29 ARMS warr

Rivfader said:
That's why you have to clarify that you're only best rogue EU right?



@lawl Protector's sword is the way to go imo, otherwise venerable mass.


Stop the complete rude idiocy. Where does it end? And for what purpose? Who cares wich region is best or even why ? Clearly you guys do, but hey, fight your war in the game. Been twinking on EU since the very beginning and I have played some classes during the time at 29. I ended up eventually now with my old Classic main, a priest. Those years, I have seen a fair amount of really skilled players, doing tricks better than arena teams at 2400 rating (yes, been there, done that). So, if you state US > EU or visa versa, atleast proof it. Since there is no clear evidence, we are all innocent, aren't we? EU has skilled players. US has skilled players. That's a known fact. Any more skilled than the other? Probably. Who's the better? Who cares. Play your games, pray for it to get active again and be happy. And yes indeed, on some servers, it's near impossible to grab it.
Rivfader said:
I just decided to get my "facts" from your own armories. US has the most skilled players across all brackets, get over it. When you finally get on our level you may understand why skilled players look down on most consumables, they make bad players better and rarely do much to help good players.

Lmao <3.3.5 Holy Pals US had no good ones

And I think what Deesick is stating, is that since the EU population is smaller, they have more time to go off and BiS max out their toons completely for these Engi/consumables. I assume, by whats been posted, that the majority of 29s in EU all use these consumables? I have no idea, not played in the bracket myself.

That's a situation where consumables are fine. If everyone has it/are using it, to say to them "omfg crutch less scrubzmnanxx", is the same as someone without AGM moaning about someone having AGM. Whether it be they survive from the 12 Stam or the Active Bubble is w/e.

This idea makes the scene more competitive, BUT ALSO makes it less appealing for newer more casual, meaning that EUs numbers are smaller.

If you aim to make your PvP more elitist/the best it possibly can be, then your population will dwindle/be considerably less. However, if your population is bigger, you can't regulate anything, see hunters in the 19 Bracket.

Wakeup man, try harder @ baiting.

And on the topic of Consumables not adding anything to a good players play, they add to what low level twinking pvp is entirely. And that's CD management, whoever pops CDs first loses, simple. It just adds more layers to that, more escape mechanics more survivability.

Sure that might not be good for BS classes that already have way too much, mages and hunters, but it adds something more.

Don't knock shit til you try it brawsIEph.
Llare said:
I assume, by whats been posted, that the majority of 29s in EU all use these consumables?

Actually Deesick was the only guy I saw use a FAP, but he used it once (from what I saw) and nothing gamebreaking happened, he got feared/gouged, then we overtook him when he was running flag, repicked, and kept him CC'd until it wore off.
Mialo said:
EU has skilled players. US has skilled players

Oh stop it with your level-headed, logical statement when there clearly is a correlation between nationality and skill in the WoW 29 twinking bracket.
I think if anyone saw our gbank....then the shit would start. lol. Honestly...I'm not a consumable/gear whore...honest... :D
rivfader said:
i just decided to get my "facts" from your own armories. Us has the most skilled players across all brackets, get over it. When you finally get on our level you may understand why skilled players look down on most consumables, they make bad players better and rarely do much to help good players.

Unless you rlly love the class and have the luck to get crusader proc at start of fight and do 5 crits in a row... yes an arms warrior can be good...

This said you'll know you shouldnt bother making one...

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