For instanced PVP (arena/BGs), its rare to get higher than the mid 40 ilvls - so ~2% stats at max. Generally 1 int/str/agi maybe a couple of stam and some armor. Perhaps a haste/crit/verse rating.
So a "budget" 19 is going to be 98% of the stats of a well geared twink. Just make sure to...
1. Equip something in every slot (tabard/shirt don't matter).
2. Use the proper armor type. Rogues wear leather. Pallies wear plate. Etc.
3. Use a shield over an offhand if you can. Use a wand if you can. Use 1h axe/sword/mace/fists over daggers unless you need daggers. Use 2h axe/sword over a 2h mace/staff/polearm. Make sure to use an agi/str weapon if your class does physical damage.
4. Only then does ilvl really matter. Its the lowest priority thing.
See the guide in my sig for more, but basically you can be ready to pvp with white neck/rings/offhand, some heirlooms and any quest/dungeon items to fill in the gaps. A wand is worth getting (deadmines quest is prob the easiest one) if you can use one.
Hey necroaqua, why is it that you should use a 2h sword or axe instead of mace/staff/polearm? Thanks!