2 bvb assassination vs combat MH SF and bvb

19 takes skill? That is probably the most retarded thing u can say about that bracket. Where the only interrupt is a belf or Tauren racial, there is no skill in 19. That is like saying playing BM requires skill. Think before u open that EPenis infested mouth of ur.

wait, so are you implying 29 takes more skill than 19s?

how long have you been playing this game big boy?
This means that ele force is 10 procs per minute no matter the faster speed, extra dots, extra poison procs, extra weapon procs. The only thing that affects real procs per minute is haste.\

Windsong and Elemental Force Information - Forums - World of Warcraft

I understand ppm. Doesn't this just mean the limit per minute is 10 procs? The way I understood it was that you can reach 10 procs much quicker than a minute but it will stop proccing which is why ranged in mid often switch enchants after a while in big group fights. Since pvp is not consistent dps reaching the total ppm faster is more bursty. I could be wrong, not making claims but now I'm curious.

edit: internal cooldown
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For this example , if u had 0 haste. Regardless of any spec sub,assass or combat 2 weapons with ele force will provide twice every 6 secs. So if a rogue of any spec was in combat fighting for 10 secs his weapons regardless of weapon speed, will only proc 1 time for each weapon with no haste.

So so the question I have is how much haste is needed to lower the 6 secs (10 times per min). So maybe down to every 5 secs (12 times per min). So in that example I used your weapon would have procc'd 2 times for each weapon in a 10 sec fight? Which would be a major advantage.

Just food for thought
To many internet gangsters out today. low twink brackets really don't require any skill. If think it does than ur mistaken. But 29 would be skill involve due to the more spell availability. Unless u play feral or BM. Which I notice u do. So go back to ur basement troll.
To many internet gangsters out today. low twink brackets really don't require any skill. If think it does than ur mistaken. But 29 would be skill involve due to the more spell availability. Unless u play feral or BM. Which I notice u do. So go back to ur basement troll.

not at 29 dude. Just rogue. BM isn't OP at 19 at all. And at 39 its nowhere near 29.
Twinking doesn't require skill? You're retarded. More spells doesn't mean its harder, Its actually easier because you have more spells than the 20s you're facing. Furthermore, in both 19s and 39s both teams are usually filled with geared players who know what they're doing in WSG, and the elite players know more about WSG than most endgame RBGers. The strat involved at 19 doesn't require skill ad situational awareness? It doesn't require skill to call and follow targets or to know how to play your class to a T in every situation?
You obviously haven't twinked competitively, which is why you play in the 29 bracket against ftps and jajas.
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To many internet gangsters out today. low twink brackets really don't require any skill. If think it does than ur mistaken. But 29 would be skill involve due to the more spell availability. Unless u play feral or BM. Which I notice u do. So go back to ur basement troll.

twinking as a whole is seen as a joke by anyone outside of this community - and with that said, it's funny how many asshats it tends to attract. being able to global anyone is pretty much the only appeal of low level pvp. i'd rock the 2x bvb because why the fuck not when it isn't going to make any noticeable difference in damage / kbs. i'd also recommend checking sub out if you're running agi daggers - the ambush dmg that you can achieve is ridiculous.

pretty much all of the ex-24s / new 29s are disappointing and will get consistently outplayed by 20s - most of whom are also shite. with that said, it's tough to gauge level of competence when you legitimately only have to press 3 buttons to do well. people who take this bracket seriously are kidding themselves.

common sense > gear in most encounters. gl&hf
Those who think low level thinking require skill gotten be joking. Pressing 4 button is hardly skill. Although I enjoy the occasional BG, jamessBqt first of all anyone with the letter QT at the end must be a bitch or a closet homo. Also for u to say that twink know more about BG than most endgame Rbg is a joke. Take it u don't Rbg at 100. 19 and 29 where 1 man solo 3 other is hardly any skill.
Those who think low level thinking require skill gotten be joking. Pressing 4 button is hardly skill. Although I enjoy the occasional BG, jamessBqt first of all anyone with the letter QT at the end must be a bitch or a closet homo. Also for u to say that twink know more about BG than most endgame Rbg is a joke. Take it u don't Rbg at 100. 19 and 29 where 1 man solo 3 other is hardly any skill.

Nobody 1v3s at 19. Only brews can at 29. I got QT because Jamesb was taken. Stop talking about skill because you clearly don't have any. If you feel as though you do im open to 2v2 anytime.
So so the question I have is how much haste is needed to lower the 6 secs (10 times per min). So maybe down to every 5 secs (12 times per min). So in that example I used your weapon would have procc'd 2 times for each weapon in a 10 sec fight? Which would be a major advantage.

to go from 10 PPM to 12 PPM you would need 20% haste (91 haste is 20.03% at 29).

70 haste from gift of haste enchants is 15.4% haste (11.54 PPM)

If you want max DPS, your stat prioritization should be haste > vers > crit
If you want max burst potential, your stat prioritization should be vers > crit > haste

EDIT: One thing to note is
It calculates the difference in time since the last chance to proc. It uses that time to determine the chance for that event to trigger a proc.

This is why you get double ele force proc on ambush then it may take a few seconds for consistent ele force procs to come in (because you just had it proc on ambush). This is why I think haste is irrelevant for ele force procs, unless it takes you more than a few seconds to kill your opponent, then stacking haste doesn't really make sense.
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I understand ppm. Doesn't this just mean the limit per minute is 10 procs? The way I understood it was that you can reach 10 procs much quicker than a minute but it will stop proccing which is why ranged in mid often switch enchants after a while in big group fights. Since pvp is not consistent dps reaching the total ppm faster is more bursty. I could be wrong, not making claims but now I'm curious.

edit: internal cooldown

It doesn't mean the limit, rather that you will average 10 procs a minute. It does this by calculating the last time your weapon procced, and give you a proc accordingly. The reason ranged change their weapons isnt because procs slow down or stop. Rather because the dot damage is spread out, so if you have 10 people dotted only 1 person will recieve the ele force proc every 6 seconds because of RPPM system. So while ele force is quite good for single target DPS, once you start spreading dots to an entire team, a spellpower based enchant becomes more useful.

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