19 twink warrior help!!!

You don't care about hit in pugs??
Your belt can be changed for "off the soldier" 5stam/5str/5crit.

As riv said the ONLY time i use Heroic strike is when there is a nukable target and i already have some rage with me; for e.g a druid/mage fc i charge and slap on a heroic strike asap as it should be next swing. Gotten some lucky crits with that and saved some wsg games. Otherwise HS is pretty much non-existent for me.

As i said earlier I roll with 14 hit as i hate seeing misses; not saying its best and doesnt have its flaw (lacking crit). Since for the time being the AP on the leather shoulder counts for the 6str loss on the valor.

Also yes, your crit seems a little too low for my liking and your AP seems fine, (keeping in mind when using a shield you gain alot more ap through ATT).

Therefore try using smelting pants and see how the crit does you.
Twinkin said:
Good to hear, just reminding you. This thread has suddenly made me want to make a Warrior, haha. 2h warrior, 35% crit, 350 ap.

Pls pm me, when you finished this twink.

I got 31% Crit with good stats. I think more would make you char weaker.
Hit rating wise, the best trade offs are with leather BoA chest and simple pearl ring. With your racial you will be capped without using the BoA bow, allowing you to use bronze throwing darts. Use this plus the BoA leather shoulders in arena.
Xeno³ said:
You do that often crits (double damage) so you dont care about hit.

holy shit that might just be one of the dumbest things ive ever read on this site. including the thread about 29 sp being better then 30. lmao
Supadrood said:
holy shit that might just be one of the dumbest things ive ever read on this site. including the thread about 29 sp being better then 30. lmao

Just calculate:

Hit Warrior (20%Crit - 150dmg):

20CritSwings * 300dmg = 6000

+ 80Swings * 150dmg = 12000

Total damage = 18000

Crit Warrior (31%Crit - 150dmg):

31CritSwings * 300dmg = 9300

+ 69Swings *150dmg = 10350

Total damage = 19650

- 5% Miss

Damage = 18667,5

PS: Mostly CritWarriors have better stats.
yes those sure are interesting numbers you have there. but when you miss a shield bash or a hamstring that extra crit % really helps amirite?
Xeno³ said:
Just calculate:

Hit Warrior (20%Crit - 150dmg):

20CritSwings * 300dmg = 6000

+ 80Swings * 150dmg = 12000

Total damage = 18000

Crit Warrior (31%Crit - 150dmg):

31CritSwings * 300dmg = 9300

+ 69Swings *150dmg = 10350

Total damage = 19650

- 5% Miss

Damage = 18667,5

PS: Mostly CritWarriors have better stats.

Not quite sure where you get the 'hit warriors only have 20% crit' from. It's wrong anyway.

10 hit rating (4.73%. hit)

The World of Warcraft Armory - Ceinia @ Al'Akir - Profile

Replace mining with skinning, 29% critical strike on a 'hit warrior'.

Get hit rating and stack crit after. It's definitely worth it.
If you take the basic stats and assume that a hit warrior = crit warrior except 10 of the hit warriors crit rating is hit rating you gain 4.73% extra damage, rather than the 3.33% extra damage than you would gain from the crit rating. Thus hit rating warriors produce 1.4% more damage than crit warriors, and they have far more reliability when it comes to bashes, hamstrings, disarms etc. I fail to see why people would not take the hit cap.
Rivfader said:
except you dont just get to trade 10 crit for 10 hit, best place to pick up 10 hit is with a pot imo

Aight, post a chardev of your crit warrior and i'll see what the damage difference will be if i shove in hit rating
don;t forget that a warrior with extra crit and no hit has a VERRY unstable overall DPS. ofcourse you don't care becuase the best thing about that is that healer's might not suspect a sudden burst, but the problem is that 5% miss is a percentage, if u have exactly 5% miss, and u missed 5 out of 100, the miss rating is exactly correct, however the 101th hit will ALWAYS screw the exact miss%(thats nto to hard to understand right?) therefor, with extreme unluck, you can have like 20% miss in one 1v1, because u can simply have 5 misses in a row, therefor you can also "miss" all the attacks that would have been crits if they did not miss and in 2 exactly the same 1v1's with exactly the same gear, you can still have a ~10% crit difference. i do not think it is worth stacking crit if you can not reach about 40% with it. low amounts of crit differences are just not good enough to rely on. you dont want your special attacks to be missed(say a crucial hamstring on a hunter misses, than u are pretty much dead right?)

also, since you can get TWO AP from one stat(unlike the rogue that only gets one AP from either STR or aggi), stacking STR will be much better for your overall damage. and if you really want to suprise your enemies healer with sudden bursts, just swap weapon's every now or than, w8 for crusader proccs, gather some rage, ect. warrior=/= crit

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