So I've been building a warrior twink. Gonna focus on arms, as I've been doing some non xp BGs while leveling, and the burst is quite sexy. I understand that prot has warbringer, but since I'm nelf, and combined with engi for bombs, I think the ToT will be pretty good, what with the extra smeld charge/eating.
Wondering about a few things, namely talents. I'm thinking of rolling with this: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Need advice on a couple points; I specced into drums of war/second wind, ignoring deep wounds completely. Is this a big sacrifice? DW seems pretty shitty, and doesn't hit for a lot per tick at all.
Since my shield bash will be free with Drums of War talent, is there any point to speccing into Tactical Mastery for keeping some rage when I switch back to battle stance?
And if so, should I take that point and put it into Field Dressing?
Lastly, should I go for Taste for Blood, or Imp. Hamstring? When I had a warr twink in BC, TFB was the shit, but at level 27, overpower only hits for 88% of weap. damage, *though I don't have OP glyph*. Imp. HS seems nice for ToT.
Can anyone post me a currently active warrior? Arms would be nice, but not necessary.
Sorry for the big post, thanks for any advice!
Wondering about a few things, namely talents. I'm thinking of rolling with this: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Need advice on a couple points; I specced into drums of war/second wind, ignoring deep wounds completely. Is this a big sacrifice? DW seems pretty shitty, and doesn't hit for a lot per tick at all.
Since my shield bash will be free with Drums of War talent, is there any point to speccing into Tactical Mastery for keeping some rage when I switch back to battle stance?
And if so, should I take that point and put it into Field Dressing?
Lastly, should I go for Taste for Blood, or Imp. Hamstring? When I had a warr twink in BC, TFB was the shit, but at level 27, overpower only hits for 88% of weap. damage, *though I don't have OP glyph*. Imp. HS seems nice for ToT.
Can anyone post me a currently active warrior? Arms would be nice, but not necessary.
Sorry for the big post, thanks for any advice!