19 twink warrior help!!!


The World of Warcraft Armory - Kigatsuna @ Medivh - Profile

Heres my new armory post, just got skinning to 250 herb at 200 almost there! I'm just curious, I'm thinkin bout farmin badges for atleast 1 haste trink...with me almost always using my 2H glacier stone and all out dps gear, is it worth it?

IMO it woudnt be worth it; haste at 19 doesnt scale well and even if it did it will only be good if it was stacked.

Once you get an AGM, the PvP trinket and agm will be your default PuG stance.

You may want to use the haste while your trinket is on CD, but nothings worse than forgetting to equip your trinket or equipping it last minute + having to wait 45 secs for it to reset.

Also GJ on skinning/herbing; thats the toughest part of 19 twinking imo ^^

As others have stated earlier, Glacial Stone would be better of with fiery for burst, and BoA axe would be better for a 2h damage dealer.

R.I.P Goggles :), and gluck on fishing bud.
Ty I got herbing to 225 now as well :) Fishing hat I had on my old twink lock, have it on my rogue...REALLY not in the mood to get it on warrior haha...and agm wise its a slight issue cause horde MEdivh OWNS gurabashi :*( That was why I was thinkin for NOW get haste trink :) But yea hoping to get the fishing hat early, thanks
ahaaa for now, Yeah might aswell get the haste :), better than nothing.

And fishing hat is a must! if u dont have engi :). 150 hp and the most PROSAURAS hat in the game!
Kigatsuyaa said:
Do you guys think in cata arms warriors with my sexy Glacier Stone will be a good choice?

At the moment warriors are not looking too great for cata. They have lost most of their utility and mainly just do lots of damage (if they can stay on target). Things could change though as cata is a way off yet.
Plobb got it on the head, i normally go emo mode when talking about warriors in cata; so ill avoid it here :); ill just hope things change when cata arrives :).

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