29 ARMS warr

So I've been building a warrior twink. Gonna focus on arms, as I've been doing some non xp BGs while leveling, and the burst is quite sexy. I understand that prot has warbringer, but since I'm nelf, and combined with engi for bombs, I think the ToT will be pretty good, what with the extra smeld charge/eating.

Wondering about a few things, namely talents. I'm thinking of rolling with this: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Need advice on a couple points; I specced into drums of war/second wind, ignoring deep wounds completely. Is this a big sacrifice? DW seems pretty shitty, and doesn't hit for a lot per tick at all.

Since my shield bash will be free with Drums of War talent, is there any point to speccing into Tactical Mastery for keeping some rage when I switch back to battle stance?

And if so, should I take that point and put it into Field Dressing?

Lastly, should I go for Taste for Blood, or Imp. Hamstring? When I had a warr twink in BC, TFB was the shit, but at level 27, overpower only hits for 88% of weap. damage, *though I don't have OP glyph*. Imp. HS seems nice for ToT.

Can anyone post me a currently active warrior? Arms would be nice, but not necessary.

Sorry for the big post, thanks for any advice! :)
shield bash is currently usable in battle stance, stance dancing is rarely required considering you don't have disarm yet.

in other words, you can probably skip tactical mastery

shield bash will be removed in 4.1, it's unclear whether they're lowering the level req for pummel or not
Go for the increased healing from Field Dressing instead of Blitz. Victory Rush is an OP ability wich can keep you up once you are on killing spree. Killing a Hunter pet fast to gain some healing while getting to him, is an easy way to keep up.
Hello Lawlpurge,

Arms is not a bad spec but it lacks flavor and utility. Overpower is not the awesome burst it was before, so Taste for Blood is basically a waste of a point. Like others have said, you wont be stance dancing anymore so Tactical Mastery is a waste. Blitz is a bit too situational for my taste, and like others have said Field Dressings + Victory Rush is nice. Take Second Wind for survival, and atleast throw a point into Deepwounds as its a dps increase if you crit. I've seen people with 1 point in Impale if you take full Deepwounds and thats fine. Sweeping Strikes is too costly and situational for my tast again.

Its a shame Mortal Strike is pretty much just an extra attack, the healing debuff is no were near as good as the Sheild Slam dispel, and Warbringer. But, if you get enough attack power and crit you can get big numbers. So just play what you want, dont get frustrated if it sucks and then evolve. There are some nice guides around, so check them out and we will see you soon.



Get the Mara shield, you wont regret it.

Explore these guilds:


http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/windrunner/neo stratz/
Well i'm gearing one too.

I focus on stre / crit / stam

Your main targets are cloth, leather and non shield mail users.

Mail shield users 1-1 will be a hard nut...

In 1-1 you will die against ALOT of classes.

Survivability is low so you better make your dmg count !

You will get kited alot so be prepared to die alot.

Arms warrior is more about team play.

Make a macro to combine MS and HS in 1 attack.

This will allow you to have a huge burst if they crit. You'll need it.

Make sure to use rent and hamstring all the time.

Bleeds are nice dots, so use them and spec in talents for them.

My 29 undergeared warrior does already more dps then my full geared feral druid.

So i have good hopes :)

Gearwise i would pick the pants in mauradon as the hit is helping you to get hitcapped very fast and you dont want your 1k MS crit to miss :)
I completely disagree with getting the legs from mara.

Having 35+ legs give no benefit whatsoever..you cant put a better patch on them and you cant enchant them....they have less armor, no strength, hit which you dont need because the BiS Neck, ring and wrists all have hit which will cap you.... and agility...well agility compared to str is crap because it only gives you 1 ap per point compared to str which gives 2 ap per point. It does give crit but not much and no longer gives dodge.

The shield is the only accessable level 35+ one now available and does allow you to put +18 stam on it. More than likely you will want to try or go prot at some point and that will benefit you more.

Your choice but honestly...there are other...better options..dont gimp yourself.
I know you didnt ask for help on gear but well, no skin of my back posting a list anyway, might be helpfull. Should be near enough right. It was made for a Retribution Paladin so should be similar if not the same.



Frostreaver Crown - Item - World of Warcraft

Sunblaze Coif - Item - World of Warcraft

Rifle Commander's Eyepatch - Item - World of Warcraft - (Alliance Only and not a preferred peice)

Green Iron Helm - Item - World of Warcraft


Tumultuous Necklace - Item - World of Warcraft Of Soldier/Battle and Bear are all viable and good choices.

River Pride Choker - Item - World of Warcraft

Flashfire Collar - Item - World of Warcraft Horde Only

Sentinel's Medallion - Item - World of Warcraft for Alliance and Scout's Medallion - Item - World of Warcraft for Horde


Polished Spaulders of Valor - Item - World of Warcraft Are in my opinion best in slot for DPS/DMG however there are definately alternatives to this.

Sparkleshell Mantle - Item - World of Warcraft

Forest Tracker Epaulets - Item - World of Warcraft

Watchman Pauldrons - Item - World of Warcraft

Khaz Modan Pauldrons - Item - World of Warcraft (Alliance only)


Cloak of Great Endeavors - Item - World of Warcraft

Tigerstrike Mantle - Item - World of Warcraft

Skull-Scorched Cloak - Item - World of Warcraft or Skull-Scorched Cloak - Item - World of Warcraft

Parachute Cloak - Item - World of Warcraft


Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft For items Item Level 35+

Enchant Cloak - Stealth - Spell - World of Warcraft

Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense - Spell - World of Warcraft


Polished Breastplate of Valor - Item - World of Warcraft Are in my opinion best in slot for DPS/DMG however there are definately alternatives to this.

Ironspine's Ribcage - Item - World of Warcraft

Shining Silver Breastplate - Item - World of Warcraft


Enchant Chest - Greater Stats - Spell - World of Warcraft

Enchant Chest - Major Health - Spell - World of Warcraft


Yorgen Bracers - Item - World of Warcraft

Interrogator's Shackles - Item - World of Warcraft

Barbaric Bracers - Item - World of Warcraft - Not preferred

Bands of Serra'kis - Item - World of Warcraft - Not preferred


Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength - Spell - World of Warcraft

Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina - Spell - World of Warcraft


Earthbound Handgrips - Item - World of Warcraft Of Soldier/Bear or Strength

Gloves of the Jungle King - Item - World of Warcraft

Shackling Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft

Grubbis Paws - Item - World of Warcraft

Algae Fists - Item - World of Warcraft


Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes - Spell - World of Warcraft - For items Item Level 35+

Enchant Gloves - Major Strength - Spell - World of Warcraft - For items Item Level 35+

Enchant Gloves - Blasting - Spell - World of Warcraft - For items Item Level 35+

Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft


Earthbound Girdle - Item - World of Warcraft Of Strength/Bear or Soldier

Defiler's Lamellar Girdle - Item - World of Warcraft - Defiler's Mail Girdle - Item - World of Warcraft For Horde

Highlander's Lamellar Girdle - Item - World of Warcraft - Highlander's Mail Girdle - Item - World of Warcraft For Alliance

Felbane Belt - Item - World of Warcraft - Alliance only

Pocket-Nuke Belt - Item - World of Warcraft - Horde only


Stubborn Legguards - Item - World of Warcraft

Barechus' Greaves - Item - World of Warcraft - Alliance only

Dreamsinger Legguards - Item - World of Warcraft

Leggings of the Verdant Oasis - Item - World of Warcraft - Not preferred due to missing out on the only 35+ iLevel Shield for the bracket - Think carefuly on that one.

Leg Patch

Heavy Armor Kit - Item - World of Warcraft


Defiler's Lamellar Greaves - Item - World of Warcraft and Defiler's Mail Greaves - Item - World of Warcraft For Horde

Highlander's Lamellar Greaves - Item - World of Warcraft and Highlander's Mail Greaves - Item - World of Warcraft For Alliance

Cliffwalker Boots - Item - World of Warcraft - Horde only

Caverndeep Trudgers - Item - World of Warcraft

Boots of the Foolhardy - Item - World of Warcraft

Harbinger Boots - Item - World of Warcraft - Max Stamina boots for bracket.


Enchant Boots - Greater Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft

Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina - Spell - World of Warcraft - I would recommend Stamina


Legionnaire's Band - Item - World of Warcraft - Horde Only

Protector's Band - Item - World of Warcraft - Alliance Only

Band of Raptor Teeth - Item - World of Warcraft

Charged Gear - Item - World of Warcraft Of Stamina/Strength/Bear/Tiger

Thunderbrow Ring - Item - World of Warcraft

Deadman's Hand - Item - World of Warcraft


You never really have any one trinket equipped all of the time due to the CD's after use. Swap them out as and when you need them for different situations or whatever comes off Cooldown first.

Arena Grand Master - Item - World of Warcraft

Insignia of the Horde - Item - World of Warcraft or Insignia of the Alliance - Item - World of Warcraft for Alliance

Dog Whistle - Item - World of Warcraft

Defiler's Talisman - Item - World of Warcraft or Talisman of Arathor - Item - World of Warcraft For Alliance

Rune of Duty - Item - World of Warcraft

Engineering Trinkets pointed out earlier in the guide in the Professions section of the guide.



Bloodied Arcanite Reaper - Item - World of Warcraft - Easily Best in Slot however there are alternatives if you dont have access to Account Bound Gear.

Cobalt Crusher - Item - World of Warcraft

Morbid Dawn - Item - World of Warcraft

Thermaplugg's Left Arm - Item - World of Warcraft

Burning War Axe - Item - World of Warcraft


Enchant Weapon - Crusader - Spell - World of Warcraft

Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft


Protector's Sword - Item - World of Warcraft

Dreamslayer - Item - World of Warcraft

Zealot Blade - Item - World of Warcraft


Enchant Weapon - Crusader - Spell - World of Warcraft


Shield of Maraudon - Item - World of Warcraft

Resplendent Guardian - Item - World of Warcraft

Shield of Thorsen - Item - World of Warcraft

Thermaplugg's Central Core - Item - World of Warcraft


Enchant Shield - Major Stamina - Spell - World of Warcraft - For items Item Level 35+

Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina - Spell - World of Warcraft

Some people may notice by looking at other players that I've missed out a lot of gear from the list. Well, this list is accurate to Patch 4.06 and I'm afraid and sad to say that the gear you're probably looking at is no longer obtainable. Yep, that bastard Deathwing came down and ate the Quest givers. Plans are in place to go punch him in the face though, don't worry.

Considering you already said you were going to have engineering I'm guessing you'll already know about what I'm going to suggest but do think about using the Invisibility Trinket as one of your trinks. To make Arms work your going to be needing to almost do a Rogue Vanish each time someone roots you - But hey if you overcome the lack of mobility with mass amounts of Free action pots and rotating Shadowmeld/Invis Trink your going to do some serious dmg. Would be good to see some fraps footage of you making it work as I havnt noticed any very profficient Arms warriors in the EU Bracket.

Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector - Item - World of Warcraft - This used with a Free Action Potion - Item - World of Warcraft is pure win. Either you net the player and become immune to movement impairing effects therefore not allowing them to get away or...OR it pulls you too the opponent and nets them (not you because of the potion). It's basially Shadowstep for rets. I've screwed over so many hunters like this, it's hilarious.

This has a lot of potential :D
Not to start a debate, but if you plan to play in the EXP-OFF bracket US then i advise you not to use Free Action Potion - Item - World of Warcraft. Free Action Potions are highly frowned upon due to their making you immune to important effects. Especially if you carry a flag. This effect is undispellable and lasts 30seconds, making or breaking a match. That is all.

See you around
There are many things that are frowned upon by some people....not by others...some people thinking wall jumping is ok..some dont...some think hunters are ok...some dont.....some people think Engineering is OP...some dont..

Most of these *frowned* upon things take a hell of a lot of effort either to master, create, learn to do etc. Free action potions are a pain in the ass to farm..their a pain to make and a damn fine potion. I personally pride myself of being one those people who spend a lot of his time farming for matts so for any given situation - i am prepared.

I dont care what amount of effort i have to put in..if i can gain an advantage..I'll damn well do it. I dont care how much effort is involved..its what i love about twinking..being the best i can possibly be.

Why ban something because its OP? when everyone can use it.. If only one class could use it..or one proff then fair enough but EVERYONE can..and tbh the people who can be bothered to farm and make them deserve to be rewarded by the result. If you lose because someone used one..ask yourself...why didnt i?

Slack if you ask me.

See you around.
Brb rerolling a 29 walljumping hunter with engineering and FAP's.


I do not support using FAP's in BG's. It is really gamebreaking for some classes (travel form + FAP says hi!).

And buying the mats off AH for a FAP doesn't take a lot of time nor effort.

•40 x [Rough Stone]

•100 x [Copper Bar]

•50 x [Weak Flux] - You buy this from the vendor

•15 x [Coarse Stone]

•29 x [Linen Cloth]

•120 x [Bronze Bar] - 60 Copper Bar + 60 Tin Bar

•5 x [Moss Agate]

•40 x [Heavy Stone]

•80 x [Wool Cloth]

•20 x [Medium Leather]

•180 x [Solid Stone]

•161 x [Mithril Bar]

It is important to buy a [Gnomish Army Knife] from the Auction House before you start. It is used to replace Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor, Arclight Spanner and Blacksmith Hammer. If you can't afford to buy one, you will have to make a Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor and Arclight Spanner while you level your Engineering and you also need to buy a Blacksmith Hammer from the Blacksmith supply vendor, it's near your trainer.

•1 - 30

40 x [Rough Blasting Powder] - 40 Rough Stone

This recipe goes yellow at 20, so get enough materials to use this recipe 40 times.

•30 - 50

34 x [Handful of Copper Bolts] - 34 Copper Bar

You will need 34 of these later.

50 - 125

Visit your trainer, and learn Journeyman Engineering.

•50 - 75

24 x [Copper Tube] - 48 Copper bar, 24 Weak Flux

•75 - 85

15 x [Coarse Blasting Powder] - 15 Coarse Stone

You will need 15 of these later.

•85 - 90

5 x [Coarse Dynamite] - 15 Coarse Blasting Powder, 5 Linen Cloth

•90 -100

12 x [Copper Modulator] - 24 Handful Copper Bolts, 12 Copper Bar, 24 Linen Cloth

•100 -105

5 x [Practice Lock] - 10 Handful Copper Bolts, 5 Bronze Bar, 5 Weak flux

•105 -120

17 x [Bronze Tubes] - 34 Bronze Bar, 17 Weak Flux

•120 -125

5 x [Standard Scope] - 5 Bronze Tube, 5 Moss Agate

125 - 205

Visit your trainer, and learn Expert Engineering.

•125 -150

40 x [Heavy Blasting Powder] - 40 Heavy Stone


20 x [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] - 40 Bronze Bar, 20 Wool Cloth

You will need 40 [Heavy Blasting Powder] and 20 [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] later, and if you make these you should reach 150 skill point.

•150 - 155

20 x [Bronze Framework] - 40 Bronze Bar, 20 Medium Leather, 20 Wool Cloth

by making them now, you might get a lot further - probably towards 160, then stop making these and only make more when you'll need them.

•155 -175

20 x [Explosive Sheep] - 40 Heavy Blasting Powder, 20 Whirring Bronze Gizmo, 20 Bronze Framework, 40 Wool Cloth

•175 - 195

60 x [Solid Blasting Powder] - 120 Solid Stone

Save these because you will need it later.

•195 - 200

7 x [Mithril Tubes] - 21 Mithril Bar

205 - 280

Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Engineering.

Engineering has the option at skill level 200 to specialize in Gnomish or Goblin Engineering. The main difference between both sides is the location of their respective teleporters and the ability of their trinkets. Some items require a specific specialization to use, while other items are crafted by one specialization but are usable by any engineer. Fortunately, most recipes that are crafted by one Specialization can be worn by both.

Gnomish Engineering

•list of recipes

Goblin Engineering

•list of recipes

•200 - 216

20 x [Unstable Triggers] - 20 Mithril Bar, 20 Mageweave Cloth, 20 Solid Blasting Powder

Save these.

•215 - 238

40 x [Mithril Casings] - 120 Mithril Bar

Near enough
Wow, thanks so much man. What spec. would you reccomend? Net-o-matic doesn't look like it requires gnomish....

Also, how would tailoring be? At least back in BC I remember there were netherweave nets... combined with net-o-matic, engi. bombs, charge, 2nd charge with S-meld, invis. trink, FAPs, I think it would be sick, as long as the nets don't share a CD with anything.

I'm currently leveling herb, but the usefullness of it is looking less and less good, besides the minor heal and haste. Skinning for extra crit looks good, but if tailoring still gives nets, I'm thinking the extra ToT is superior to any other prof.

You can tell people whatever you want, and you can use whatever item you want. Currently nothing is "banned" from the US 29 exp-off bracket. But, understand that a lot of US players work hard to maintain a strong and vibrant community of 29s and a lot of us do not like FAPs. If you wish to kill the bracket just after it started up again then fine.

Dont come crying back when you wasted time making a 29 and you cant even play the toon because no one wants to play with you...just sayin
If arms turns out to be super shitty even with racial and engi consumable crutching, I'll try prot. Arms is just a baller spec though, need to try it first.

@Hyren: was that last part directed at me? If faps are that highly frowned upon then I won't use them. Except against hunters. I don't give a fuck what rules there are, I'll kill a kitten to take down a fucking hunter.

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