Boots Thief
With WOTLK there will probably be a lot of new people coming into the bracket. In this thread we will discuss etiquette of 19 Warsong pugs. I will start with the big 3.
1) Do not safespot with the flag.
Safespotting refers to areas on the map that are extremely difficult for the average player to get to. Bringing the flag to one of these spots ruins the game for everyone. Safespotting is not to be confused with “jumps” which are commonplace in the bracket.
2) Do not use Swiftness Potions.
Swiftness Potions AKA speedpots are extremely frowned upon within our community, this is because they are generally a crutch for poor positioning, and are very overpowered in both offensive and defensive scenarios. If you make a habit of popping speed pots (especially in games that are close) expect a lot of negative attention from the community.
3) Do not use Minor Magic Resistance Potions.
Minor Magic Resistance Potions give your character 25 resistance, they are brutally overpowered because they make you resist spells at a much higher rate than usual. Similar to speed pots, they are extremely frowned upon, making a habit of using these potions will garner you a lot of negative attention.
If you have anything that you feel should be added, or any questions regarding these suggestions, please leave a comment below.
1) Do not safespot with the flag.
Safespotting refers to areas on the map that are extremely difficult for the average player to get to. Bringing the flag to one of these spots ruins the game for everyone. Safespotting is not to be confused with “jumps” which are commonplace in the bracket.
2) Do not use Swiftness Potions.
Swiftness Potions AKA speedpots are extremely frowned upon within our community, this is because they are generally a crutch for poor positioning, and are very overpowered in both offensive and defensive scenarios. If you make a habit of popping speed pots (especially in games that are close) expect a lot of negative attention from the community.
3) Do not use Minor Magic Resistance Potions.
Minor Magic Resistance Potions give your character 25 resistance, they are brutally overpowered because they make you resist spells at a much higher rate than usual. Similar to speed pots, they are extremely frowned upon, making a habit of using these potions will garner you a lot of negative attention.
If you have anything that you feel should be added, or any questions regarding these suggestions, please leave a comment below.
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