24 Twink Ratings & Comments

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whats your sigs point? u beat a 1900 team?

Some 1900 team who thought they could bang. But what they didn't know is, I throw hands like Tarzan.
Thread obviously started by a former 19 twink.. I did play a bit of 19s and I remember some of the people on the list were the same people that used to afk out of 19 games as soon as they saw a challenge, what lamers.

20 Shaman-Perplex, 20 Rogue-Toxxulia, 20 Hunter-Zomax, 20 Warlock-Octopusy
you know first of all shirty hasnt played in forever and you know i certainly dont take a liking to his gameplay anyone think i should get mention in the bracket? Considering how many premade's me and my close friend bigpapi blow up everyday. we love the thrill and you know i have help a just made 20 hunter get BiS with out BoAs just for the fun of it it kinda helps considering allies f2p's arn't very good just wondering.
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Must. not. feed. the. trolls... Ok shit.

Jetlife: Suprisingly, an OK mage. In the shadow of Flummaz and most likely will be forever.
What an arrogant ass. If I was Jetlife I'd be pissed. Put them on the list or don't, no need to backhand them the entire time.

Where's Nevmind EU or Deadvulcano..... or Loli or Pepsi...

Flummaz/Flummez: Opened the eyes of most of this bracket. A pioneer arcane mage that is simply dominating wherever he goes.

LOL! I've vs'd you, you ain't that strong bro. Grats on your Power Torrent and haste stacking pocket. I know you and your 19 buds had a hand in this garbage lol. Make a trial, lets see some skill for skill. You know where to find us.
So this thread was started by that 24 mage who I've never seen outside of a his preform? lol.. I guess steamrolling PuGs equals skill.

20 Shaman-Perplex, 20 Rogue-Toxxulia, 20 Hunter-Zomax, 20 Warlock-Octopusy
ive known bigpapi for a while now we do 2 mans and blow up premades for fun he is not a average nor good player but he is great so whatever you say you need to learn before you speak bigpapi is much better than duo paladin infact this morning me and him facerolled that baddie and his 5 man straight into the ground learn stuff before you post dude.
ive known bigpapi for a while now we do 2 mans and blow up premades for fun he is not a average nor good player but he is great so whatever you say you need to learn before you speak bigpapi is much better than duo paladin infact this morning me and him facerolled that baddie and his 5 man straight into the ground learn stuff before you post dude.

You type like my five-year-old daughter.
LOL! I've vs'd you, you ain't that strong bro. Grats on your Power Torrent and haste stacking pocket. I know you and your 19 buds had a hand in this garbage lol. Make a trial, lets see some skill for skill. You know where to find us.

Yeah but did you win vs me? Doubtful... Why make a f2p for WSG when its littered with shit 24s who (irony) only win because of the chants, this bracket is only alive because of idiots like yourself are okay with being beat on day in day out. Repeating the same dull thing to yourself along the lines of, "Its okay im better than him he only beats me because he has better gear". In the end who the fuck cares you get dunked on routinely and I sit here while my ego grows to the size that would make sasha greys wide vacant hole quiver in fear.

So this thread was started by that 24 mage who I've never seen outside of a his preform? lol.. I guess steamrolling PuGs equals skill.

I already have my own thread to stroke my ego off in okay? if I honestly made this thread half of those garbage 24s wouldn't be on it, they're hardly anyone in this bracket who can play the class to a useful extent in any 'serious" play, although thats kind of irrelivant when no one wants to premade and those who do consist of those I've already slain
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who r u talking to lol

The gentleman who's spamming the same thing at the end of each post, rather than just putting it as a signature?
you know first of all shirty hasnt played in forever and you know i certainly dont take a liking to his gameplay anyone think i should get mention in the bracket? Considering how many premade's me and my close friend bigpapi blow up everyday. we love the thrill and you know i have help a just made 20 hunter get BiS with out BoAs just for the fun of it it kinda helps considering allies f2p's arn't very good just wondering.

ive known bigpapi for a while now we do 2 mans and blow up premades for fun he is not a average nor good player but he is great so whatever you say you need to learn before you speak bigpapi is much better than duo paladin infact this morning me and him facerolled that baddie and his 5 man straight into the ground learn stuff before you post dude.

Thing is mate, there is exceptional talent in this bracket no doubt about that, but being an exceptional player does not make your name known. Being active on TI, interacting with active members on TI, or making vids of how well you play does. And we all know people with big names (not naming anyone) who are far less then exceptional. And on that note, there are alot of very exceptional players who aren't known because of this, its possible you and bibpapi are two of them.
lolol how much time has this nerd wasted talking like a retard in our vent and photoshopping a screen shot. you have a 5 year old daughter? go take care of her instead of acting like a try hard in this game. oh wait aren't you and flummaz the ones who afk out with your pocket healer whenever u get more than a few deaths?

Again, you're thinking of the wrong guy, stupid. I've literally never entered your dumb little ventrilo channel so that rumor ends here and now. Also, what's the matter with playing WoW *and* having a family? I can't do both? :S

Flummaz and I normally 2 man queue with me solo healing. We don't have another healer tag along with us so I don't know what you're blabbering on about you buffoon.
lolol how much time has this nerd wasted talking like a retard in our vent and photoshopping a screen shot. you have a 5 year old daughter? go take care of her instead of acting like a try hard in this game. oh wait aren't you and flummaz the ones who afk out with your pocket healer whenever u get more than a few deaths?

"go take care of her instead of acting like a try hard in this game. oh wait aren't you and flummaz the ones who afk out"

go take care of her

oh wait aren't you the one who afk out

People can afk for real reasons I.E taking care of their daughter, afking isnt just something people do to rage; this brackejt is so shallow the fact you expect people to stay in games when IRL issues come around or duties as a parent arise...

I'm unsure if you're aware of who you're aiming your verbal "gat" at due to the fact that luciouslipsholylips hasn't been in "your" vent... and the screenshot wasnt photo shopped it was made in MSpaint.... and he didn't make it...


i'm impressed. this is the first time you've sounded like an adult instead of a like a 12 year old kid on Halo. keep it up and you might get somewhere in life.

The fact you've brushed everything else i've said into a category known as a kid on halo shows how dense your skull is and leads me to think you cant comprehend half the shit i say... but its okay i'm the list you're not...

yet another 24 vet left as a smear on the bottom of my boot


evolution of a bracket god, perform exceedingly well-> Don't be humble take your credit -> sharpen your sword as the swarms of sub-par idiots swarm-> proceed to slay all of them -> forge a crown from their children and wives
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proceed to slay all of them -> forge a crown from their children and wives

Hahahaha lost my shit here, this exchange is golden haha

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