19s Casual Chat Thread

Re: 2014 Twink Cup $1500 Prize Pool

ps: and i expect to get harassed untill the point of me wanting to kill myself but im just going to put it out their and i dont feel like cluttering forums with my nonsense anymore so i didnt bother with a thread. my father passed away a week or so ago and all i know is any trolling or hurtful things thrown my way are probably well deserved because i was a piece of shit to uraflamer along with many other former friends who fell victim to my enormous ego and made fun of uraflamers father which i felt much remorse for even to the point where i cried drunk nights when i thought uraflamer really commited sucicide because i felt partly to blame. so all in all i guess we reap what we sow and god(if he even exists) punished me by taking my father for my malacious and selfish actions towards sako. let me be a lesson to all of you aspiring and talented youngsters out their to never give up when you feel like you were meant to become something or stand for something. and no matter how many imperfections you have as long as you keep your mind body and soul healthy and actually give at least 100% effort towards your friends and people around you. you will probably end up with friends, guildmates or even supporters of anything you stand for, for life. ignorance is a virus in the body that can run rampant out of control in the minds of those who are consumed by anger, hatred, and revenge. so when you rest your head tonight, ask yourself. what kind of person are you? if someone treated somebody you cared about how you treat other people on skype or bg chat would you be upset? if you dont care yet then you probably haven't fully mature yet.. but this is a game meant for teenagers so who am i to force entitlement of maturity on people who play warcraft to fuck around not to join a political science class.
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Re: 2014 Twink Cup $1500 Prize Pool

...trolling or hurtful things thrown my way are probably well deserved because i was a piece of shit to uraflamer along with many other former friends who fell victim to my enormous ego and made fun of uraflamers father which i felt much remorse for even to the point where i cried drunk nights when i thought uraflamer really commited sucicide because i felt partly to blame. so all in all i guess we reap what we sow and god(if he even exists) punished me by taking my father for my malacious and selfish actions towards sako...

... and you were a piece of shit to others because you are a selfish, heartless, and ignorant person. I honestly have no pity for you after all the shit you gave me.

Edit: So don't come on TI and trying be all emotional to have people feel all sorry for you. When there's others reading this, that you treated like dirt; who'd witnessed your "disguisting monster" side of you. Get out of here with that shit.
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Sorry I have not been on much this past week workin on some things. Can anyone name the make, model and year of a project car im getting this weekend its out of theses two....!!!!View attachment 4183View attachment 4184

Pocket heals for a night if you get it right hmu on btag Buckshotbob#1783


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