39 rogue vid

I liked it, a mix of some of the great clips from your last vid, and some new stuff.

One question though. Did you fraps any of our duels :p?
Vircy said:
God, it hurts to watch that retadin suck so bad in the duel/2v2. I'm up for a fight next time PTR is up. I'm assuming that was 3.0.8 footage.. he should have been using hand of reckoning.

Great video. You could use some more macros like blind on mouseover (you lost a considerable amount of damage in the arena fight for having to retarget). You're definitely a top rogue amongst 39s. I'd be interested in seeing you duel Brumble.

I'll be working on my own PvP video as soon as I finish my FC set for my paladin.

brumble beats her/entrerri/etc in every duel because he stoneforms/bandages to full
Weiland said:
I liked it, a mix of some of the great clips from your last vid, and some new stuff.

One question though. Did you fraps any of our duels :p?

i do not :( i wasn't filming at the time because i had a good 500 ping and needed all the help i could get XD

brumble does beat me in duels, 3400 hp + stoneform vanish bandage and the fight is reset (can't kill him in the stunlock or with a bleed rush), and he has a higher stealth rating than i do so he always gets the reopener. after dueling him i made it a priority to learn how to consistently blind vanishes because it's really the only way i can see any rogue beating him.

and that's assuming he isn't wearing his green whelp armor.

First post lolwut.

Rule 76: No excuses, play like a champion.
more like dumble

btw i'm training so hard to beat you! except my internet is super bad right now so i can't play without getting booted and grrrrr
Great video, I can honestly say I'm impressed at how you manage arena so well without any addons or even using focus! Keep it up!
after watching pheq's macro movie i'm def considering throwing together some focus and mouseover macros to help me out with arena targeting tho. still looking for a lightweight addon that won't bog down my computer much, any suggestions?
Well couple things for arena:-

  • Proximo
  • Move It All
  • Natur EnemyCastBar
  • CCWatcher

Proximo just gives a frame with enemy players HP/Mana/Cast Bars which you can easily read click to target, etc, other things can be set to cast if you right click a player in the frame if you want

Move It All just allows you to move blizzards UI about as you want, this does everything I need in terms of unit frames. Since blizzard added a focus frame I have no need for any unit frames like AG Unitframes, Pitbull, X-Perl etc.

Natur EnemyCastBar and CCWatcher don't use them at the moment and their are plenty of other addons which do the same thing. They can track diminishing returns on CC, enemy CDs, focus cast bars, warnings etc.

Sure you can find the links >> there are lots of addons which do the same thing. I Would recommend the first two at the very least. :p
Benchlol said:
Well couple things for arena:-

  • Proximo
  • Move It All
  • Natur EnemyCastBar
  • CCWatcher

Proximo just gives a frame with enemy players HP/Mana/Cast Bars which you can easily read click to target, etc, other things can be set to cast if you right click a player in the frame if you want

Move It All just allows you to move blizzards UI about as you want, this does everything I need in terms of unit frames. Since blizzard added a focus frame I have no need for any unit frames like AG Unitframes, Pitbull, X-Perl etc.

Natur EnemyCastBar and CCWatcher don't use them at the moment and their are plenty of other addons which do the same thing. They can track diminishing returns on CC, enemy CDs, focus cast bars, warnings etc.

Sure you can find the links >> there are lots of addons which do the same thing. I Would recommend the first two at the very least. :p

psh being a straightedge arena player > using mods
Powerglove said:
psh being a straightedge arena player > using mods

being a straightedge arena player+ using mods= win

For Arena, Proximo is king! and NECB (Natur EnemyCastBar) is great too.

Other wise Outfitter and Quartz

  • Outfitter is imba for fast switch of gear and gear management, buy maybe not needed.

    BUT suck for Arena you cant switch gear in arena, just weapon and I got macro hemo/eq ZG mallet in same, soo no need to use Outfitter in Arena.
  • Quartz for all kinds of castingbars (your, your traget, cd (think it is) and foucs) and a swing timer (its really imba on a hunter)

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