That is the issue, others have presented their "lower than 29" toons and have been told to go elsewhere. When in fact our other armory lists had more/better comparisons for people to choose. For it is not just gear that people look at, it is enchants as well.
This armory is a little more inclusive of the entire P2P spectrum.
It appears the author of this armory got pissy and won the moderators over as seen here.
It really should be part of the Bracket Managers responsibility. If the Bracket Manager does not want to take care of it accordingly then they should not be Bracket Manager. With that said, I don't know who the Bracket Manager is nor do I really care. I just know that the current Armory is very lacking. That is why I suggested for more than one person to be able to "take care of it", not just one. Amonst the myriad of reasons, is if it more than more one person, it is easier to be deemed impartial.
Have a wonderful day.