2 bvb assassination vs combat MH SF and bvb


Currently I'm playing assassination rogue with 2 bvb. It is fun. I run with elemental force. I also have gear for combat but was wondering what is better? Need some real answer. Alot of folks on my btag say double bvb is nice but I'm will debating and wonder if spending my gold on 2 bvb was necessary? Just in cause anyone wanna check out my armory it is Stillfallen @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft. Any advice is good.
Currently I'm playing assassination rogue with 2 bvb. It is fun. I run with elemental force. I also have gear for combat but was wondering what is better? Need some real answer. Alot of folks on my btag say double bvb is nice but I'm will debating and wonder if spending my gold on 2 bvb was necessary? Just in cause anyone wanna check out my armory it is Stillfallen @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft. Any advice is good.

Waste of a 2nd bvb, combat is better and ToV + BvB is just as good for assa
Talon mh as assass but Id still play sf/bvb combat. Also not necessarily a waste, enchant one ef the other dancing steel.
Have you or anyone else tested Double Tov lvl 7 and lvl 11 version , i have 2 but haven't tested in assass, since i just got back on my rogue a few days ago.

Would be nice to see somebody extensively test double talons.. I've been trying to get a level 11 version for a while for the purpose of bursting FCs and for arenas, but I'd like to know if there's really much of a difference in the mutilate damage.
Would be nice to see somebody extensively test double talons.. I've been trying to get a level 11 version for a while for the purpose of bursting FCs and for arenas, but I'd like to know if there's really much of a difference in the mutilate damage.

Have you or anyone else tested Double Tov lvl 7 and lvl 11 version , i have 2 but haven't tested in assass, since i just got back on my rogue a few days ago.

Bvb's high agility makes up for its lower damage and the higher offhand speed procs more poisons. Deadly poison procs ef , no need for a slower offhand, it's little extra damage added to mutilate doesn't make up for what you lose. I'd definitely rock talon mh for ambush though
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Have you or anyone else tested Double Tov lvl 7 and lvl 11 version , i have 2 but haven't tested in assass, since i just got back on my rogue a few days ago.

I haven't but I know people who have and the BvB OH will increase damage due to the high agi.
Assas raw dmg talon MH BvB OH
All right so I equipped a TOV to my MH that I have in my gbank. Although even with the speed being 2.0 from TOV, the lack of agility compare to BVB, it turns out that 2 bvb is actually about 6 more AP without the Proc. Even with the scaling of TOV, it still fail behind 2 bvb. And bvb being a faster dagger elemental force prof more often. I guess I answered my own question. I should of just tested them. I guess I was trying to save a TOV from having to be equipped.
As far as SF + bvb combat vs 2 bvb assassinI haven't test that. Will do. But it might come close. But I would say mut might have an advantage cause of the poison. Although combat have AP passive all it really good for is ambush opener. Mut is a much more sustainable due to envenom replenishes SND
All right so I equipped a TOV to my MH that I have in my gbank. Although even with the speed being 2.0 from TOV, the lack of agility compare to BVB, it turns out that 2 bvb is actually about 6 more AP without the Proc. Even with the scaling of TOV, it still fail behind 2 bvb. And bvb being a faster dagger elemental force prof more often. I guess I answered my own question. I should of just tested them. I guess I was trying to save a TOV from having to be equipped.

i thought only haste could make ele force from proc, the speed was for poisons ?
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Haste can make ur attacks faster causing ur dagger hit target giving the initial instant damage from deadly hitting. Also not having to replenish SND will ultimately save energy that can be put towards envenom or mut. And after opener the poison hit hard than combat make the damage more reliable. Unless u like hitting Low health targets in bG than go with combats one hitter quitter ambush spec.
ToV is bis because it's slower so it hits harder. Not for the the extra AP. it's obvious that two BvB will give you more AP, we knew that. But one talon one BvB is bis because of the weapon speed, but not that alone, the stats are decent enough to make it viable.
Calling combat a one hit quit spec sounds like your trying to justify your choice of a clearly weaker spec. Anything can be brought to the next level, I played combat at 29 but I've also 1v2d in arena as combat. Ofc it his hard but a good player will do much more with it. I have a SS of me killing a 29 brew and WW vs me.
However assassination is also good and can be brought a level up, but the best combat will beat the best assassin.
Quick question redgreen why do you have well geared twinks with no HKs?
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ToV is bis because it's slower so it hits harder. Not for the the extra AP. it's obvious that two BvB will give you more AP, we knew that. But one talon one BvB is bis because of the weapon speed, but not that alone, the stats are decent enough to make it viable.
Calling combat a one hit quit spec sounds like your trying to justify your choice of a clearly weaker spec. Anything can be brought to the next level, I played combat at 29 but I've also 1v2d in arena as combat. Ofc it his hard but a good player will do much more with it. I have a SS of me killing a 29 brew and WW vs me.
However assassination is also good and can be brought a level up, but the best combat will beat the best assassin.
Quick question redgreen why do you have well geared twinks with no HKs?

Everyone hypes the spec they have invested time and gold in. Redgreenblur hypes assassination cus of his x2 BvB and you do the same with Combat cus of your Gf'd back enchant that obvious is allot better for that spec (ap passive buff). It's nothing wrong with this, its cool that people try out different specs.

In my opinion AP stacked combat rouge for duels/arena (cus of burst) and Assassination rogue with ap enchants and haste looms for Bg's (Ass opener with SnD, is better burst then combat).

Btw Redgreenblur x2 BvB = massive Epenis;) that should count for something?
I wasn't aware HK constituted for skill? This is a new twink. Thus no unobtainable gear. Also I play when I can. We are not all living in their our parents basement wearing the same underwear for 5 day.

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