US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

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crusade said:
That's great news, hope to see you guys here in Ruin, and if so I'm sure Ruin will provide you decent competition and some great matches. We'll finally get to play that game we never got a chance to do on the PTR, looking forward to it. :D

Good luck.

Totally Crusade. I back up you guys all the time when anyone doubts you guys on Cyclone vent or wherever. You guys are the main reason we are coming. Tired of winning and tired of seeing you guys winning ha ha. Want some intense games!
I love seeing everyone already IN Ruin blowing their loads on how good their BG is. Who the fuck decided that Ruin was the best? I don't have problems with Q times on Cyclone, and I spent a lot of effort putting together some sort of twink guild on Daggerspine, (former Shadowburn twinker). So I for one aren't going to do this, waste my money, and go over to Ruin, I have no problem with Cyclone. You people are way too quick to jump on this omgRuin bandwagon, bcus the majority of you guys are alrdy in the BG.
Lawlpurge said:
I love seeing everyone already IN Ruin blowing their loads on how good their BG is. Who the fuck decided that Ruin was the best? I don't have problems with Q times on Cyclone, and I spent a lot of effort putting together some sort of twink guild on Daggerspine, (former Shadowburn twinker). So I for one aren't going to do this, waste my money, and go over to Ruin, I have no problem with Cyclone. You people are way too quick to jump on this omgRuin bandwagon, bcus the majority of you guys are alrdy in the BG.

So you didn't make an application to join TI in RUIN?! It sure does look like it in the <Twink Info> application page.
Lawlpurge said:
I love seeing everyone already IN Ruin blowing their loads on how good their BG is. Who the fuck decided that Ruin was the best? I don't have problems with Q times on Cyclone, and I spent a lot of effort putting together some sort of twink guild on Daggerspine, (former Shadowburn twinker). So I for one aren't going to do this, waste my money, and go over to Ruin, I have no problem with Cyclone. You people are way too quick to jump on this omgRuin bandwagon, bcus the majority of you guys are alrdy in the BG.

r u new to twinkzzz
Lol, he is trying to say that Cyclone is still the most active and best BG to be in, when he himself actually tried to come to ruin.
lol you caught me, im new to CYCLONE, have been playing shadowburn twinks since 07. I would make a twink for TI, but just bcus its TI, and i love this site. What im getting at is, if theres no problem with Q times on a battlegroup, like Cyclone, theres no reason to break up preexisting guilds to come to a BG thats not necessarily better. Why dont you pick out the part where i said Cyclone was best and most active? All i said was that it IS active, thats good enough for me, and i don't want to see my BG go under bcus of everyone going to fuckin Ruin.
What I noticed that's kind of ironic is that 80% of the people that are defending Cyclone with the whole Quality>Quantity reply are people whom I have never heard of in my BG.
Rip said:
What I noticed that's kind of ironic is that 80% of the people that are defending Cyclone with the whole Quality>Quantity reply are people whom I have never heard of in my BG.

Whut about me d00d. I r popularz.
Updated the original post with Ruin available server information from for those guilds looking to relocate. Information includes PvE/PvP, Established Date (for ease of finding old school chants), Population, and Alliance/Horde Ratio.
Tom is looking for runs on Bhoof.. so you are def coming here


And bring PH over.. I think it would be cool if nothing else if you guys are on BH. Imo, it would be fun to have the two top guilds on the same server.. Always having good kids to play with etc.
Oh also in case there are any Horde Warlocks or Druid FCs out there looking for a top notch premading guild Prodigy is currently recruiting for two spots. We may also be looking for a backup Druid FC on the Alliance side. For more information check out the following thread or send me a PM. Thanks.

Druid FC (A-Team backup, the guild will fund this spot to qualified applicant.)

Warlock (backup, looking for someone willing to self fund or transfer.)
1. If you don't have $25 to xfr then make a Death Knight and fund yourself. Not hard if you are committed to playing twinks. If it's just a thing you do to just to pass the time, then why are you qq'ing on this thread?

2. If you are wondering why people don't choose Cyclone over Ruin, it's because that was done already (was this summer of '08 or '07?). It didn't work out, I along with others ended up xfring right back because it was all a big hype and guilds rarely did premades because there was too much epeen. If the A-team wasn't perfect then they weren't going to play.

3. Since Twink Info brought over 200+ members of twinks 2 months ago, most of us can say that our old BG is lacking what we can see in Ruin and thats guilds willing to premade (A-team or not) and fair Q times all day.

Ruin is already active. It's your choice if you want to roll a twink there or not.

GJ on the post Crusade. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you more on the same side :)
Mazurati said:
1. If you don't have $25 to xfr then make a Death Knight and fund yourself. Not hard if you are committed to playing twinks. If it's just a thing you do to just to pass the time, then why are you qq'ing on this thread?

2. If you are wondering why people don't choose Cyclone over Ruin, it's because that was done already (was this summer of '08 or '07?). It didn't work out, I along with others ended up xfring right back because it was all a big hype and guilds rarely did premades because there was too much epeen. If the A-team wasn't perfect then they weren't going to play.

3. Since Twink Info brought over 200+ members of twinks 2 months ago, most of us can say that our old BG is lacking what we can see in Ruin and thats guilds willing to premade (A-team or not) and fair Q times all day.

Ruin is already active. It's your choice if you want to roll a twink there or not.

GJ on the post Crusade. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you more on the same side :)

I agree with Mazurati here, Ruin is already active, so why not just let Ruin grow? If you don't have the money to transfer, I agree with what he is saying, make a DK and fund yourself. Also I know people, including myself, on Azgalor that would help new twinks that need gear. I am not saying that I would just start funding twinks, but running people through instances is not a big deal for people in Meat Puppet and that would take care of a lot of gear for most classes.
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