US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

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In my opinion, you can't really steal twinks from other battlegroups. Last time I checked, twinks were played by consenting individuals who have the capacity to make their own decisions. Sure, you could try incentivizing or bribing them into switching, but at the end of the day, it's the player's decision and should be.
Twinkytoes said:
I laughed really hard because of this thanks. Let me just say a few things before I shoot myself of laughter. You don't have to troll the forums all day. It was on the frontpage of Twinkinf -> Pwndepot for a whole fucking 2 months, how hard is it to see that the battlegroup were going into is R U I N. Why is my voice heard over yours? Great question, because 1, I am respected, I don't troll and I certainly don't curse people out when I am frustrated. Then again, it's not my voice that im telling you, it's all the twinks. Please tell me, how many guilds on Reckoning can premade? On Ruin we have atleast 10, thus creating diversity, and a more fun atmosphere. On Reckoning, maybe 1 or 2. Why you would you want to be a part of a died out battlegroup. All the good players moved to Ruin, so people wanted to pursue good ques. As of 3.2, XP and Non-XP BGs were seperated, thus making all que times unbearable. We made a CONSESUS (Look up the word you dumbass) to move to Ruin to save twinking and save que times. If you want to stay in Reckoning with you almighty guild and be self righteous when people move to ruin and say Reckoning is a bad battlegroup, be my guest.

But when it comes down to WoW, we will enjoy our WSGs, while you enjoy your long ques.


I now realize that no matter how many logical points I throw at you you will still call me a child and tell me that my BG is bad, that ruin is better, and that I'm an idiot for staying in the server I know with the people I know. It is at this point where I say farewell.
Abcfear said:
I now realize that no matter how many logical points I throw at you you will still call me a child and tell me that my BG is bad, that ruin is better, and that I'm an idiot for staying in the server I know with the people I know. It is at this point where I say farewell.

Because you know I'm right.
Before Ruin was even recognized as the battlegroup to transfer to, it was far more active than Reckoning ever was. Not to mention, all the established guilds were on Ruin. I can't think of any such guild on Reckoning, no offense.

Since Ruin was the most active at the time, with the largest number of well-established and respected guilds, it was chosen as THE battlegroup to transfer to. Selecting multiple battlegroups completely defeats the purpose of congregating. You still have your WSGs in Reckoning. Take it and enjoy it. However, if you want to go where the real competition is, you'll have to come to Ruin. It sucks that you feel cheated, but as Twinkytoes said, it was a consensus that Ruin would be the battlegroup. You and people sharing your opinion are outnumbered.
Abcfear said:
Excuse me for not forum trolling all day everyday. Once again it's every twinks battlegroup why should your voice be heard over mine? And obviously not everyone because the vast majority of twink guilds on Reckoning are still there post patch. You are obviously thinking of a few twinks from Engage and all of FoW. Apparently two guilds are everyone. Good job you can't count. Don't act like you did anything for twinking all you did was fuck it up on every battlegroup except ruin. Congratulations not only have you fucked over twinking but you acted like you saved it. Fuck you.

U r fucking dumb
Can't we all just get along?...........and mabye give the blur here some g? PLX
Abcfear said:
What if I don't want to force my entire twink guild and all other twink guilds on my battlegroup to xfer. We have well over 200 twinks you want all of us to collectively pay $5000? You're out of your mind. You also don't seem to realize that ruin recruiting significantly added to our queue times. We lost a huge number of horde twinks because they all xfered to your battlegroup. In all honesty what you're doing isn't for the betterment of twinks it's just greed. If you guys have fast queue times then why try to steal twinks from other people's battlegroups and triple their queue times. My battlegroup used to have multiple bg's full of twinks running at once now we only really have 1 or 2 at the best.

lmao you're just being stupid.

-No one is forced to xfer/reroll. You may argue that you are in fact forced to because of bad queue times, but that's just how it is. Had everyone just stayed on their own battlegroups every battlegroup would have bad q times. Instead people xferred/rerolled to ruin so that at least one of the battlegroups would have a quality 19 experience.

-You don't seem to understand the fact that with or without people going to Ruin, your qs were going to go up. The fact that you're complaining about having only 1 or 2 19 bgs running at once proves you're clueless since that's how it is in Ruin.

-If you wanted Reckoning to be the twink battlegroup, you should have done something about it. Every time a BG becomes "THE" place, it's the result of tons of recruiting and shit done by the people of that BG. Nothing was stopping Reckoning people from doing the same thing as Ruin people, and if being the twink BG was that important you should have.
I was about to come in this tread and make my very 1st post on TI, and then Tom came in and said about everything I was going to say.

The last thing he said was the point I wanted to stress the most.

19 twinks on Ruin seem to have cared more in the moment that Blizzard was trying to kill us off. We stood strong and starting LF more people and making new guilds to make it the most active.

Now I am not and I am sure Tom was not saying that other BGs didn't care. In fact Tom is from another BG, but you guys did nothing. The long que times were coming and you did nothing. Your BG was dieing and you did nothing. Ruin stepped up. THAT IS ALL.

No one here is forcing anyone person to pay $25 and be part of a new BG. What they are trying to do is (with the changes Blizzard as enforced) make the 19 community stronger than it ever has been. Where ppl may say Ruin shouldn't be that place, they just have to grow up and not do this BG pride thing, I mean, srsly its very silly and just deal with it that Ruin is the BG that stepped up.

Lastly I am here to say simply... Give it a go. If you are reading this thread on this forum you must care somewhat for 19 twinks. So I would assume that you would like to be where 19s are the strongest and most active.

-Ask around guilds are always looking for new players.

-Roll a DK and found yourself a twink. It doesn't cost much.

-Step up and be a leader. Make a new guild with 9 or more of you good (insert BG here) buddies.

- xfer a toon over.

Srsly bitching and fighting here is pointless. If you care so much to be heard you would have stepped up when it mattered and if you care enough about 19s as a whole you would go with the flow................

Peace out TI.
builtokill said:
hai Desh

ps: youve had a char since mar 2009 and thats ur first post?

Not much into posting on forums, but tbh I as going for TI lurker title :p
Interference-Zul'jin [A] Contact: Treesixty, Whodeenee, or Bences.
well i dont really have time to read 14 pages, so, Crusade, could i get a summary of whats going on?

are we all transferring to Ruin? and yes, i have 30 minute queues on rampage. i want an active guild that premades at least once or twice a week.

mickyhaynes said:
well i dont really have time to read 14 pages, so, Crusade, could i get a summary of whats going on?

are we all transferring to Ruin? and yes, i have 30 minute queues on rampage. i want an active guild that premades at least once or twice a week.


In short, yes. Ruin is the place to be for the 10-19 bracket.

Refer to the original post for a list of guilds that are premading.
Hello xD my Name is Frøstyz Kargath im on Vindication BGroup and im willing to Xfer over Ruin my questions is, Do you guys have a Neutral Ventrilo for 19 twinks and what would be a great guild(Server) for me(Gnome Mage) I have every Set possible FC , CC , Overall Stam - intel - spell Power set and a Fire Set just let me know Bye :)
mickyhaynes said:
how many people are ACTUALLY transferring?

No way to tell you exact numbers, but if I had to estimate since the spring I'd say probably somewhere in the neighborhood of around 150-250 twinks have migrated to Ruin from other Battlegroups through transfers and rerolls. Now mind you some of these either retired, went into part-time play due to school starting up again, etc., etc. However there are probably in the neighborhood of 10-20 new twinks transfering in each week even now going into the fall. Right now there are four new guilds forming up in addition to the ones already actively premading. Hope that answers your question.
Frostyz said:
Hello xD my Name is Frøstyz Kargath im on Vindication BGroup and im willing to Xfer over Ruin my questions is, Do you guys have a Neutral Ventrilo for 19 twinks and what would be a great guild(Server) for me(Gnome Mage) I have every Set possible FC , CC , Overall Stam - intel - spell Power set and a Fire Set just let me know Bye :)

Yes the Ruin Public Vent is:


As far as what guild you should join you will have to put in some leg work there. You can either contact each guild in the list and ask about an open mage spot, post up a thread in the recruiting area on twink info, post up a thread in ruin forum or all three. I would suggest contact individuals in each guild personally as many times this is the most effective way to join a new guild, just create a level one on the different realms and ask around. Hope this helps.
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