I'm not very knowledgable about these things, i just go off of previously claimed information. From what i know, classes want to prioritize wearing proper armor type first (leather for rogue/druid/monk, cloth for mage/priest etc etc). Second, if you can use a wand, use it because it grants you about 8% stat bonus or something similar to that. If you use a wand, also get stratholme lily in offhand from a vendor in culling of stratholme. more info to get that here >
http://www.wowhead.com/npc=31021/sophie-aaren . Apply black magic enchant to your wand, since it can proc from harmful magic abilities in instanced pvp, making it bis afaik. For rogues, there was a patch where all weapon speeds were normalized, so any high ilvl weapon will work. You should just get the bg weapons. If your twink is above 29, you can get this >
http://www.wowhead.com/item=156998/cudgel-of-naralex&bonus=3647 , which will be bis for outlaw.
For rogue, you can also get an ilvl 100 helm. The method I used is by getting a mage port to stormshield on your twink rogue, get a friend with 2 seater flying mount to fly you to iron front in tanaan jungle. Once there, a friend needs to aggro the humanoid mobs before they attack you, and you pickpocket them while stealthed. Id suggest making a pickpocketting macro to speed the process up. This is mine >
/script SetCVar("autoLootDefault","1")
/cast Pick Pocket
/in 5 /script SetCVar("autoLootDefault","0")
With that, you just put the macro in your stealth bar, and then press it like you normally would when you pickpocket. It will auto loot as well, making it much faster. If you use the tanaan spot, you will likely die, so having a friend with a rez spell will help alot so you don't have to wait 2min each time to pickpocket again. Otherwise, look at older threads for any other recommended spots other than tomb of lights, since that spot was nerfed.
Anyways, back to general bis for ipvp.
Helm: If you are a rogue, get ilvl 100 helm. If you aren't a rogue, you can do fishing event for LFH for cloth users, and for plate and mail you just have your general heirloom or dungeon helm, unless you have invasion gear.
Neck: Problem solving pendant (ilvl 80) for all users.
Shoulder: ilvl 32 faerie mantle if you have it for cloth user. Otherwise, just get any ilvl 25 dungeon shoulder.
Chest : ilvl 27 BG chest for all users, unless you have some gf'd item with higher ilvl like invasion gear.
Wrist : ilvl 27 BG wrist for all users, unless you have some gf'd item with higher ilvl like invasion gear.
Weapons : Already mentioned above. Priest, mages, locks and whatever else can use wand should have wand main hand, and stratholme lily off hand. Any other class should just have highest ilvl piece they can find, since weapon speed for most weapons is normalized, with very few exceptions.
Hands : ilvl 25 hands from dungeon for all users, unless you have some gf'd item with higher ilvl like invasion gear.
Waist : ilvl 25 waist from dungeon for all users, unless you have some gf'd item with higher ilvl like invasion gear.
Legs : ilvl 35 tuxedo pants for cloth users, otherwise get ilvl 27 BG legs for rest of the users unless those users have the ilvl 34 invasion legs
Feet : ilvl 27 BG boots for all users, unless you have some gf'd item with higher ilvl like invasion gear.
Rings : ilvl 60 "The Rock" rings for both rings (since they aren't unique-equipped) for all users, since those are the highest ilvl rings attainable for 19s. Every twink should have these.
Trinkets : ilvl 65 "Hook of the master angler" trinkets for both trinkets (since they aren't unique-equipped) for all users, since those are the highest ilvl trinkets attainable for 19s. These are attained from winning the stranglethorn fishing event which occurs on Sunday 2pm pacific standard time. If you don't want to compete in that or have in the past and find it too difficult, there are several guides on xpoff offering tips as to how to win. (I just looked through to try and find it, but couldn't find the tips, so i'll just post some of my own below)
1. Getting set up : Set hearthstone to booty bay, make a macro that goes as follows : /target Riggle Bassbait . These things will help you get back to booty bay to turn in world quest as quick as possible if you manage to get all 40 fish, and having that macro will allow you to target him if people are all around him. (Note that this macro WILL NOT initiate conversation with him. You still need to click on him. It just makes it so you can target him easier). If mop timewalking is available, farm rep on your main for anglers revered to get the angler's fishing raft. If you already have the rep or the raft, even better. You will need 525 fishing on your twink to be able to use the raft, but it is super helpful. You can win without it, but once again, it is super helpful. You will also need the find fish ability for your twink, which will locate nearby pools on your mini map. Send one of your mains to zangarmarsh, and fish up the pools and crates there. Then, send the unopened crates to your twink(s). Open on your twinks until you have the find fish ability, and enable it. Materials : Oversized bobber, and the plus 75 fishing bait.
2. Location : I won 9 times by fishing on Yojamba isle, which is the northernmost island in northern stranglethorn. There are about 3-4 pools on that island, which respawn. During the downtime, you will want to raft your way back to the coast for a bit and fish up those pools, then return back to that island unless you see good opportunities for pools without competition. Another tip : Be creative. I fished at the whirlpool over and over again, since it was recommended. I changed my fishing spot, and won several times in a row, because it was simply less competitive. So, although i am recommending this spot to you, if it isn't working out try something new.
3. The contest itself : You should give yourself ample time to set up and get in the right mindset before doing the event if needed. Alot of people like to have sound enabled so they can hear the splashes to quickly press their fishing pole. However, I do not like this strategy because i tend to be nervous and need to calm down to focus, so i listened to music on youtube (preferably an album or something you don't have to switch songs). You know yourself, so if you think that you'd likely be nervous in these kinds of competitions, make proper adjustments depending on how you think you will limit outside influence and just focus on being quick and efficient. If you are using the raft, make sure to refresh it when it has about 2 minutes left. It only takes like 2 seconds to reapply the 10 minutes, and it's better to take those 2 seconds to refresh than forget and fall off the raft mid cast or something (which has happened to me). Also if you are using the raft, make sure you are left-clicking the bobber, so you don't accidentally aim yourself downward, causing yourself to fall off the raft. You should aim your character to the sky so you don't fall, while aiming your view downward so you can see. Test this out to get an idea of what im saying if it's not clear.
Also, be smart with dealing with competition. Many people recommend just running away when you see someone or giving up a pool, but you should be keeping track of the pools and how many times they likely can be fished up again. Ex : If you fish up one speckled tastyfish from a pool, and someone arrived, stay at that pool for one more fish. Most pools yield around 3-5 fish, so the other person will get the second and you will get the third. Then you can move on to another pool. Also, if you see someone at your pool and you think they will get the last fish available in that pool, move on to another pool first so you are ahead of your competition. Also, use the oversized bobber, so you can see your bobber more easily.
I'm sure im leaving alot of stuff out, but I have to do school work right now and this post is getting quite long as it is.
So yea, TLDR : Get appropriate gear depending on class native armor, and try to get highest ilvl attainable for each slot that has that specified armor if needed. (Ex : highest cloth helm for mage, highest leather helm for rogue, etc etc). Use a wand for casters and black magic enchant on wand. Anything i left out, sorry. Hopefully you will find the answers in some other thread or someone else will provide them.