Conq I don't think you realize exactly how much more fun 39s are than 19s... Any 19 that has given 39s a legit chance have learned that very quickly.
I understand that the current pvp is probably a bit more dynamic than 19s and in a good way but that isn't forever, and a momentary fling for 39s could end up having a lasting impact on 19s, I'm down for 39s, I want every bracket to be active, but you gotta get one bracket on steady footing before the same people take on another one or neither will have any success.
I have a 39s resto druid with the corporal title that I rezzed, he was one of my first characters, i'm going to be transferring too Bleeding Hollow at some point because I do want to play 39s sometime, i'm just unsure that now is the right time, objectively speaking.
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