there is no chance at success, this video serves well to encourage those who fit into that category, and while this match is certainly a far cry from what a 10v10 scheduled premade would look like, it serves almost as a trailer of what will hopefully be soon to come (weekly 10v10s would be nice for the bracket, i'm sure you can agree) I'm sure HC would more than welcome a team that actually offers them a challenge, face rolling kids gets boring after a while.

Lol, are you guys actually putting a guild like <Holy Crit> on a pedestal? Congrats on beating a mediocre partial with a mediocre partial.

Not only that but the entirety of the bracket seems to have almost apotheosized HC, which really discourages competition and is all around unhealthy for the community. This will hopefully help discourage that state of mind.

Mind you i'm not saying HC is bad or unskilled, I haven't been in this bracket long enough to come to a conclusion in that regard.
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Probably because it was a mod. I would guess that Shaket's problem might be better described as expecting a mod to act as a good role model by demonstrating how to post constructively.

On top, however, I found the video to be a little boring too. That seems to be more the fault of the situation than anything you could edit in. You only got attacked 3 times in 13 minutes, twice by a single rogue while you had support. That's not an especially interesting fight. It's hard to demonstrate much skill at all in that situation. It's more a comment on your teammate's skill and the opposition's lack of skill I suppose.

Oh, and I would recommend that if you're going to overlay music on the video, remove the other sound from the recording. It was a bit weird to vaguely hear your voice chat through the music from time to time.

The point of FCing is to avoid the enemy team at all costs so you can safely cross mid field.
Getting attacked 3 times in a 3 cap game is good, is it not? FCing is by no means the most fun thing to watch, but I think Shyheals did a great job of FCing in this game, 5 people in vent were not able to get to him.
You honestly didn't need to post a somewhat boring video to make this point. You faced a random HC premade and beat them with your 24 premade meaning you beat some random 24s with your group of 24s. Almost like you had the premade and they were a pug. Duo will still be duo and that won't change anytime soon however it is clear his skill or atleast his ability to know the map and work with his group of 24s to faceroll have increased lately so make a video when you face one of the "A team" HC premades and I'm sure it'll be more competitive.

Have you not seen the mods around here lately? I wouldn't hold your breathe for them since broken is about the only mod around anymore and he can't clean up this site by himself
They had four 24s whom hadNEVER played together, they were not using voice chat (that is Shyheals talking to our friend Dylan whom does not twink). Holy Crit have played together many times and were very likely using ventrilo.
They had the advantage: more 24s, voice chat, synergy.
Although I do agree, some 10v10s are in order.
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Lol, are you guys actually putting a guild like <Holy Crit> on a pedestal? Congrats on beating a mediocre partial with a mediocre partial.

Are you calling the guilds themselves mediocre partials? Or the teams?
They had four 24s whom hadNEVER played together, they were not using voice chat (that is Shyheals talking to our friend Dylan whom does not twink). Holy Crit have played together many times and were very likely using ventrilo.
They had the advantage: more 24s, voice chat, synergy.
Although I do agree, a 10v10 is in order.

This will come off as nit-picky, but it's actually important: don't say "a 10v10", say "10v10s" The goal should never ever be to hold a single 10v10. The end goal should always be to hold many 10v10s, over time. If you talk about the singular, people will get super worked up over it, and either refuse to face each other, or will quit after one game, thinking they'll never get or give a rematch.
It was neither trolling, insulting (maybe it was but only if the OP chooses to take it as an insult, which is not a choice Whatgoesup can make) or inappropriate. It was his opinion about the video, believe it or not, even moderators have a right to have an opinion & criticize stuff!

Also, if you truly think it was trolling, why did you even respond to the post? The basic rule of how to counter trolling is to ignore it.

It is a Mod insulting someone. It is not appropriate for a Moderator of a forum to insult and troll. Even if the Moderator is your​ friend, Mesi.

When you are a few years older, you will understand why.
It is a Mod insulting someone. It is not appropriate for a Moderator of a forum to insult and troll. Even if the Moderator is your​ friend, Mesi.

When you are a few years older, you will understand why.

If you actually read the post, you would understand it was neither insulting or trolling. Even if the moderator is my friend, Shaket.
If you actually read the post, you would understand it was neither insulting or trolling. Even if the moderator is my friend, Shaket.

Right, guy who could barely communicate in English when he started posting here criticizing others' reading comprehension.
Right, guy who could barely communicate in English when he started posting here criticizing others' reading comprehension.

Elaborate plx m8? Pretty sure you are confusing me with someone else.
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Lame, guys. We actually had a good discussion going there. Whatgoesup wasn't trolling, that's pretty clear, he just wasn't constructive either. You want a better community, set and meet higher standards. Unless you like mindless flame-fests replete with ad hominem attacks?
If you actually read the post, you would understand it was neither insulting or trolling. Even if the moderator is my friend, Shaket.

You suck @ game. Your gameplay is boring. You are bad. Your 'taste' in music is beyond terrible. Having you on their team makes people want to /slitwrists.

Now, I'll just get one of my friends come and say my words were not insults, and I won't have insulted you....right...

It's long past time that you re-read "ESL for Dummies".
You suck @ game. Your gameplay is boring. You are bad. Your 'taste' in music is beyond terrible. Having you on their team makes people want to /slitwrists.

Now, I'll just get one of my friends come and say my words were not insults, and I won't have insulted you....right...

It's long past time that you re-read "ESL for Dummies".

Like I said, they are only insults if the target feels like getting insulted. If you do, well then the insults were probably words of truth rather than insults...

Like Jadyne said: Whatgoesups criticism maybe wasn't that constructive or helpful, but it was not trolling or deliberately insulting either.
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[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]
Like I said, they are only insults if the target feels like getting insulted. If you do, well then the insults were probably words of truth rather than insults...

Like Jadyne said: Whatgoesups criticism maybe wasn't that constructive or helpful, but it was not trolling or deliberately insulting either.

"We're talking about words", amirite?


Sorry guys, but it's silly to be trying to construct some notion that there was "evil intent" here. I'd be more interested in hearing examples of better responses, because at this point, Shaket, you're behaving as bad as Whatgoesup. Perhaps worse, because you recognized the problem and are perpetuating it, rather than deciding to stop it and change our direction to something more constructive. All I see now is condescension. =/
The thing is, I'm not a Moderator. My behavior on these forums shouldn't be taken as a template, or role-model, for the behavior expected on the forums, MY behavior, unlike that, say, of a MODERATOR. No moderator should be coming into threads and flat-out insulting to posters. I don't even know who the OP is, I likely haven't even been in a bg with him if he's a 20-24 tink. I do, however, recognize a plain and clear insult when I see one, and I do not see that behavior as appropriate for a representative of a website purporting to have a goal of decent 'welcoming' forum discussion.

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