US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

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Fresa said:
What? That there will never be any new people that are good from Cyclone because the challenge has all gone to Ruin? I got that.

I also got the fact that the only way to become good, is to have a challenge.

Or am I still missing the point in your post?

the point is shut ur mouth be4 i break u in half girl u dnt want none of this im a strait up thug ill do nasty things to ya
Pushlol said:
the point is shut ur mouth be4 i break u in half girl u dnt want none of this im a strait up thug ill do nasty things to ya

Cool story.

I invite you to come do the so called "nasty things" to me.
Fresa said:
It's only growing rapidly because there are multiple people from Ruin going onto the bg forums and posting that everyone should go to Ruin. That's the only reason why it's growing. And quite frankly, it's getting annoying when there's a thread going and then in the middle of the thread, a person from Ruin posts for everyone to go to Ruin because that's where the action is at..
I don't really care what's driving the population expansion. Talented players are continuing to transfer here, new twinks are being created, and competition is growing. That's pretty much the bottom line.

No I never stated that there was a lot of bragging/flaming in Ruin, I stated that that's what happened in Cyclone. Learn to read?

Fresa said:
So everyone is obsessed with their epeen and riding whomever's epeen everyone thinks is the best?

Oh and everyone flames eachother.

How is that great?

^ after I posted about Ruin. Perhaps you should learn to read what you spew.

I'm not going to expend too much energy continuing this discussion because I'm fairly certain you are either (A) trolling, (B) incredibly stubborn, or (C) upset over being stuck on a dead/'dying BG; perhaps all 3.
Eurys said:
I don't really care what's driving the population expansion. Talented players are continuing to transfer here, new twinks are being created, and competition is growing. That's pretty much the bottom line.

^ after I posted about Ruin. Perhaps you should learn to read what you spew.

I'm not going to expend too much energy continuing this discussion because I'm fairly certain you are either (A) trolling, (B) incredibly stubborn, or (C) upset over being stuck on a dead/'dying BG; perhaps all 3.

she has a toon on ruin bro calm your tits
Eurys said:
^ after I posted about Ruin. Perhaps you should learn to read what you spew.

I'm not going to expend too much energy continuing this discussion because I'm fairly certain you are either (A) trolling, (B) incredibly stubborn, or (C) upset over being stuck on a dead/'dying BG; perhaps all 3.

Bloodlust isn't dead nor dying. Some random from Ruin posted this link, so I figured to come see what all the hype about Ruin was about.

You said Ruin is the new Cyclone. Maybe I should have clarified that that was my opinion on Cyclone, not Ruin. Silly me.
twinky, i should be there next tuesday wednesday, with my 2 shadowfangs, 6 fishing hats and your falcons

My main twink is on retaliation, rolled an ally on ruin a few days go

On retaliation, during peak times I get at least 1 game, albeit same people over and over, but on ruin it seemed to be the same thing.

Thinking about transfering my main, is there ever more than 1 game?

The competetion is better in general on ruin, yes, but I would just find it hard to spend 25$ for a battlegroup whose queues are about the same as my current battlegroup.
ninedash said:

My main twink is on retaliation, rolled an ally on ruin a few days go

On retaliation, during peak times I get at least 1 game, albeit same people over and over, but on ruin it seemed to be the same thing.

Thinking about transfering my main, is there ever more than 1 game?

The competetion is better in general on ruin, yes, but I would just find it hard to spend 25$ for a battlegroup whose queues are about the same as my current battlegroup.

It ranges depending on the day and time. Can be anywhere between 1 on off days/off hours and 3 or 4 running at the same time during busier days and hours.
I want to xfer to ruin, but I need help picking a realm I just can't seem to find the right one anyone want to help?
Eliot said:
I want to xfer to ruin, but I need help picking a realm I just can't seem to find the right one anyone want to help?

anyone you know personally and/or have played with in ruin? ask them.
Supadrood said:
anyone you know personally and/or have played with in ruin? ask them.

That would probably end up being twinky
I have been for a while now.... well not the GM I've been talking with Painaid and Crusade. They're both pretty cool.
Abcfear said:
Twinky it's my goal in life to become a quote in your sig.

Yeah bro, I have a word document with all the people saying amazing stuff about me. I just added that one, when I get enough, ill make a threadabout it :p
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