39 Rogue Guide


39 Rogue Twink Guide

Read this guide as you would read a book. Absorb -all- its information. You can't skim over the gear section and call it a day, because everything is tied together. Your rogue's gear depends on your professions, your race, the enchants you chose, and the talents you pick. Keep that in mind, and you'll build a well-balanced Rogue with the help of this guide. That said, let's get started.

As you're gearing up your Rogue, it's important your gear contains a balance of stats. A lot of people stack crit, and while doing so they neglect their health, attack power and hit rating. The further you reach to maximize a certain stat, the more you'll let go of all your other stats. That's why you should aim for a balance. At 39, your Rogue should have about:

  • 30 Hit = 5% Hit at 39
  • 15% Crit
  • 2400 Health
  • 450 Attack Power

The easiest way to gear your Rogue is to center your gear around the 30 Hit Rating requirement I mentioned before. Once you reach 30 hit picking your other gear becomes a walk through the park. I've listed the gear in each section from "best to worst". Take this with a grain of salt. As I said before, whether one item is better than another also depends on your other gear, enchants, race, professions, etc.


  • [item]9375[/item] - If you're already at 30 hit you'll want this item.
  • Comfortable Leather Hat - Oldschool leatherworkers can craft it, the pattern is extremely rare.
  • Nocturnal Cap of the Monkey - of the Monkey (11/12, 12/11 or 12/12) It's a good alternative until you get either of the above.
  • Nightscape Headband - You can use this item as a worthy alternative until you get either of the above.

There's one caveat if you pick Comfortable Leather Hat. If one of your professions is Engineering, you'll use Catseye Ultra Goggles when you're up against other Rogues. You'll lose 3.02% Hit when you swap those goggles in, so you'll have to get that +hit elsewhere. That's why it's easier to get Expert Goldminer's Helmet as your main head item.



Unless you need Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders to reach 30 hit (it grants +7), go for Revelosh's Spaulders of the Monkey. It'll boost your stamina a lot.




Main Hand Weapon:

Offhand Weapon:








  • [item]44097[/item] || [item]44098[/item] - Heirloom Trinket
  • [item]18849[/item] || [item]18857[/item] - 2805 Honor || Normal PvP Trinket
  • [item]19024[/item] - Quest. Arena Grandmaster
  • [item]1404[/item] - Drops from a rare spawn on a 36 hour respawn timer
  • [item]17774[/item] - Obtained from The Pariah's Instructions
  • [item]2820[/item] - Quest Chain. starts here and ends here
  • [item]21116[/item] || [item]21118[/item] - 258 Honor, 30 Arathi Basin Marks

<h2>Talent Specialisations</h2>

You can copy these builds entirely, but feel free to make your own adjustments.

Hemo-Prep is the strongest spec at 39, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


With this spec you put 3 points in Malice for the extra crit:

You can drop the point in Ghostly Strike and max out Relentless Strikes if you want. These are the glyphs that go with this spec:

You can take the 3 points out of Malice and put them in Improved Gouge instead:

These are the glyphs that go with this spec:


There are no competitive pure dagger builds out there, it just isn't viable in this bracket. Without Preperation you're a bird without wings. The only viable option left is Hemo-Prep-Ambush:

These are the Glyphs that go with this spec:

Rogue Race


Races are ranked from best to worst.


  1. Human
  2. Night Elf
  3. Gnome
  4. Dwarf


  1. Undead
  2. Blood Elf
  3. Orc
  4. Troll


Hemo + Auto-attack

The idea here is that if your energy bar is too low after target swapping, it will still start your autoattack on that target.

#showtooltip Hemorrhage


/cast Hemorrhage

Blind Mouseover Target

This will blind the target your are mousing over.

#showtooltip Blind

/cast [target=mouseover, exists] Blind

Blind or Sap your Focus Target

This macro will Blind your Focus Target if you're out of stealth, and Sap your focus target if you're in stealth. This frees up one keybind, because you don't need a seperate Focus Blind and Focus Sap.

#showtooltip [nostealth] Blind; [stealth] Sap

/cast [target=focus, exists, harm, nostealth] Blind;

/cast [target=focus, exists, harm, stealth] Sap

Focus Kick

This macro will simply Kick your focus target.

#showtooltip Kick

/cast [target=focus] Kick

Mashable Sap

It will clear your current target and re-target your closest visible target. Example: If you target a Priest and then notice a Rogue nearby it will switch targets to the Rogue and Sap him. It's not a replacement for your default Sap, but you can spam this one incase you think another Rogue is nearby.

#showtooltip sap



/cast sap

Full Preperation

Blow all your preparable abilities before you use Preparation. This macro will not use Evasion if you are stealthed.

#showtooltip Preparation

/cast [nostealth] Evasion


/cast sprint


/cast preparation

Reliable Vanish

Stops whatever you are doing and Vanishes. It makes Vanish more reliable.

#showtooltip Vanish


/cast Vanish

For more advanced macro's, you can check out Pheq's Rogue Macro Tutorial at Warcraftmovies. He shows you how to Expose Armor or Garrote/Rupture over Sap/Blind, and how to make the best focus Sap/Blind macro.
Updated for patch 3.3.5a

<span xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" href="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text" property="dc:title" rel="dc:type">39 Rogue Twink Guide</span> by Ishh is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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You must attribute the work. Use the following link: 39 Rogue Twink Guide
Very good info, and very up-to-date. :) Good work!

Just one little thing you messed up on is under the Head gear section, you put "Nocturnal Cape (of the Monkey, the 12/12 variant)." You meant "Nocturnal Cap" ;P
Ikeelyoo said:
Very good info, and very up-to-date. :) Good work!

Just one little thing you messed up on is under the Head gear section, you put "Nocturnal Cape (of the Monkey, the 12/12 variant)." You meant "Nocturnal Cap" ;P

Thanks! It's fixed now :p
how does comfortable hat net +hit? I'm seeing stam and spirit...

also, might want to put this somewhere by the miner's hat: at level 39, a 17 expertise rating translates into about 11.33 actual expertise, much like defense rating doesn't actually equal actual defense. So at 11.33 expertise, that gives you roughly 2.83% -dodge/parry.
Druiddroid said:
Ishh, would you recommend the AB belt at all? sorry if this was covered before.

It's an okay alternative until you can get Ogron's Sash, it only costs 60g-100g on my server and it's on all the time, atleast on my server.
Ishh said:
It's an okay alternative until you can get Ogron's Sash, it only costs 60g-100g on my server and it's on all the time, atleast on my server.

Lucky. Hasn't been one on the Cho'gall AH in at least 2 months. o_o
Ishh said:
It gets updated in the next patch, and the guide is updated for that patch.

What are you using as your resource? I can't find the updated version at wowhead or thottbot on there test/patch areas.
Are the BOA daggers not worth anything ?

got them crusader'd now, but thinking going mallet and dazzling for offhand with mongoose on both. would it be worth it ?
Ishh said:
I removed that shoulder enchant from the guide because it's getting fixed in the next patch. I'll add that trinket to the guide though, not sure why I didn't do it before.

what are your opinions on Flintrock Shoulders? i found them in scarlet monastery GY a while ago and have 5 strength 10 agility and 10 stamina .. maybe put a gladiators enchant on them..?

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