US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

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I have a guild on Elune Horde side I'd be happy to bring in active 19's, or any twinks, into. I started playing the game on Elune and my 80's currently reside there. I have been playing both cyclone and ruin pvp servers to try to find a new home for my 19 twinks, such as they are now, but It would make things easier if Elune was represented. I don't know that there is much of a community there yet. If at all, but if people are interested let me know and we can get it rolling.

The guild is <Kill Minus Nine> fwiw...
Infuze said:
Maybe you are very misinformed or have not been to Ruin? I would hope so lol

No, its called he plays horde, you play alliance; diffrent perspectives.
Sorry I don't post here enough to realize I must add my guild to this list to be considered a '19 guild'

Born Legacy has plenty of 19s, we'd be ready to premade within a week if we weren't focusing on 49s so much atm. However we are so no need for silly asterisk yet. Soon though.
I am having hardware computer issues. Time to upgrade my dang RAM I think. My play time has been limited as of late. Grizzlybear is the GM of Bloodlust Represent you can PM him here on Grizzly. Also any of the other members or officer are very helpful just hit them up for any questions.
Jericho said:
I am having hardware computer issues. Time to upgrade my dang RAM I think. My play time has been limited as of late. Grizzlybear is the GM of Bloodlust Represent you can PM him here on Grizzly. Also any of the other members or officer are very helpful just hit them up for any questions.

Would you have a link to his account here on Twink Info? Was looking for it.
down towards the bottom of the forums browse page you should be able to see the users
Updated the list this morning with links to all the guild armories. Have also added links to individual contacts in each guild so that someone can just send a private message via the Twink Info site if for example if they can't get in touch with anyone by logging onto a level 1 on your realm at any given time during the day or night. This way potential transfers and new recruits can leave a message and help speed up the process of guilds filtering through who they want to bring in as new members.

Tried to go through Twink Info to look for as many of the guild leader account profiles as possible to add links to the individual Private Message pages. If you haven't already you may want to create an account on there if only to use the Private Message feature to help with communications so people can contact you outside of the game. If your contact link to a PM page is missing or if you want someone addded/removed from the contacts, let me know and I'll update it.

Prodigy is just about full on the classes we need so if anyone else contacts us going forward we will most likely be referring them to this list and also will mention specific guilds that maybe looking for new members to help fill out their A-Team for premades. If any of the guilds are currently funding any specific classes, you may want to make it known as this is a huge incentive for many potential recruits. We could also add this to the list, maybe a marker signifying funding available.

On a side note I should mention we had some great success with getting people to apply to Prodigy through posting up a recruiting message on all the battlegroup forums and on the recruiting area of Twink Info as well as spreading the word to everyone we knew. If you're currently looking for more players for your A-Team you may want to consider doing this and then have a chance to figure out who will make it to the A-Team you field through a process of elimination based on individual performance.

The whole idea of posting a recruiting message on each of the battlegroup forums allows for your message to get out to a wider audience. For some guilds that are trying to get off the ground quickly this is a great approach and it helps people know that Ruin is active and that there are specific guilds looking for people. You would not believe how many of the other battlegroups are in real trouble right now in terms of not having the 19s to que up even during primetime hours, let alone try to field enough for premades. This is leaving a huge hole for those that want to do 19s but can't, so they are looking for a solution to the problem, you could provide that by letting them know they should join your guild and come to Ruin. Every guild will have a different approach to recruiting and figuring out who to field in a premade, but anyway just a suggestion.

We have a lot of players and twinks on Ruin, but if you have any other ideas on how we can increase the numbers and the amount of guilds let everyone know. This type of thing helps out all of us in the end, as we have more guilds to play against, shorter que times, and increased competition.


(now up to 3.5k views)

Bump since people are paying more and more attention to Ruin.
Hamcake said:
Am I missing something or can Americans simply clip through WMOs at will?

@ the picture

Map was probably taken using cartographer or some addon, found it doing a google search one day.
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