20-29s Armory List

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Re: 29s Armory List

Discipler @ Smolderthorn - Community - World of Warcraft

Disc priest specced for balanced playstyle, but particularly fond of critical strike! A good armory for newer twinks without GF gear or enchants. IMO, Crit allows Disc priests to have surprisingly decent burst damage to catch enemies off guard, especially when coupled with Drums of Rage, for example (+25% haste).



Hotshot Pilot's Gloves (+5 Stamina, +7 Intellect, +5 Critical Strike @ lvl 28) with Glove Reinforcements would be BiS imo, but the best I could do was Truefaith Gloves (5 stam, 7 int, boe) + Glove Reinforcements (+12 stamina) for FC set. I prefer the Major spellpower to gloves (+8 sp) due to lack of spellpower after pre-patch.

Boot Enchants:

Boar's Speed (+3 stamina, minor run speed increase) + AB boots are a great alternative for a FC set or situational (chasing down enemy FC, for example). But I use Scarlet Sandals + Surefooted (4 haste, 4 critical strike) for a more balanced build, and again, I love critical strike!


Dread Pirate Ring (Heirloom Ring, +5 Stamina, +7 Critical Strike, +4 Haste @ lvl 28) could easily be BiS depending on your style of play. I would trade it for my secondary ring, Yorgen's Boon (+3 Stamina, +3 Intellect, +5 Critical Strike) if I had it.


AGM for FC set is BiS, but Rune of Perfection (+4 Stamina, +10 Crit Strike) is fantastic now and everyone should consider using it.

Cheers everyone! :D
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Re: 29s Armory List

not very well geared...

I played with Lithyy yesterday (we unfortunately lost in a noob filled AV...), but I dont know what you are talking about. She topped the leader-board and the gear is pretty much BIS (an argument could be made for a Pirate Ring) but it looks all tops to me.
Re: 29s Armory List

To clarify. I am a DPS Brewmaster, not a stam stacking tank. Bonus Armor gives 1 ap now. Thats why i have armor to gloves, and Shadow Armor to cloak. As for boots, well my server gets a little interesting when it comes to finding enchanters. Also i'd like to note that my choice of Landslide over Dancing Steel is BiS in my eyes due to the amount of which it effects my Guard] when proc'd.
Re: 29s Armory List

Gonnaburnyou @ Rexxar - Community - World of Warcraft

For my BiS I favored items that had stamina and intel vs higher intel. My reason being 5 stamina > +2 intel with >= armor value. So 6 intel and 8 stam > 8 intel and 6 spirit (since destroy really doesn't use spirit)

I am using my current weapon because of the +10 intel, although the enchant appears broken at this time. (It is to expensive to replace until I have a confirmed answer regarding either the enchant being nullified or a bug which is going to be fixed from blizz. (mats alone run around 700g)
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