29 ARMS warr


I'm sorry to inform you that some agreements between ppl that are not willing to put in the effort of gettings stuff for their twinks are not considered twinks in my eyes but a puppy club of comfort seeking twinks not beeing able to coop with the fact they lose.

Twinking is not about what you can or not can do, twinking was and is still using and EXPLOITING every aspect in the game you can. Twinking is to be better then your oponent.

Destroying the bracket is not a valid point as twinking has destroyed itself as it became too popular.

Also not every class is perfect for a twink, just accept it or make an other.

Sure its not fun to battle 10 hunters in 1 bg, but again, you can not ask ppl to start rolling other chars. Just because it aint fun for you.

Twinking used to be all about effort. These days everyone can get good gears and some enchants. So now a real twink is seperating him in the amount of time he invests to overgrow those "new" twinks.
To the arms warrior here

This is my profile, just started twinking.

So far the damage is nice but in 1-1 engineering is needed and i will race change to elf to make Shadowmeld and charge macro

Venita @ Silvermoon - Game - World of Warcraft

My gear aint optimised at all.

But so far i'm happy. Still need to invest time in professions and other stuff.

With crusader proc ms crits for 600-800 depending what you hit
But, understand that a lot of US players work hard to maintain a strong and vibrant community of 29s and a lot of us do not like FAPs

Wait what? You work hard? God this sounds horrible. So what do you and your minions do, go to forums and moan at people who use a consumable you feel is to hard for you to deal with? Do you have weekly meetings where you maybe *suggest* that people shouldnt use "Aimed Shot" because it might hurt your bracket. But wait...Lay on Hands!! Well by lord that'll ruin our bracket too!! Lets go tell everyone! What if a class gets buffed and an ability becomes overally powerfull...do you all suddenly stop using it?

Listen if FAPS are so easy to get hold off....By AH being someones example then by lord mate, go get yourself some but well all know the effort is too great and if you cant be assed to get off your ass and get them...you dont want anyone else too.

I tell you what I'm glad I play in EU, you lot sound like a right bunch of moaning pansies - Do you hug and have a cuddle before you fight someone? Crikey, i'm suprised you even kill people at all.

Lepardius said it as well as I ever could.

You know what, i'm so fucking annoyed about this now I've actually had to post again. Right Mr. Correct, set me straight please.. Make me politically correct so i may feel accepted into the twinking community.

Sapper charges....Yes or No?

Goblin Rocket Boots...Yes or No?

Gnomish Invicinbility Belt... Yes or No?

Invisibility Potions....Yes or No? A Paladin...going ....Invisible...well now thats gotta be nerfed...god forbid!

Invisibility Trinket...Yes or No? 1 Hour CD but well lets face it..you cant see me and you might not like it...its so powerfull it might even destroy your bracket.

Parachute Cloak.....Yes or No? I know defying gravity along with a goblin Jump or disengage might be too much for you to handle so lets sort this out now aye?

Charged Crystal Focus...Yes or No?

All yours.


Edit: You know what, if you dont like any of this stuff, go to 19... Most people come to 29 because of the access to loads more gear, skills, consumables and profession options. Dont like? then why the hell did you come here in the first place. if your not going to take advantage to whats available to you at the level then why are you here?
I love you Dee.

Also about Free Action Potions, if you see someone pop it, gouge/sap/poly/fear/holy word: chastise them and pipe down.
All of us in the US servers have deemed that anything outside of autoattack is considered too much.

Besides hugging, sometimes we like to tickle each other's bawls.
Meh, just let them cry everything stops at some point.

aseelken said:
Twinking is not about what you can or not can do, twinking was and is still using and EXPLOITING every aspect in the game you can. Twinking is to be better then your oponent.

QFT (lawl10)
Deesick said:
You know what, i'm so fucking annoyed

Instead of nerd raging you should just come to terms that US is on a completely different(much higher) level of skill and competition. EU sounds like some vanilla/bc shithouse of retards running around in half assed gear using every consumable, engi gimmick and trinket they can to get any sort of advantage on the other team. While this may have been the case back then, it's not anymore(read: US > EU). We are all about having good healthy fair fights that are enjoyable to all.

Deesick said:
if your not going to take advantage to whats available to you at the level then why are you here?

If you're going to treat xp off 29 like its randoms vs randoms then why are YOU here? Oh wait, you're eu. all you scrubs are basically randoms anyways

Trully amazing how often the name of someones character explains almost everything about them.
Deesick said:
Trully amazing how often the name of someones character explains almost everything about them.

Trully? What the hell? What's truly amazing is how an ignorant scrub can attempt to make valid points justifying his pathetic level of skill, and abusing game breaking items to compensate the little intelligence needed to understand wsg and the impact those items have in that bg.

Best Rogue EU said:


Who has the best geared 29s?

Who has the most 29s?

Who has 3 gamenights a week consisting of 4-5 hours each night?

Who agreed to soft ban overpowered items/abilities for the sake of keeping a bracket alive, fun and balanced?

Who has 29s with 1500hp in greens?

Who allows any and all overpowered abilites because "WE GOTA GIT ERRY ADVANTAGE!! THIS IS ONLY RESN I TINK!!!"?

Who prays for 1 gamenight a week?

I would let you guys put two and two together but I honestly doubt you are even competent enough to do that. For the more simple minded: US > EU
Getting your 'facts' from this thread and unfinished twinks is stupid mate.

Also, there's no proof of who has the most twinks, most nights etc.

All I know is. We got our bracket region active before you did.


Also, most of your new twinks get their gear from our armories so basically, we have better gear then you.

You're probably just gonna pull 'facts' out of your ass as a response to this like you've done the whole thread, so if I don't care enough to check back to this thread 24/7 dont act like you scared me off or anything.
Eoneth said:
Getting your 'facts' from this thread and unfinished twinks is stupid mate.

Also, there's no proof of who has the most twinks, most nights etc.

All I know is. We got our bracket region active before you did.


Also, most of your new twinks get their gear from our armories so basically, we have better gear then you.

You're probably just gonna pull 'facts' out of your ass as a response to this like you've done the whole thread, so if I don't care enough to check back to this thread 24/7 dont act like you scared me off or anything.

Your rogue uses "of the monkey" satchel neck and gloves, protector's band, no AGM, bow instead of thrown, and isn't hit capped.


It doesn't matter who is the best. Who cares? You're playing this game for fun, don't you?

It could be your twinks are better geared, so what?

It could be you have more games a night? Sounds logical, since US population is about 10 times as big as EU.

It could be you got better geared twinks? Sure, you'll probably have more BiS people than we do, but hey, see my previous note.

It could be some are complete noobs? I wouldn't admit otherwise, but it would be totally hypocrite to say US hasn't any. General IQ of EU is still higher than US, right?

I'm not here to mess around. I just don't get the frustration. EU & US are completely different things. They can't be compared. Anyhow, we still had pops before :p
Nickcube said:
Who has the best geared 29s?

Who has the most 29s?

Who has 3 gamenights a week consisting of 4-5 hours each night?

Who agreed to soft ban overpowered items/abilities for the sake of keeping a bracket alive, fun and balanced?

Who has 29s with 1500hp in greens?

Who allows any and all overpowered abilites because "WE GOTA GIT ERRY ADVANTAGE!! THIS IS ONLY RESN I TINK!!!"?

Who prays for 1 gamenight a week?

I would let you guys put two and two together but I honestly doubt you are even competent enough to do that. For the more simple minded: US > EU


i have seen many good usa boys playing good in world of warcraft but i also see many europe boys playing good in world of warcraft. 29arms warrior. I did write dat so im on topic a bit atleaste. i can tell you all that usa is wannabe eu cos in eu we have dk and swe power. usa long way behind in time. in stockholm and paris almost everyone have mobilephones.
This happens if people are too proud of being something, this whole discussions seems a bit immature to me.

Cant we all just become a community again focussing on the things we like? Dont compare each others gear, help each other to

get the most out of your character. Derth might be using a bow/gun instead of a thrown weapon, but that might just be one

type of setup against a particular class. Or he hasnt done that "Quest?" for the thrown weapon yet, as its a new character, I

dont know =)

Just quit complaining and be friends guys. Focus on hating those who hate us, the so called End-Content-Wannabe-Pros.

Theres no war between US and EU, stay calm! :>

- Hrani

(Besides, if theres spelling mistakes or grammatical fails, excuse me, im no native speaker)

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