if survival hunter is banned were probably just gonna forfeit the game
me and goohd just wanted to play on our precious mains since we don't really have or play any other class i should say; since we do not play 20's anymore we just go on our mains for some bgs
when I saw survival hunter getting freeze trap at 7.1 I realized we could probably have a little fun since hunter will finally be viable with a CC; sadly it came with the curse of broken damage
so really i'm not missing work for something i wasn't looking forward too, I need that $$ man i'm only in high school i gotta finesse all that I can hehe
and i hope you didn't come to this conclusion after last nights games, seeing as how you had more than enough time to test hunter and realize all these abilities cant go by.
if you only realize certain things are broken after games (say qualifiers for axes as an example) and if you are concluding this from last night games then that would make the point true...which in that case i have to say : Get It Together Admins, please test and make decisions, if you wanted to do something about survival hunter you'd have done so as soon as 7.1 hit
the only suggestion i can give now is this : please never arrange an arena event that extends into a drastic changing patch, hunter wasn't the only one to take drastic changes (although it was the only one that became op)
Agree 100%I would highly suggest banning Survival Hunter as a whole, not just its specific spells.
Its damage and CC potential are simply too high for competitive tournament play, unfortunately.
Flanking Strike and Throwing Axes aside, Mongoose / Raptor strikes are too much damage, Freezing Trap + Harpoon + Wing Clip are oppressively strong CCs, and they're towards the high end of tankiness with 6.6k health.
While it would be less oppressive when paired with something other than Survival/Ret/X or Survival/X/Disc, it would be much simpler to just ban the class than to prevent it being played with a specific comp or class in mind.
As it is, every team in the tournament should be running Survival Hunter, since it is far and away the strongest class in a competitive 3v3 tournament at 20 right now.
I think pretty much every single team captain in the final 8 would gladly accept its ban.
Just my thoughts.
Ban freezing trap or harpoon, then everything will be good.
Well, i was just saying that if you wanna keep surv hunters unbanned, just ban some other things to make it balanced? idk.Banning so many abilities, might as well ban the spec wtf.
I would highly suggest banning Survival Hunter as a whole, not just its specific spells.
Its damage and CC potential are simply too high for competitive tournament play, unfortunately.
Flanking Strike and Throwing Axes aside, Mongoose / Raptor strikes are too much damage, Freezing Trap + Harpoon + Wing Clip are oppressively strong CCs, and they're towards the high end of tankiness with 6.6k health.
While it would be less oppressive when paired with something other than Survival/Ret/X or Survival/X/Disc, it would be much simpler to just ban the class than to prevent it being played with a specific comp or class in mind.
As it is, every team in the tournament should be running Survival Hunter, since it is far and away the strongest class in a competitive 3v3 tournament at 20 right now.
I think pretty much every single team captain in the final 8 would gladly accept its ban.
Just my thoughts.
Survival is only really strong when playing with a ret and disc.Yea, I am 100% Agreed with it because we did a lot of testing with Bop as survival Hunter with the tourny rules after the qualifier, and banning axes and flanking did not seem to be enough to balance out survvial hunters in competitive level 20 3v3 matches. Also, combing Survival with any other dps class just seems to be really op.
Survival is only really strong when playing with a ret and disc.