24 Mage glass canon chardev

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looking for a glass canon chardev for a 24 fire mage without the use of guild heirlooms.
Don't even bother gearing you will still 3 shot trials.
Yeah, fire mages aren't very hard to gear/play at 24. Just stack crit. armory my alliance mage Skullcandyx and just substitute guild boas with Godfreys Britches/crit Satchel Belt and 18 int goggles. But jsut remember on mage to poly and nova for peels and offensive CC, dont just sit in mid when you could do so much more. Also, don't play like a glass cannon mages can kite very well just work on backstrafing while scorching and nova placement. Gl, PM me if you have any more questions.
edit for armory link http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightbringer/Skullcandyx/simple Ill log him out with boas on but its pretty straight forward.
I forget his name... There has only ever been 1 good horde mage that stood out for me but I haven't seen him in awhile and forgot his name D:

He was a goblin who really liked zerk.. If anyone remembers his name I'd say just copy his gear

Edit: went to the 15th page to find where I mentioned him.... Splix. It includes guild boas but linking anyways as I would personally trust his gear more then anyone elses
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Out of curiosity, when did you go from rabidly hating all 24s to joining them?

Also, you were not the "found of the AP community," you were simply the first to decide to be there because of the latency for Euros. That's the equivalent of saying I founded Shattered Hand's community because I was the first person to make a character there.
Ok I'll bite :p

I never hated 24s. I knew exactly back then, like now, that the bracket is level 20-24. I see no reason why I would hate 24s, we knew exactly what would happen and it happened.
I also made 24s at the same time i made my toons on Aerie Peak at EU. Would be silly to say that i hate myself, doesn't it?

About the creation of that community; It is not about who was first on a realm when it comes to making a community but there were a certain group of people here on twinkinfo who decided to make a home realm for f2p players/twinkinfo members and I was one of them. Since i suggested that realm and came up with that idea I entitled myself as founder of that community. And again not because I was first on that realm and of course I am not the only founder. There were several people involved who can say the same thing. We came up with that idea back then so yeah we are the founders.

Who are you anyway, I don't seem to recognize your twinkinfo name.
Just a quick question.
Do people still think fire is the best spec?
The insta bust is from fire is well nice, but i seem to be getting much more consistent numbers from arcane.
Any help would be much appreciated :D

edit: spelling
Just a quick question.
Do people still think fire is the best spec?
The insta bust is from fire is well nice, but i seem to be getting much more consistent numbers from arcane.
Any help would be much appreciated :D

edit: spelling

What would you need help with if you've already decided which spec you prefer?
I don't see any opinion regarding which i prefer at all.
I stated that i felt the insta nuke from fire was better but arcane's damage was more consistent. Not that i preferred either one...
What I was after was other peoples opinions regarding the matter.

Why post if you have nothing useful to say?
Why post if you have nothing useful to say?

Welcome to TI!

nah I joke :) I think what Dorigon means to say is, play what you prefer. Frost for CC, fire for burst damage, arcane for sustained dps.

I think fire has greater mobility than arcane so I would choose fire purely for that reason.

If you don't get any help here, no harm in testing each spec and just sticking with what you enjoyed most. Good thing with casters, same gear is viable for all specs.
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