29 US Fight Nights

Seems like activity and interest has been waning a bit since school is back in session. Trying to add Saturday also might have had some impact to a decrease in activity.

There are a few routes we can take from here on out.

1) Recruiting good 19s and 70s.

2) Recruiting friends.

3) Falling back to two nights per week.

4) Abandoning the bracket, and all roll 80s.

There are probably more. What would people like to do?
I do not know how well it would be to try and recruit from other brackets. Recruiting friends might work but I also think that was exhausted some time ago. Maybe dropping down might work. 39s seem to be doing that to try and get activity back since they noticed the first game day had 2 games but after that the games waned. So the 39s are trying once a week. And I do not know if abandoning the bracket would be a good idea since to many people, 29s is the reason they play WoW.
I would like to do 29 bracket......
i actually tryed to get a few friends to play 29's but they read the wow forums and seen all the drama and decided rolling 19's would be more fun. all the 39's that i used to play with have quit/moved on to endgame instead. cutting nights down might be helpful tho.
not playing in a bracket because of 'drama" is the dumbest thing i have ever heard of

and 19's bg chat is nothing but "LOLUMAD?" ive never played in a bracket that had more drama than 19's

not only that but the competitiveness of the games 90% of the time is lolworthy, if i had a dollar for every time i played 19 xp off and seen both fc's holding the flag in their bases alone while 17 people fought mid while i was alone on offense id be a rich man
i like the 29 bracket so far and i must say the reason its fun is because the lESSER amount of garbage players, that being said not everyones amazing but if you attempt to bring in more people the games will only become less quality

basically quality games>active bracket .
just need to drop saturday imo.. it hasnt been all that successful anyways with games regularly ending <midnight
Sàxxon said:
i like the 29 bracket so far and i must say the reason its fun is because the lESSER amount of garbage players, that being said not everyones amazing but if you attempt to bring in more people the games will only become less quality

basically quality games>active bracket .

Yeah got to agree, what i love about 29s is the quality of the games we normally have (last 3 nights have been an aberration imo), if i want quantity i will go play my 85 or my new found 24.
Franchi said:
Yeah got to agree, what i love about 29s is the quality of the games we normally have (last 3 nights have been an aberration imo), if i want quantity i will go play my 85 or my new found 24.

There is also the 70 bracket. But cutting off Saturday until things go better might be the best option. Also do not forget that the new patch will be deployed on the PTR in the next month which means that some people might go to the PTR to get ready for the massive dive into the killing of Deathwing.
70s are absolutely terrible. I wish more 39s that were good would decide to invest in 29s. 39s Burst<39s extra abilities gained since 29.
People that are purposefully opting out of 29s because of "forum drama" are complete nutjobs. Okay, that's a little bit extreme to say, but I think it's fair. Every single bracket has drama and if it's not on the forums, you're going to find it in Warsongs.

Given the ease of leveling through BoAs and easier gearing, anyone could make a 29 as a side project and give the bracket a few tries before coming to a more concrete outlook on the bracket.
People that are purposefully opting out of 29s because of "forum drama" are complete nutjobs.


People that are purposefully opting out of 29s because of "forum drama" are complete nutjobs.

If it seems even remotely possible that said forum drama originated from in game, and that at times there is just as much drama in game/vent during games, it's understandable that some people just don't want to have anything to do with it.
The bracket shrinkage is affecting all the midbrackets, not just 29s. Yes, drama heavily affects any XP-off midbracket. People play XP-off strictly by choice now; it doesn't happen by accident (once you surpass the 20-24 bracket), and midbracket players by and large prefer to spend their limited PvP time in brackets that are more fun and less prone to personal attacks and asshat attitudes. 39s, which for over a year the most populous bracket of all the midbrackets, managed to troll itself out of existence. While getting players from other brackets may help in the short term, I'd argue that all the midbrackets will need to recruit fresh blood from outside of the midbrackets, and hopefully outside of twinking.

Every twinker bracket thread on the WoW forums would benefit from an intro paragraph that sells the no-XP philosophy to visitors. Something like....

"Do you love battlegrounds, but hate playing alongside farmers and bots? Do you love finally completing your gear, but hate to see it fall obsolete in months or even weeks? Does your guild schedule RBGs, only to get stuck hunting for filler players?

"You deserve a better PvP experience. Find out what thousands of PvP'ers already discovered: XP-off stops the bots, stops the gear treadmill, and stops the players more interested in leveling and farming than playing for real. If you have the diligence to gear up, the desire to win via team coordination, and the dedication to master team communication, then XP-off battlegrounds await your discovery.

"Stop your XP at 29, gear up, and queue for Warsong Gulch every Tuesday and Thursday at 9pm EST/6pm PST. Discover why game nights continue two years after Blizzard introduced no-XP battlegrounds. But be forewarned: 29s play for the love of PvP. The intensity, camaraderie, and fun may spoil your ability to ever go back to XP-on."

...Customize to taste for any schedule and bracket.

Everybody wants more players in their bracket. But nobody wants to deal with newbies. At some point, us XP-off players will need to get over our elitist PvP attitudes and resolve this paradox by taking a more proactive role in making a difference for the brackets we love. If we would run a player through an instance, maybe we can help a player practice kiting and interrupts. That's how we grow a midbracket. The most prominent features of 29s or any midbracket are not balance nor population. Instead, promote the higher quality PvP, camaraderie, and relative midbracket ease of gearing for 29s, and we will see progress.
Kaorinite said:
People that are purposefully opting out of 29s because of "forum drama" are complete nutjobs. Okay, that's a little bit extreme to say, but I think it's fair. Every single bracket has drama and if it's not on the forums, you're going to find it in Warsongs.

Given the ease of leveling through BoAs and easier gearing, anyone could make a 29 as a side project and give the bracket a few tries before coming to a more concrete outlook on the bracket.

MGT , DDD and other shadowburn ppl quit playing 29 coz they couldnt stand constant QQ in vent and all poo talk in bgchat etc~ :(

they play 85 and 19 mostly and asked me "did they stop QQing at 29~?" quite few times so i guess they still have interest in 29.

too bad funny 29 bebes like yoube,peach and crypt etc arent playing coz they have life~.

oh my 14+ work hrs/day started already too... ;_;

being salary sux harrrrrd (we get no over time $$$)
Kaorinite said:
People that are purposefully opting out of 29s because of "forum drama" are complete nutjobs. Okay, that's a little bit extreme to say, but I think it's fair. Every single bracket has drama and if it's not on the forums, you're going to find it in Warsongs.

Given the ease of leveling through BoAs and easier gearing, anyone could make a 29 as a side project and give the bracket a few tries before coming to a more concrete outlook on the bracket.
This is probably the most right thing I've seen on these forums.

MGT , DDD and other shadowburn ppl quit playing 29 coz they couldnt stand constant QQ in vent and all poo talk in bgchat etc~

they play 85 and 19 mostly and asked me "did they stop QQing at 29~?" quite few times so i guess they still have interest in 29.

too bad funny 29 bebes like yoube,peach and crypt etc arent playing coz they have life~.
No, they quit because they were terrible. They're basically Rampage players without central leadership.

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