29 ARMS warr

Rivfader said:
Your rogue uses "of the monkey" satchel neck and gloves, protector's band, no AGM, bow instead of thrown, and isn't hit capped.



I got bandit neck and gloves too rofl, 2nd gear hasnt dropped, AGM is near impossible on my realm, so it takes time, thrown in my bag, why would I use thrown in a dungeon?

hit cap is serious business in 25-31 dungeons.

Your arguments are terrible, commenting on my 2 day old rogue.
sorry hrani if my post did not help you:( it is internet war us vs eu all time.

Eoneth i bet rivfader will pm you sorry for that he said erlier in this thread, i know he is a good freindly guy, he just trying to act cool in forum so he get more respect in battleground and from the us coolcrew.

hit cap can be good in 25-31 dungeons for more dmg. high hit rog = good rog, i read about that in 19forum before.

//Antísocial on the other side atlantic in unfatwannabe land.
I meant that dungeons are so easy that there's no point in hit capped for them.

Also, in bgs I use that elixir that gives hit, but US probably banned them trololol
Eoneth said:
Also, in bgs I use that elixir that gives hit, but US probably banned them trololol

lol idd!

There might not be a 'war' EU vs US, but US players (and maybe generally the US population), feel somehow superior over people from other countries, that's just the way it is.. This has been the case ever since I began to read forums (and before, of course) - for instance US players would not tag threads [US] because they simply don't care or think about much else than themselves ('aren't everybody in the world US!?!?!'). EU players, however, always made sure to tag the threads [EU] so ppl would know whether to care about the thread or not. This 'self-important' feeling naturally shows itself in many more ways than just forum posts and apparently hasn't changed over the years at all :)

Btw lol at US/english players always calling people out for making spelling/grammar mistakes. English-talking players often speak just 1 language (their own, which they talked fluently most their life), and then they have a go at people who make small insignificant spelling mistakes, disregarding the fact that it is maybe their 3rd or 4th language. Utter Fail.
Eoneth said:
I got bandit neck and gloves too rofl, 2nd gear hasnt dropped, AGM is near impossible on my realm, so it takes time, thrown in my bag, why would I use thrown in a dungeon?

hit cap is serious business in 25-31 dungeons.

Your arguments are terrible, commenting on my 2 day old rogue.

No hit cap or AGM on your priest either, obviously EU twinks are the standard by which all others are measured. Sounds like you're enjoying PvE though, which is good considering you get no BGs.
Rivfader said:
No hit cap or AGM on your priest either, obviously EU twinks are the standard by which all others are measured. Sounds like you're enjoying PvE though, which is good considering you get no BGs.

Elixirs for hit cap bro, rather not waste crit/haste/int on a slot to get hit capped when I can easily make the elixirs.

AGM on darkmoon Faire is near impossible seeing as the top pvp guilds go there for a free for all constantly, and the amount of twink population on darkmoon faire, so pointing out I havent got in on less than 5 days played time chars is moronic, a recurring trait among you US epeen loving lolboys.
Eoneth said:
Getting your 'facts' from this thread and unfinished twinks is stupid mate.

Also, there's no proof of who has the most twinks, most nights etc.

All I know is. We got our bracket region active before you did.


Also, most of your new twinks get their gear from our armories so basically, we have better gear then you.

You're probably just gonna pull 'facts' out of your ass as a response to this like you've done the whole thread, so if I don't care enough to check back to this thread 24/7 dont act like you scared me off or anything.

I just decided to get my "facts" from your own armories. US has the most skilled players across all brackets, get over it. When you finally get on our level you may understand why skilled players look down on most consumables, they make bad players better and rarely do much to help good players.
Rofl, you looked at our unfinished twinks and based everything off of them, claim youre more skilled because 'we queue more nights', you can't judge who's better without any vids of our warsongs and judging who's better when the brackets only been active again for less than 2 months.

All brackets? Only eu vs us premade I heard about was at 19, also heard that eu had to bring in new members, no communication system used, 2k ms from both teams.

Judging everything on that is stupid.

And US did shit all at wotlk in any sponsored ESport event.

Now pipe the fuck down and act like this stupid argument never happened, EU plays how they want, US plays how they do, this forum is for discussing about the gear/changes/talents/fun events happening/communication to your region about game days.

NOT for US is best region, because frankly. No-one gives a shit at 29, go 19 for them sorts of arguments.
Nice dodge, I've played against EU on private servers and when they played US accounts, not to mention DA's conquest of europe vid. Really though, I just want you to understand why US cares about what consumables are used in XP off.
Dodge? There was nothing to dodge? Your argument? I retorted so clearly didn't dodge?

I've played twink private realms too, they're too buggy to count towards anything, one called inceptionemu which me and some of the 19 team played was insanely bugged, spellpower scaled too well. So I hope you're not basing things on them.

Your whole argument has been about consumables? Why?

It's not your region so it doesn't concern you what rules we use.

If you're worried about us using consumables in future region vs region why bother worrying? You clearly stated you're better than us so obviously you'll be able to win either way.
Rivfader said:
Nice dodge, I've played against EU on private servers and when they played US accounts, not to mention DA's conquest of europe vid. Really though, I just want you to understand why US cares about what consumables are used in XP off.

DA that us shaman? if so he vid say very much about everything:) cos he is skilled and he fight skilled people in videoclip. i tell you. really. really good players(aggamagan beste server eu). US is better by far if u check all video, i remember they got some good 5sec keyturn 19priest#1 named something cool.

we did plain down your towers with plains.
Rivfader said:
Nice dodge, I've played against EU on private servers and when they played US accounts, not to mention DA's conquest of europe vid. Really though, I just want you to understand why US cares about what consumables are used in XP off.


Best Rogue EU said:


That's why you have to clarify that you're only best rogue EU right?



@lawl Protector's sword is the way to go imo, otherwise venerable mass.

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