
I started the thread to see who was interested in Thursday night games. Try again, loser.

Obviously, the people here are more interested in fighting incessantly, than playing games. Thanks for calling me a loser, I am sure that will fix everything.
i learn a lot of things about myself from megumi that i never knew before
Obviously, the people here are more interested in fighting incessantly, than playing games. Thanks for calling me a loser, I am sure that will fix everything.

You guys came in here to start drama. Obviously you were not interested in games.
I mean we didn't have our hunters re roll so that the game would be a little more fun

right, you just had your current players jump on their Nailspitter hunters and proceeded to be vanquished by senorita leatherface

lRigsw@ggR on that hoe


ediT: <3 bluntZ, lord bernsteeins mongoosius, minow #1doler and defeater of rouegpala 2steam, toatstaged, rubnipsk, mb twinksr, oldsckool DeToX n brosh0ts wait no

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