US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

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What's the best server for getting the AGM trinket on Ruin? Or is there pretty much little chance on all of them?
Please add


Currently recruiting all classes and will be moving into premading shortly.

Alliance side Magtheridon

Contact Lolkal, Cardio, Restoshaman, or Exl
We have been premading and did a premade last night.

Give our status: §
I've noticed you have once again removed my guild from the list of 19 guilds, while we may not be able to field a premade, we still dabble in 19s here and there, as well as 49s and 59s. (which is only stated to those that may enjoy all of those brackets)

Born Legacy, Skullcrusher Alliance, Contacts Lilmrsmuffet and my many alter egos. (really anyone online can point you in the right direction)

If you have removed us from the list because we are NOT a premading guild then my apologies I did not understand that requirement. I would have to say we are more of a casual twinking guild but with much info to help out and a very well stocked guild bank.
Mother Goose said:
I've noticed you have once again removed my guild from the list of 19 guilds, while we may not be able to field a premade, we still dabble in 19s here and there, as well as 49s and 59s. (which is only stated to those that may enjoy all of those brackets)

Born Legacy, Skullcrusher Alliance, Contacts Lilmrsmuffet and my many alter egos. (really anyone online can point you in the right direction)

If you have removed us from the list because we are NOT a premading guild then my apologies I did not understand that requirement. I would have to say we are more of a casual twinking guild but with much info to help out and a very well stocked guild bank.

Yes the goal of the list is to promote premading guilds.

† Sorry if your guild is not included, we are trying to only list those that are currently doing 10v10 premades and/or are actively recruiting and forming their 10s A-Team for premading. If there are any updates to this list let me know.
Well see Crusade the folly in that is that if a guild is trying to recruit to get to premade status and you don't include them in this post it takes away from a handful of people looking to transfer as they read this post. While I don't go out and recruit in other threads or forums or whatever my guild has been actively recruiting since 2005. As of last week my server had free transfers for alliance as well, just to point that out. I haven't checked if that is still the case now but I would imagine it is.
the way i see this thread 19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.) . premade coordination maybe should be in another thread?

any guild with 19's on a Ruin BG server should post their guild whether they have 8 twinks or 200, can do premades or not.

there should be a cumulative list so that way anyone coming to this site can see them. that person could be from a server thinking of a twink but not wanting to transfer to be in the biggest, supposed best, or premading twink guild. players may build a twink, seeing that there is a twink guild on the server they are on.

as for those claiming elitist premades, etc. there is a lot of coordinated premade game win/lose rigging going on RUIN, for achievements, to buff statistics, etc. what's even funnier is when loose lip players brag/talk about this in general chat during the fishing contest in STV. really sad:(, imo far worse than coordinating premade BGs for jump practicing

guess alot of this will go on at 80 when blizz does rated BGs also.

<False Absolution> is premading and has done a premade.

<hi im julius caesar> is not recruiting for premades or doing premades, should be removed.

<Project Nightmare> is not recruiting for premades or doing premades, should also be removed.


<Stacked Like Pancakes> is not recruiting for premades or doing premades, should be removed.

<Sorry You Died> is not recruiting for premades or doing premades, should also be removed.

This list should only have guilds that are for sure they will be doing premades in the near future or are doing premades currently. You don't want to waste peoples time by having them go to these servers that have guilds listed who will not be going anywhere anytime soon.
out of touch

Hey guys I I been out of touch since 3.2 and you guys all ways get me the info

I need I was rerolling on to rampage back when WAR was standing up. But even

that died so I got my 29 I'm looking for a home and I'm building a FC Drood and

will be looking to transfer that when done, server/faction does matter to me just

want games again, transfering an 80 so self funding also, thanks ahead of time

for support and info

Replace Devinlol with Devinetink.
Also Carnage is recruiting for premade's on the medivh server if u could put that in there to contact Jafizz thankx a bunch :)
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