US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

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crusade said:
By now you've probably seen queue times increase significantly since the release of the patch, and are perhaps wondering what will be the fate of 19 twinking and premades.

What happened to the lunch break BG? What about the early morning and late-night matches with queue times of less than 5 minutes?

Ruin would like to propose consolidating BGs to make this possible once again. There is no telling when or even if Blizzard will be doing this for us, but there are certainly enough twinks to make this possibility a reality. I know it's a hard sell asking people to spend the money on transferring toons to another realm, however for those of you that have the means, this will be an option for you that will help you continue doing warsongs with little to no queue time.

Imagine 19s in highly competitive games with not just the queues you remember, but better queues. Ruin already has the core players to get several games rolling at once, it has the largest most active 19 twink community of any other battlegroup and during prime hours queue times have continued to be less than 5 minutes if not instant. But what if the BGs band together? It would mean more twink guilds and more competitive games for everyone.

We have many guilds doing 10v10s, and about ten or eleven guilds all together that are premade ready and have been fielding 10 mans in premade matches weekly, and at times daily. Even with the patch, we have games going on in the afternoon, and I've seen three and four games going on at the same time, several times on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

If you see that queue times have gone up, and if things don't change and you guys still want to do WSG at 19 consider transferring to Ruin battlegroup, there were matches going on even at 4am this morning with instant queues! Meanwhile I've heard of some battlegroups where people having been waiting up to 30 minutes for a pop, not so in Ruin we are experiencing instant queues!

Many players that are avid fans of twinking have already begun the migration to Ruin from most of the other battlegroups.

Having the largest population of twinks doesn't hurt and as more twinks begin to transfer here it will continue to be easy to have multiple Warsongs going at the same time.

Now that 3.2 has come Ruin is the place to be. Again if you have the means to xfer or if you just want to roll a new twink (pick horde side btw) then go for it!

You will be welcome to the battlegroup and more importantly you will be happier having done it. :)

I agree. Got a lot of peeps over here in ruin! =D (BTW) I've pvp'd with you 19 priest Crusade, Nice heals I have to say! Faceröll-Stormrage.
yay for ruin, represent
I agree, ive already started my new Twink on Ruin... Not that i had one before, i just didnt bother tranferring a half done Twink. So i started over :(
rep taht ruin baby and whoever deleted my sig u suck cock

-- that would have been Drayner.
Exitwounds said:
i might come on sunday. which server?

Doesnt matter really. Try Medivh? depends if you have a certain guild in mind.
Its um

Bleeding Hollow - Prodigy

Bloodhoof - WTS Skill

Medihv - Twink Info

Argent Dawn - No Mercy

Arthas - Sit Down/DEM

etc.. I would go talk to people in these guilds before you xfer.. Most (except TI) dont have application processes and so you would have to actually go talk to the gleader/officers.

The Prodigy thread is in the recruiting forum. Post there as well.
Cptheals said:
I think if everybody was on the same server it would be WAY to hectic. The only problem I see is that people coming to Ruin are thinking. What server to I transfer to?

Have updated the original post to list all the 10v10 premading guilds and their associated realms. Guilds listed are those that are actively premading other guilds in the 19 bracket as 10v10 or actively recruiting to form their premading A-teams. This will make it easier for people to log onto whichever server, do a "/who" on the guild name and speak to someone in the guild to find out more and possibly join.

Thanks for the idea :)
Evocate said:
Its um

Bleeding Hollow - Prodigy

Bloodhoof - WTS Skill

Medihv - Twink Info

Argent Dawn - No Mercy

Arthas - Sit Down/DEM

etc.. I would go talk to people in these guilds before you xfer.. Most (except TI) dont have application processes and so you would have to actually go talk to the gleader/officers.

The Prodigy thread is in the recruiting forum. Post there as well.

Thanks for starting the list added the other guilds for both factions in the original post on this thread. :)
As a officer in good standing with Bloodlust Represent of Durotan. I can say that Ruin is indeed the place to be and we would be up for welcoming folks that do choose to transfer to Ruin.

Our core groups of players hail from the Bloodlust Battlegroup and the Rampage Battlegroup. I am a transfer from the Rampage BG and I can say I have greatly enjoyed my time here in Ruin. I prided myself on being one of the best in my BG and definitely found I still had much to learn and improve.

My point is this, Ruin is the place to be for the 19 bracket. It would behoove you to get in on the action as you are indeed missing out.
Kusakari said:
who doesn't have $25....

For me, it is more about why should I pay blizzard any more money for this game? I pay them my monthly fee. I've transferred characters before to play with friends. $25 per character can get pricey if you want to move several. I would like to move all of my twinks to a new battlegroup, but that would cost me $175. And, if I am moving all of my twinks, I would probably want to move my 80s over as well to fund them. I guess that I could just move one twink over to a more active BG to try it out, but I still don't like the idea that we need to fix something that Blizzard actually screwed up for us.

Since Blizzard is basically screwing the Twink community up on several non-ruin BGs, they should offer free moves to alleviate the issue.
vapor said:
Getting AGM would be fun if 10,000,000 twinks were on the same server.

I think I mixed up my words a little bit. What I meant was having each battlegroup go to their own server over here. I could see that what I said may have confused some.
crusade said:
Rèvølútiøn - Shattered Hand

As GM of Rèvølútiøn, I am just throwing out there that we are always accepting active, skilled, and geared new members. Before you transfer to Shattered Hand though, please inquire about which twink you will be moving. I want to make sure if you pay 25$ for a transfer that you will be getting playing time. Hope to hear from any people thinking of transfering soon.

Happy hunting on your realm of choice,

Oh forgot to mention, please help out and feel free to post threads in the other battlegroups to spread the message about joining Ruin through either rerolling, being funded or transfering.

If your guild currently needs certain classes it would help also if you posted a recruitment thread on select other battlegroups so that twinks in the other BGs know that Ruin currently has active premading guilds that may need one or two more players for the guild's A-Team. This will make it easier for them to try and find out who to join and also help to continue spreading the word that there are alternatives out there for those that are interested in competitive game play of 10v10 premading matchs vs other guilds, faster queue times and better pugs.

If all the guilds begin to put out recruitment threads it should bump the numbers by factors. Already this thread has had a number of positive responses and twinks are continuing to make plans to head to Ruin. For those that didn't know it was an option they are starting to make plans this weekend to transfer, the effort is working and with you're help it's guaranteed to be a success. Thanks.
No one said they were. This is the most active bg and as we get more and more people we are also getting the best players. Most everyone that is good that doesnt have queus are transferring here.
I will be starting college in about 2 weeks but I am looking in maybe forming a horde version of < Pizza Hut > on Ruin. I will be transferring Ekspozed over if I do come over. The only way I will transfer though is it I can grab enough of my guild to form a 10v10. I don't trust anyone in Ruin (wouldn't trust anyone in any battlegroup not saying this to dis Ruin at all) to replace my high quality players. We all do our parts perfect and would hate to lose even one of them. I would strongly enjoy giving Ruin the competition that the battlegroup needs out of players who have been playing for years and know everything up and down.
Pizza said:
I will be starting college in about 2 weeks but I am looking in maybe forming a horde version of < Pizza Hut > on Ruin. I will be transferring Ekspozed over if I do come over. The only way I will transfer though is it I can grab enough of my guild to form a 10v10. I don't trust anyone in Ruin (wouldn't trust anyone in any battlegroup not saying this to dis Ruin at all) to replace my high quality players. We all do our parts perfect and would hate to lose even one of them. I would strongly enjoy giving Ruin the competition that the battlegroup needs out of players who have been playing for years and know everything up and down.

That's great news, hope to see you guys here in Ruin, and if so I'm sure Ruin will provide you decent competition and some great matches. We'll finally get to play that game we never got a chance to do on the PTR, looking forward to it. :D

Good luck.
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