24 Twink Ratings & Comments

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Well first I would like to give a warm welcome to all the recent 19s moving up to the bracket, I cant wait to play with most of you again. ROFL at this list though clearly shows these kids have been in the bracket for less than a few months due to the utter failure of mentioning some of the brackets top players F2P and 24s alike. Rank one what? Rank one at "containing" GY while you guys get 3 capped by F2P druids? Enjoy those debuffs guys 15 mins a long time to wait while showing the rest of bracket the proof they need that your all not as skilled as u think you are. learn to play objectively and play for the win and you could maybe be considered. To all those who do not GY farm 24s and F2Ps alike I salute you much love and respect :) see yall in warsong /giggles

Agree with the first half.
Worry about your own game play before you start criticizing others. No one can compare to my squad so far in scheduled premades, so what's the point in arguing? The proof is on my youtube channel. Just keeping it real.

See you guys the 26th ;)
Worry about your own game play before you start criticizing others. No one can compare to my squad so far in scheduled premades, so what's the point in arguing? The proof is on my youtube channel. Just keeping it real.

See you guys the 26th ;)

Who are you?
i'm honored to be remembered for such a long time even though i only participated for such a short time in this bracket.

its honestly a drag i cant make the same impression on the 19 bracket after i put so much more of my time into it than this one.
Ciren, Maybe you have gotten better and fine tuned what you could do before. I heard some where that cheese and wine get better with age. Maybe its that way for your playing pvp.
This list is hilarious.. Eg: He implies one of the players is notable in the bracket because he is funny on vent.. Ppl shouldn't make these lists period.. unless they play non stop and know each and every players skill lvl.. Terrible list.. Though some players On the list are well earned=)..
This list is hilarious.. Eg: He implies one of the players is notable in the bracket because he is funny on vent.. Ppl shouldn't make these lists period.. unless they play non stop and know each and every players skill lvl.. Terrible list.. Though some players On the list are well earned=)..

These lists are meant for entertainment. Get your panties out of a wad.
This list is hilarious.. Eg: He implies one of the players is notable in the bracket because he is funny on vent.. Ppl shouldn't make these lists period.. unless they play non stop and know each and every players skill lvl.. Terrible list.. Though some players On the list are well earned=)..

These lists are meant for entertainment. Get your panties out of a wad. Someone who describes himself as new to twinking shouldn't be so judgmental.
These lists are meant for entertainment. Get your panties out of a wad. Someone who describes himself as new to twinking shouldn't be so judgmental.
Haha so because im new to twinking I cant have an opinion? This list was made on 1 members opinion of "Notable players In 24 bracket" is it not? =) Have a great day! ps..I wear Boxers.. well Guess u could call them Boyshorts ;)
Haha so because im new to twinking I cant have an opinion? This list was made on 1 members opinion of "Notable players In 24 bracket" is it not? =) Have a great day! ps..I wear Boxers.. well Guess u could call them Boyshorts ;)

Your outspoken opinions only serve to make you look naive in light of your being new to the community.
Your outspoken opinions only serve to make you look naive in light of your being new to the community.

Okay=) Your Opinion has been noted!.. For some1 talking about others being judgmental u were pretty judgmental on that Judgment just now.. But hey! thanks for taking the time=)! thoroughly enjoyed our conversation ;)
Haha so because im new to twinking I cant have an opinion? This list was made on 1 members opinion of "Notable players In 24 bracket" is it not? =) Have a great day! ps..I wear Boxers.. well Guess u could call them Boyshorts ;)

Okay=) Your Opinion has been noted!.. For some1 talking about others being judgmental u were pretty judgmental on that Judgment just now.. But hey! thanks for taking the time=)! thoroughly enjoyed our conversation ;)

I honestly can't tell if you're some god-tier level genius troll or if you're actually this cringeworthy and awkward.

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