EU [20 July] EN / FR Premade 10 vs 10 (mirror comps)


French Moderator

Hi guys,

Everything is in the title. On 20 July we propose you to premade with us in order to have fun and spend good time: it will be on a battleground with 10 players against 10 other ones.

About the hour, I propose 09 PM.

Our team has already 8 players prepared (soon 10); we're looking forward to yours. About the classes we would like that both teams have the same ones, in order to get a balanced BG (hence the "mirror comps").

One of our players (Raymond) often plays on Magtheridon so he will invite us on his realm and this is how we will see you to get BG (it's the simpliest way to join you).

About the choice of the classes, we would like too that you propose what seems fine for you. Each of us is able to play several classes so it's not a big problem. Raymond has already proposed the following classes-composition:

What do you think about?

In every cases we're waiting for your answer (I will edit this post when the classes will be fixed - the players' names will appear too).

Embu from Rashferoth - FR F2P-Alliance community

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Here are the streams:

Official English stream (Mol)
Official French stream (Ifyoumac)

Here is the
French team:

Romana @ Rashgarroth (Niko) (checked)

Thór @ Throk'Feroth (Bruttuss) (checked)

Garitõs @ Hyjal (Grectar) (checked)

Garitor @ Rashgarroth (Garitos) (checked) (will be replaced by a monk from 09 pm to 09.45 pm)

Eartho @ Magtheridon (Alex) (checked)

Petitbiscuit @ Throk'Feroth (P'titbiscuit) (checked)

Lolatwink @ Vol'jin
(Ifyoumac) (checked)

Healytwink @ Rashgarroth (Healytwink) (checked)

Vergil @ Rashgarroth (Elfitou) (checked)

Embusquée @ Rashgarroth (Embu) (checked)

And the
English one:

Vudlig @ Aggramar (Vudlig) (checked)

Halfbaguette @ Aggramar (Mumpls) (checked)

Bigfatty @ Aggramar (Bifgatty)

Chaìnz @ Magtheridon (Chainz) (checked)

Mol @ Aggramar (Mol) (checked)

Yungr @ Aggramar (Yjungr) (checked)

Raz @ Stormscale (Raz) (checked)

Hardbassxd @ Draenor (Hardbass) (checked)

Samibaguette @ Outlaw (Outplayed) (checked)

Dhenurd @ Defias Brotherhood (Dhenurd) (checked)
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Uuuuhm, cant say exactly what comp we play yet - since i need to check who has which 20 toons.

But it will probably look like this:

2x Disc
1x Rshaman
2x Balance Druid
1x Arms
1x Surv
1x Arcane Mage
1x Destruction Lock
1x Aff Lock / Rogue

Add my Btag just incase, Mol#2746

Looking forwatd to it :)
Uuuuhm, cant say exactly what comp we play yet - since i need to check who has which 20 toons.

But it will probably look like this:

2x Disc
1x Rshaman
2x Balance Druid
1x Arms
1x Surv
1x Arcane Mage
1x Destruction Lock
1x Aff Lock / Rogue

Add my Btag just incase, Mol#2746

Looking forwatd to it :)

This looks a bit too fotm, can we play something more softcore? Like only 1 boomie and pick one between SV/arms, and go for other classes instead?
I'd say we go 2x Druids each team and only one Surv OR Arms per Team. Just like Raymond said: The more "softcore version" seems to be the better one.
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While I cant make it on the 20th (so feel free to ignore the opinion of someone who won't be there) I would say that setting limits on some of the OP classes makes more sense than trying to get exact mirrors. Allows for more flexibility and flexibility = games.

Especially if the purpose is just having a good time and community building. Then theres no need to take it all that seriously.
After a "short" brainstorming session we've come up with the following comp:

2x Disc Priests
2x Boomies
1x SV Hunter
1x Outlaw Rogue
1x Enh Shammy
1x Fire Mage
1x Affli Lock
1x Hpally

Hope we can have many good games on that evening.
After a "short" brainstorming session we've come up with the following comp:

2x Disc Priests
2x Boomies
1x SV Hunter
1x Outlaw Rogue
1x Enh Shammy
1x Fire Mage
1x Affli Lock
1x Hpally

Hope we can have many good games on that evening.
It's obvious u guys have no clue what you're talking about so let me break it down for you.
2 disc priests
1 rshammy
2 boomies
1 surv hunt or arms
1 arcane mage
1 destro lock
1 BM hunt
1 outlaw rogue

Edit: we can always change comps after the first or second game.
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Hey people!

No need to be rude here, our only goal is to play with you for having fun :)

Please excuse us if we have not the same gaming-experience than yours, or if we think differently.

The most important is that we manage to do this premade! By the way I will edit the post soon, in order to add the name of our players. If you could give the name of your own players it will be cool too
Hey people!

No need to be rude here, our only goal is to play with you for having fun :)

Please excuse us if we have not the same gaming-experience than yours, or if we think differently.

The most important is that we manage to do this premade! By the way I will edit the post soon, in order to add the name of our players. If you could give the name of your own players it will be cool too
vas-tu m'accepter et mon autre ami français a ton equipe?
<3 healytwink <3 and me r enough to rek every1
Update: we have a problem with Raymond, who was supposed to group us with you. He could'nt be there because professional reasons. So I suggest to take my P2P char to group us and join you in Dalaran (given the city is neutral, we could launch the wargame from this place).

But I need to know if after leaving the group with my P2P char we could still stay on the same realm than you?
Hello there, no need to make things more complicated than they are!

All you need is a P2P 20 in your group (which you probably have) if not you could just lvl a 20 on your P2P account - anyways - then the P2P's exchange their Battle Tags and we can request Wargame by a command. Its very simple.

I havent done Wargames in a while, so i cant remember if the Wargames also work on F2P Accounts - i think it was possible.

Btw just to confirm our comp again:

2x Disc
1 Rshaman
2x Balance Druid
1x BM Hunter
1x Arms Warrior
1x Destru Lock
1x Arcane Mage
1x Rogue

Looking forward to it, cu soon! :D

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