20-29s Armory List

edit: I fuckedup here but you can go to the Veteran list for ur 20s. I think it would be better to keep this list for 29s

Actually I have had level 20's on this list longer than many people have been Twinking. There is a difference between P2Ps and Veterans. Do not let levels cloud your proper judgement.

Actually I have had level 20's on this list longer than many people have been Twinking. There is a difference between P2Ps and Veterans. Do not let levels cloud your proper judgement.


when it comes to armory list I think levels matters alot. If im going to make a lvl 20 twink why would I go to 2 different threads instead of one? thats my point yooo
Why wouldn't you go to two or more different places?
The 20-29 bracket has three different forums for Pete's sake. P2Ps can obtain items that Veterans cannot. They can obtain profession levels that Veterans cannot. Which means they can craft items that Veterans cannot. Their gear/enchants can be upgraded the day of the patch where as a Veteran's cannot.

dude what items you talking about lol? if you're talking about some Recipets and other shit that doesn't affect your gear at all then no man you're wrong. Ppl here wants to check whats BIS its all about gear.
Vets can get all the BIS gear exactly as same as p2p.My point is to make 1 thread for 20s and 1 for 29s makes its easier for new players to check different classes and to save their time.
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Hahaha after your fotm post I had this feeling you'd take me off the list. YES you don't like me healing my best mates feral druid :3

Take your personal feelings out of the armory buddy, I'd love to help give ideas to other mistweavers, but your tears are getting in the way :3
Hahaha after your fotm post I had this feeling you'd take me off the list. YES you don't like me healing my best mates feral druid :3

Take your personal feelings out of the armory buddy, I'd love to help give ideas to other mistweavers, but your tears are getting in the way :3
[MENTION=17829]Roboartist[/MENTION] this seems to be a personal issue here.
As I stated in the other Armory thread. We really should have a two people at least have access to taking care of this so no personal feelings can take over the armory. As seen in the example above. It has happened before as well. We all know many of TI's members are not the most mature bunch of people around.
As you see no level P2P 20's have been included as they were before in the other TWO former armories.
Have a wonderful day!!

lol Trial I thought you were better than that.... well this website is lost since we have ppl like you and light running these armory lists

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