US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

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Well I do have 6 hats On tonkks if blizz bugs it when I xfer I'll give one to you
Eurys said:
Ruin is the new Cyclone. It's great.

So everyone is obsessed with their epeen and riding whomever's epeen everyone thinks is the best?

Oh and everyone flames eachother.

How is that great?
Fresa said:
So everyone is obsessed with their epeen and riding whomever's epeen everyone thinks is the best?

Oh and everyone flames eachother.

How is that great?

Because we have the most active 10-19 player base and always have games popping. Bragging and flaming is ignorable (simply by not reading the bg forums), low activity is not.
Fresa said:
So everyone is obsessed with their epeen and riding whomever's epeen everyone thinks is the best?

Oh and everyone flames eachother.

How is that great?

do u want to get smakd or somthn?
Eurys said:
Because we have the most active 10-19 player base and always have games popping. Bragging and flaming is ignorable (simply by not reading the bg forums), low activity is not.

That wasn't my point. The point was is that you claimed that Ruin is the new Cyclone. The only good thing that Cyclone had were good players, everything else was mainly negative.

Just because you have increased activity now, after someone from Ruin has posted in every single battlegroup forums to come to Ruin, doesn't make you the new Cyclone.

And how many twinks that are well known, don't read the bg forums and would ignore bragging and flaming?

Pushlol said:
do u want to get smakd or somthn?

Wouldn't be a first.
Fresa said:
That wasn't my point. The point was is that you claimed that Ruin is the new Cyclone. The only good thing that Cyclone had were good players, everything else was mainly negative.

Just because you have increased activity now, after someone from Ruin has posted in every single battlegroup forums to come to Ruin, doesn't make you the new Cyclone.

And how many twinks that are well known, don't read the bg forums and would ignore bragging and flaming?

Oh please, bragging and epeen flexing happens in any active battlegroup. If you're incapable of ignoring that and it affects you that much, that sounds like a personal issue.

I also don't believe that the only good thing about Cyclone was its good players. It was a very active battlegroup for 19s back before 3.0 released.
Pushlol said:
u bettr watch urself when talkn about my battlegroup


Eurys said:
Oh please, bragging and epeen flexing happens in any active battlegroup. If you're incapable of ignoring that and it affects you that much, that sounds like a personal issue.

I also don't believe that the only good thing about Cyclone was its good players. It was a very active battlegroup for 19s back before 3.0 released.

I never said that I was incapable of ignoring it and I also never said that it affects me. Stop pulling random things out of the air.

A lot of battlegroups were active for 19s before 3.0. Cyclone wasn't the only one, nor was Ruin.

What you believe and what I believe will always be different, but in reality, that's all Cyclone produces, good players.
Fresa said:

I never said that I was incapable of ignoring it and I also never said that it affects me. Stop pulling random things out of the air.

A lot of battlegroups were active for 19s before 3.0. Cyclone wasn't the only one, nor was Ruin.

What you believe and what I believe will always be different, but in reality, that's all Cyclone produces, good players.

Many of which have already transferred to Ruin.

Okay, so now that you've told me what you're not saying, what exactly are you saying? You bring up bragging but then go on to say it doesn't affect you. Okay. Many servers, including Cyclone, were active pre 3.0. Okay. That still doesn't change the fact that Ruin is currently the most active BG for the 10-19 and appears to be growing rapidly.

You're essentially saying Ruin is not all it's cracked up to be, correct? Yet the only justification for your view that you've brought up so far is that there's a lot of bragging/flaming occurring here, both of which you say do not bother you.
Fresa said:
What you believe and what I believe will always be different, but in reality, that's all Cyclone produces, good players.

Twinkytoes from Cyclone. Fresa, are you on any type of crack or something? All the decent to good players transfered to Ruin. In Cyclone, your left with people that are horribad (with the exeption of a few). Most of cyclone that ques regularly is complete garbage in comparison to Ruin.
Eurys said:
Many of which have already transferred to Ruin.

Okay, so now that you've told me what you're not saying, what exactly are you saying? You bring up bragging but then go on to say it doesn't affect you. Okay. Many servers, including Cyclone, were active pre 3.0. Okay. That still doesn't change the fact that Ruin is currently the most active BG for the 10-19 and appears to be growing rapidly.

You're essentially saying Ruin is not all it's cracked up to be, correct? Yet the only justification for your view that you've brought up so far is that there's a lot of bragging/flaming occurring here, both of which you say do not bother you.

It's only growing rapidly because there are multiple people from Ruin going onto the bg forums and posting that everyone should go to Ruin. That's the only reason why it's growing. And quite frankly, it's getting annoying when there's a thread going and then in the middle of the thread, a person from Ruin posts for everyone to go to Ruin because that's where the action is at..

No I never stated that there was a lot of bragging/flaming in Ruin, I stated that that's what happened in Cyclone. Learn to read?

Twinkytoes said:
Twinkytoes from Cyclone. Fresa, are you on any type of crack or something? All the decent to good players transfered to Ruin. In Cyclone, your left with people that are horribad (with the exeption of a few). Most of cyclone that ques regularly is complete garbage in comparison to Ruin.

You should learn to read aswell.

I said that Cyclone produces good players. I didn't say where they were currently located.

And I wish I was on some sort of drug.. Maybe then you guys would actually understand what I was saying.
Fresa said:
You should learn to read aswell.

I said that Cyclone produces good players. I didn't say where they were currently located.

And I wish I was on some sort of drug.. Maybe then you guys would actually understand what I was saying.

Do you know why battlegroups produce good players? Because the players there are good. If the people in Cyclone are trash now (which they are), Cyclonians won't be good as before. And this is the truth, my old guild on Perenolde (all new to twinking) sucked really hard because no one was there to ever challenge them.
Twinkytoes said:
Do you know why battlegroups produce good players? Because the players there are good. If the people in Cyclone are trash now (which they are), Cyclonians won't be good as before. And this is the truth, my old guild on Perenolde (all new to twinking) sucked really hard because no one was there to ever challenge them.

Okay? Thank you for telling me the obvious.
Twinkytoes said:
/sigh, you don't get it.

What? That there will never be any new people that are good from Cyclone because the challenge has all gone to Ruin? I got that.

I also got the fact that the only way to become good, is to have a challenge.

Or am I still missing the point in your post?
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